[DEPRECATED] Pipelet: Analytics ABCTest
Pipelet ABCTest
Deprecated. It is recommended to use the platform AB-test feature instead of this pipelet. The ABCTest pipelet is used to run AB testing. The source for the random number can be either the SessionID (default) or the RequestID. Multiple branches can be configured. For each branch, a name and a percentage must be configured. The system then runs the ABTest and distributes the test according to the given percentages. The percentages can be configured or can be passed in as input parameters. If percentages are configured and also passed in as input parameters, then the input parameters are used. If the total percentages don't add up to 100, then the "Rest" branch is selected. The pipelet must be configured with at least one branch. More branches are optional. The pipelet puts the name of the test and the name of the selected branch as values back into the PipelineDictionary. When session mode is selected, it is guaranteed that the ABTest will result in the same decision for the whole session. Multiple ABTests in the same site, even when configured equivalently, will result in different decisions. This makes the two tests statistically independent of each other.
Deprecated. It is recommended to use the platform AB-test feature instead of this pipelet. The ABCTest pipelet is used to run AB testing. The source for the random number can be either the SessionID (default) or the RequestID. Multiple
Analytics (deprecated)
Configuration Properties
ABCTestName : String Required
Branch1Name : String Required
Branch1Percentage : Double Required
Branch2Name : String Optional
Branch2Percentage : String Optional
Branch3Name : String Optional
Branch3Percentage : Double Optional
Branch4Name : String Optional
Branch4Percentage : Double Optional
Branch5Name : String Optional
Branch5Percentage : Double Optional
Branch6Name : String Optional
Branch6Percentage : Double Optional
Mode : String Optional
Determines whether the SessionID or the RequestID is used as source for the randomnumber. Possible values are: "Session" (default), "Request"
Permissible Values:
RestName : String Required
The branch name for the rest of the test sample, which don't fall into any of the configured branches.
Input Parameters
Branch1Percentage : String Optional
Branch2Percentage : String Optional
Branch3Percentage : String Optional
Branch4Percentage : String Optional
Branch5Percentage : String Optional
Branch6Percentage : String Optional
Output Parameters
BranchName : String : Required
The name of the branch, which was choose by the test.
TestName : String : Required