[DEPRECATED] Pipelet: Basket VerifyCreditCard

Pipelet VerifyCreditCard

Deprecated. Do not use this pipelet. Use the VerifyPaymentCard pipelet instead.

Verifies that the supplied CardNumber has a valid checksum and that the supplied ExpirationMonth and ExpirationYear fields specify a valid date in the future. If not then the the pipelet exits with an ERROR. The Status contains the error status of the validation and an additional error code.


Deprecated. Do not use this pipelet. Use the VerifyPaymentCard pipelet instead.


Basket (deprecated)


Error Connector

Input Parameters

CardNumber : String Required

The number of the credit card.

ExpirationMonth : Number Required

The expiration month of the card.

ExpirationYear : Number Required

The expiration year of the card.

Output Parameters

Status : Status : Required

The status of the validation. Can be one of the following:

OK - dw.system.Status.OK ERROR - dw.system.Status.ERROR Additionally a status code is provided in case an the status ERROR is returned. The status code can be one of the following: CREDITCARD_100 - Credit card number invalid CREDITCARD_110 - Credit card expired