[DEPRECATED] Script: Class dw.rpc.WebReference

Class WebReference

Represents a web service defined in a WSDL file. The implementation is backed by a JAX-RPC framework. You should use the newer dw.ws package and WebReference2 class instead, which is based on JAX-WS.

Use the Services module in Business Manager to set timeout values, not the methods for this class. The Services module provides better analytics and timeout management. To create an instance of a WebReference object, in a B2C Commerce Script file, reference a WSDL file in the webreferences directory and request the service Stub using one of the get service methods. For example, if your WSDL file is MyWSDL.wsdl, to create an instance of WebReference and access the Stub:

 var webref : WebReference = webreferences.MyWSDL;
 var stub : Stub = webref.getDefaultService();

Note: script classes representing your WSDL file are are generated by the platform and then placed in the WebReferences package. You do not need to include the importPackage statement in your B2C Commerce Script file to use classes in the WebReferences package.


This class is deprecated, please use webreferences2 instead (see also WebReference2).
In migrating from webreferences to webreferences2 the property collectionType=indexed may be helpful. Setting this in the property file for the WSDL will make the generated API more closely resemble the API generated by webreferences.

See Also:




defaultService : Stub Read Only

The default service of the WebReference object. If you have more than one service defined in your WSDL, the default service is the first service alphabetically. If the service has multiple ports defined, the default service uses the SOAP port name that is first alphabetically.


use webreferences2 instead

Constructor Summary


Method Summary

getDefaultService() : Stub

Returns the default service of the WebReference object.

getService(service : String, port : String) : Stub

Returns a specific service from this WebReference.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


getDefaultService() : Stub

Returns the default service of the WebReference object. If you have more than one service defined in your WSDL, the default service is the first service alphabetically. If the service has multiple ports defined, the default service uses the SOAP port name that is first alphabetically.


use webreferences2 instead


the default service of the WebReference object.


getService(service : String, port : String) : Stub

Returns a specific service from this WebReference.


use webreferences2 instead


service - the service to locate.

port - the port name to use.

 var port = webref.getService("SampleServiceName","SamplePortName");


a specific service from this WebReference.