Job Step: Job Step ExportOrders

Job Step ExportOrders

Exports all orders matching the selected criteria using Search Service, with a maximum of 1000 orders per run. After an order has been exported successfully, its export status is EXPORTED. If an order did not export successfully, its order export status is FAILED. This job step is intended to export orders at recurring intervals. To include all orders that are ready to be exported (up to 1000), set the filter criteria to Export Status = READY FOR EXPORT.

Execution Context:


Parallel Execution:

Not Supported

Always execute on restart:


Input Parameters

Canceled : Boolean Optional

Include orders in order status CANCELED.

Default Value: true

Completed : Boolean Optional

Include orders in order status COMPLETED.

Default Value: true

Confirmation Status : String Required

The confirmation status.

Allowed Values: All, Not Confirmed, Confirmed

Default Value: All

Created : Boolean Optional

Deprecated. Created orders cannot be exported.

Default Value: true

Export Status : String Required

The export status. Recommendation is to use READY FOR EXPORT to signal the export is needed.

Allowed Values: All, Not Exported, Exported, Ready for Export, Export Failed

Default Value: Ready for Export

ExportFile : String Optional

Export file name and path relative to 'IMPEX/src'. Required if not using FileNamePrefix.

Failed : Boolean Optional

Deprecated. Failed orders cannot be exported.

Default Value: true

FileNamePrefix : String Optional

Prefix for the export file. A timestamp is appended and site information as applicable. To order the files chronologically, sort alphanumerically. Path is relative to 'IMPEX/src' and can include a subdirectory. Required if not using ExportFile.

New : Boolean Optional

Include orders in order status NEW.

Default Value: true

Open : Boolean Optional

Include orders in order status OPEN.

Default Value: true

OverwriteExportFile : Boolean Optional

If selected, the option overwrites an existing file. If not selected and a file exists, the job step exits and reports an error.

Default Value: true

Payment Status : String Required

The payment status.

Allowed Values: All, Not Paid, Partially Paid, Paid

Default Value: All

Replaced : Boolean Optional

Include orders in order status REPLACED.

Default Value: true

Shipment Status : String Required

The shipment status.

Allowed Values: All, Not Shipped, Partially Shipped, Shipped

Default Value: All

Use Order Export Delay : Boolean Optional

See 'Order Export Delay' at 'Site Preferences' -> 'Order Preferences' -> 'Order Export Settings'

Default Value: false

Exit Status


Step exit status used when the export finished successfully.


Step exit status used when the export failed.