Pipelet: Basket VerifyPaymentCard

Pipelet VerifyPaymentCard

This pipelet is used to verify payment card information. It does several validations and returns a Status object. In case of invalid payment card information the Status object contains one or multiple status items. The following conditions must be met for the pipelet to succeed, otherwise the pipelet will return on the ERROR exit:

  • ExpirationMonth and ExpirationYear specify a valid date in future.
  • CardNumber checksum algorithm (Luhn) finishes successfully. If enabled in payment card settings.
  • CardNumber matches payment card length and prefix settings.
  • CardSecurityCode length matches payment card security code length setting.




Error Connector

Configuration Properties

VerifySecurityCode : Boolean Required

Enables or disables the card security code verification. Note: This flag is ignored, if the card security code verification of this card type is disabled in Business Manager.

Permissible Values:



Input Parameters

PaymentCard : PaymentCard Required

The payment card to verify card information for.

CardNumber : String Required

The card number of the payment card.

ExpirationMonth : Number Required

The expiration month of the payment card.

ExpirationYear : Number Required

The expiration year of the payment card.

CardSecurityCode : String Optional

The security code of the payment card.

Output Parameters

Status : Status : Required

The status of the verification. Can be one of the following:

  • OK - dw.system.Status.OK
  • ERROR - dw.system.status.ERROR

Additionally one or multiple status codes are provided in case of status ERROR. The status codes can be of the following:

  • CREDITCARD_INVALID_CARD_NUMBER - Payment card number is invalid.
  • CREDITCARD_INVALID_EXPIRATION_DATE - Payment card is expired.
  • CREDITCARD_INVALID_SECURITY_CODE - Payment card security code length is invalid.