Pipelet: Order CreateGiftCertificate

Pipelet CreateGiftCertificate

CreateGiftCertificate attempts to create a GiftCertificate using the required and optional input parameters. If you pass in an ID (gift certificate code) to this pipelet, the ID will be used to create the Gift Certificate. Be aware that this ID must be unique for the current site. If it is not unique, the GiftCertificate will not be created. If you pass a GiftCertificateLineItem to this pipelet, the ID of the newly created GiftCertificate will be set on the GiftCertificateLineItem via the setGiftCertificateId() method.




Error Connector

Transaction Required

Input Parameters

Amount : Number Required

The amount of the gift certificate.

SenderName : String Optional

The person that is sending the gift certificate.

RecipientName : String Optional

Name of person receiving gift certificate

RecipientEmail : String Required

The email address of the person receiving the gift certificate.

GiftCertificateLineItem : GiftCertificateLineItem Optional

An instance of a GiftCertificateLineItem. If this line item is passed in to this pipelet, the Gift Certifcate number is set on the Gift Certificate Line Item.

Message : String Optional

An optional message that will be inserted into the email sent to the recipient.

OrderNo : String Required

The order number.

ID : String Optional

Use this parameter to specify the unique code for the new gift certificate. If parameter is not defined, the system will assign a code to the new gift certificate.

Output Parameters

GiftCertificate : GiftCertificate : Required

The newly created Gift Certificate.