Script: Class dw.campaign.CouponMgr
Class CouponMgr
- Object
- dw.campaign.CouponMgr
Manager to access coupons.
Indicates that an error occurred because a valid data domain cannot be found for given siteID.
coupons : Collection Read Only
All coupons in the current site in no specific order.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static getCoupon(couponID : String) : Coupon
Returns the coupon with the specified ID.
static getCouponByCode(couponCode : String) : Coupon
Tries to find a coupon for the given coupon code.
static getCoupons() : Collection
Returns all coupons in the current site in no specific order.
static getRedemptions(couponID : String, couponCode : String) : Collection
Returns list of CouponRedemptions for the specified coupon and coupon code, sorted by redemption date descending (i.e.
static maskRedemptions(siteID : String, email : String) : Status
Mask customer email address in coupon redemptions for the given siteID and email address
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
static getCoupon(couponID : String) : Coupon
Returns the coupon with the specified ID.
couponID - the coupon identifier.
Coupon with specified ID or null
static getCouponByCode(couponCode : String) : Coupon
Tries to find a coupon for the given coupon code. The method first searches for a coupon with a fixed code matching the passed value. If no such fixed coupon is found, it searches for a coupon with a system-generated code matching the passed value. If found, the coupon is returned. Otherwise, the method returns null.
couponCode - The coupon code to get the coupon for.
The coupon with the matching coupon code or null if no coupon was found.
static getCoupons() : Collection
Returns all coupons in the current site in no specific order.
Coupons in current site
static getRedemptions(couponID : String, couponCode : String) : Collection
Returns list of CouponRedemptions for the specified coupon and coupon code, sorted by redemption date descending (i.e. last redemption first). Usually, there should only either be 0 or 1 redemption. But if a coupon and code is removed and recreated and re-issued later, there might be multiple such redemption records. Returns an empty list if no redemption record exists in system for the specified coupon and code.
couponID - The coupon id to find redemption for.
couponCode - The coupon code to find redemption for.
A sorted list of CouponRedemptions for the specified coupon and coupon code or an empty list if no redemption record exists.
static maskRedemptions(siteID : String, email : String) : Status
Mask customer email address in coupon redemptions for the given siteID and email address
siteID - the site ID
email - the customer email address
The status of the masking result