Script: Class dw.campaign.SourceCodeInfo

Class SourceCodeInfo

  • Object
    • dw.campaign.SourceCodeInfo

Class representing a code (i.e. a "source code") that has been applied to a customer's session. Source codes can qualify customers for different campaigns, promotions, and other site experiences from those that the typical customer sees. Codes are organized into source code groups.

Typically, a code is applied to a customer's session automatically by Commerce Cloud Digital when a customer accesses a Digital URL with a well known request parameter in the querystring. A code may also be explicitly applied to a customer session using the SetSourceCode pipelet.



The literal source-code is found and currently active.


The literal source-code is found but not active.


The literal source-code is not found in the system.


code : String Read Only

The literal source-code.

group : SourceCodeGroup Read Only

The associated source-code group.

redirect : URLRedirect Read Only

Retrieves the redirect information from the last processed SourceCodeGroup (active or inactive). If none exists, then the redirect information is retrieved from the source-code preferences, based on the active/inactive status of the SourceCodeGroup. The redirect information is then resolved to the output URL. If the redirect information cannot be resolved to a URL, or there is an error retrieving the preferences, then null is returned.

status : Number Read Only

The status of the source-code. One of the following: STATUS_INVALID - The source code is not found in the system. STATUS_INACTIVE - The source code is found but not active. STATUS_INACTIVE - The source code is found and active.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getCode() : String

The literal source-code.

getGroup() : SourceCodeGroup

The associated source-code group.

getRedirect() : URLRedirect

Retrieves the redirect information from the last processed SourceCodeGroup (active or inactive).

getStatus() : Number

The status of the source-code.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getCode() : String

The literal source-code.


the source-code.


getGroup() : SourceCodeGroup

The associated source-code group.


the source-code group.


getRedirect() : URLRedirect

Retrieves the redirect information from the last processed SourceCodeGroup (active or inactive). If none exists, then the redirect information is retrieved from the source-code preferences, based on the active/inactive status of the SourceCodeGroup. The redirect information is then resolved to the output URL. If the redirect information cannot be resolved to a URL, or there is an error retrieving the preferences, then null is returned.


URLRedirect containing the location and status code, null in case of no redirect was found


getStatus() : Number

The status of the source-code. One of the following: STATUS_INVALID - The source code is not found in the system. STATUS_INACTIVE - The source code is found but not active. STATUS_INACTIVE - The source code is found and active.


the status.