Script: Class dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr

Class PriceBookMgr

Price book manager provides methods to access price books.


allPriceBooks : Collection Read Only

All price books defined for the organization.

applicablePriceBooks : Collection

A collection of price books that are set in the user session.

sitePriceBooks : Collection Read Only

All price books assigned to the current site.
Please note that this doesn't include parent price books not assigned to the site, but considered by the price lookup.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

static assignPriceBookToSite(priceBook : PriceBook, siteId : String) : boolean

Assign a price book to a site.

static getAllPriceBooks() : Collection

Returns all price books defined for the organization.

static getApplicablePriceBooks() : Collection

Returns a collection of price books that are set in the user session.

static getPriceBook(priceBookID : String) : PriceBook

Returns the price book of the current organization matching the specified ID.

static getSitePriceBooks() : Collection

Returns all price books assigned to the current site.

static setApplicablePriceBooks(priceBooks : PriceBook...) : void

Sets one or more price books to be considered by the product price lookup.

static unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(priceBook : PriceBook) : boolean

Unassign a price book from all sites.

static unassignPriceBookFromSite(priceBook : PriceBook, siteId : String) : boolean

Unassign a price book from a site.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


static assignPriceBookToSite(priceBook : PriceBook, siteId : String) : boolean

Assign a price book to a site. This requires a transaction, see Transaction.wrap(Function)


priceBook - price book to be assigned

siteId - id of the site to be assigned to, such as 'SiteGenesis'. The site has to be a storefront site.


true if price book is assigned to site. Throws an exception if price book doesn't exist or site doesn't exist or site is not a storefront site.


static getAllPriceBooks() : Collection

Returns all price books defined for the organization.


All price books of the organization.


static getApplicablePriceBooks() : Collection

Returns a collection of price books that are set in the user session.


Collection of applicable price books set in the session.


static getPriceBook(priceBookID : String) : PriceBook

Returns the price book of the current organization matching the specified ID.


priceBookID - The price book id.


Price book or null of not found


static getSitePriceBooks() : Collection

Returns all price books assigned to the current site.
Please note that this doesn't include parent price books not assigned to the site, but considered by the price lookup.


All price books assigned to the current site.


static setApplicablePriceBooks(priceBooks : PriceBook...) : void

Sets one or more price books to be considered by the product price lookup. The information is stored in the user session. If no price book is set in the user session, all active and valid price books assigned to the site are used for the price lookup. If price books are set, only those price books are considered by the price lookup. Note that the system does not assure that a price book set by this API is assigned to the current site.


priceBooks - The price books that are set in the session as applicable price books.


static unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(priceBook : PriceBook) : boolean

Unassign a price book from all sites. This requires a transaction, see Transaction.wrap(Function)


priceBook - price book to be unassigned


true if price book is unassigned from all sites. Throws an exception if price book doesn't exist


static unassignPriceBookFromSite(priceBook : PriceBook, siteId : String) : boolean

Unassign a price book from a site. This requires a transaction, see Transaction.wrap(Function)


priceBook - price book to be unassigned

siteId - id of the site to be unassigned from, such as 'SiteGenesis'. The site has to be a storefront site.


true if price book is unassigned from site. Throws an exception if price book doesn't exist or site doesn't exist or site is not a storefront site.