Script: Class dw.crypto.Signature

Class Signature

This class allows access to signature services offered through the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA). At this time the signature/verification implementation of the methods is based on the default RSA JCE provider of the JDK -

dw.crypto.Signature is an adapter to the security provider implementation and covers several digest algorithms:

  • SHA1withRSA (deprecated)
  • SHA256withRSA
  • SHA384withRSA
  • SHA512withRSA
  • SHA256withRSA/PSS
  • SHA384withRSA/PSS
  • SHA512withRSA/PSS

Key size generally ranges between 512 and 65536 bits (the latter of which is unnecessarily large).
Default key size for RSA is 1024. SHA384withRSA and SHA512withRSA require a key with length of at least 1024 bits.
When choosing a key size - beware of the tradeoff between security and processing time:
The longer the key, the harder to break it but also it takes more time for the two sides to sign and verify the signature.
An exception will be thrown for keys shorter than 2048 bits in this version of the API.

Note: this class handles sensitive security-related data. Pay special attention to PCI DSS v3. requirements 2, 4, 12, and other relevant requirements.



Supported digest algorithms exposed as a string array


Constructor Summary


Method Summary

isDigestAlgorithmSupported(digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Checks to see if a digest algorithm is supported

sign(contentToSign : String, privateKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : String

Signs a string and returns a string

sign(contentToSign : String, privateKey : KeyRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : String

Signs a string and returns a string

signBytes(contentToSign : Bytes, privateKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : Bytes

Signs bytes and returns bytes

signBytes(contentToSign : Bytes, privateKey : KeyRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : Bytes

Signs bytes and returns bytes

verifyBytesSignature(signature : Bytes, contentToVerify : Bytes, publicKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as bytes

verifyBytesSignature(signature : Bytes, contentToVerify : Bytes, certificate : CertificateRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as bytes

verifySignature(signature : String, contentToVerify : String, publicKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as string

verifySignature(signature : String, contentToVerify : String, certificate : CertificateRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as string

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


isDigestAlgorithmSupported(digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Checks to see if a digest algorithm is supported


digestAlgorithm - the digest algorithm name


a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false)


sign(contentToSign : String, privateKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : String

Signs a string and returns a string


contentToSign - base64 encoded content to sign

privateKey - base64 encoded private key

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


the base64 encoded signature


sign(contentToSign : String, privateKey : KeyRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : String

Signs a string and returns a string


contentToSign - base64 encoded content to sign

privateKey - a reference to a private key entry in the keystore

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


the base64 encoded signature


signBytes(contentToSign : Bytes, privateKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : Bytes

Signs bytes and returns bytes


contentToSign - transformed with UTF-8 encoding into a byte stream

privateKey - base64 encoded private key

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones




signBytes(contentToSign : Bytes, privateKey : KeyRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : Bytes

Signs bytes and returns bytes


contentToSign - transformed with UTF-8 encoding into a byte stream

privateKey - a reference to a private key entry in the keystore

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones




verifyBytesSignature(signature : Bytes, contentToVerify : Bytes, publicKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as bytes


signature - signature to check as bytes

contentToVerify - as bytes

publicKey - base64 encoded public key

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false)


verifyBytesSignature(signature : Bytes, contentToVerify : Bytes, certificate : CertificateRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as bytes


signature - signature to check as bytes

contentToVerify - as bytes

certificate - a reference to a trusted certificate entry in the keystore

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false)


verifySignature(signature : String, contentToVerify : String, publicKey : String, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as string


signature - base64 encoded signature

contentToVerify - base64 encoded content to verify

publicKey - base64 encoded public key

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false)


verifySignature(signature : String, contentToVerify : String, certificate : CertificateRef, digestAlgorithm : String) : boolean

Verifies a signature supplied as string


signature - base64 encoded signature

contentToVerify - base64 encoded content to verify

certificate - a reference to a trusted certificate entry in the keystore

digestAlgorithm - must be one of the currently supported ones


a boolean indicating success (true) or failure (false)