Script: Class dw.customer.AgentUserMgr

Class AgentUserMgr

  • Object
    • dw.customer.AgentUserMgr

Provides helper methods for handling agent user functionality (login and logout) Pay attention to appropriate legal and regulatory requirements related to this functionality.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

static loginAgentUser(login : String, password : String) : Status

Logs in an agent user (which for example is authorized to login on-behalf of a customer for instance to place an order).

static loginOnBehalfOfCustomer(customer : Customer) : Status

This method logs the specified customer into the current session if the current agent user has the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf' in the current site.

static logoutAgentUser() : Status

Performs a logout of the agent user and the current customer which are attached to the current session.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


static loginAgentUser(login : String, password : String) : Status

Logs in an agent user (which for example is authorized to login on-behalf of a customer for instance to place an order). The login is only allowed during a secure protocol request (https) and only in the storefront context. The user must have the permission 'Login_Agent'. When the login is successful, a new session will be created. Any objects that need to be preserved in the session need to bet set on the session afterwards. A Status object is returned which signals whether the login was successful or not. In case of a login failure the status object contains the reason for this. See AgentUserStatusCodes for more information.


login - the login name for the agent user.

password - the password for the agent user.


the login status (OK if successful, error code otherwise).


static loginOnBehalfOfCustomer(customer : Customer) : Status

This method logs the specified customer into the current session if the current agent user has the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf' in the current site. The dwcustomer cookie will not be set. The login is only allowed during a secure protocol request (https). A Status object is returned indicating whether the login was successful or not (and indicating the failure reason). See AgentUserStatusCodes for more information. Error conditions include:

  • if the method is not called in the storefront context
  • if the given customer is not a registered customer (anonymous)
  • if the given customer is not registered for the current site
  • if the given customer is disabled
  • if there is no agent user at the current session
  • if the agent user is not logged in
  • if the agent user has not the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf'


customer - The customer, which should be logged instead of the agent user


the login status (OK if successful, error code otherwise).


static logoutAgentUser() : Status

Performs a logout of the agent user and the current customer which are attached to the current session. The logout is only allowed during a secure protocol request (https) and only in the storefront context.


the logout status (OK if successful, error code otherwise).