Script: Class dw.customer.Wallet
Class Wallet
- Object
- dw.customer.Wallet
Represents a set of payment instruments associated with a registered customer.
Note: this class allows access to sensitive personal and private information. Pay attention to appropriate legal and regulatory requirements when developing.
paymentInstruments : Collection Read Only
A collection of all payment instruments associated with the related customer.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
createPaymentInstrument(paymentMethodId : String) : CustomerPaymentInstrument
Creates a new, empty payment instrument object associated with the related customer for the given payment method.
getPaymentInstruments() : Collection
Returns a collection of all payment instruments associated with the related customer.
getPaymentInstruments(paymentMethodID : String) : Collection
Returns a collection of all payment instruments associated with the related customer filtered by the given payment method id.
removePaymentInstrument(instrument : CustomerPaymentInstrument) : void
Removes a payment instrument associated with the customer.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
createPaymentInstrument(paymentMethodId : String) : CustomerPaymentInstrument
Creates a new, empty payment instrument object associated with the related customer for the given payment method.
paymentMethodId - the id of a payment method
the new payment instrument object.
NullArgumentException - If passed 'paymentMethodId' is null.
getPaymentInstruments() : Collection
Returns a collection of all payment instruments associated with the related customer.
Collection of all payment instruments.
getPaymentInstruments(paymentMethodID : String) : Collection
Returns a collection of all payment instruments associated with the related customer filtered by the given payment method id. If null
is passed as payment method id all payment instruments of the customer will be retrieved. If for the given payment method id no payment instrument is associated with the customer an empty collection will be returned.
paymentMethodID - the paymentMethodID the payment method id to filter for
Collection of payment instruments for a payment method.
removePaymentInstrument(instrument : CustomerPaymentInstrument) : void
Removes a payment instrument associated with the customer.
instrument - the instrument associated with this customer
NullArgumentException - If passed 'instrument' is null.
IllegalArgumentException - If passed 'instrument' belongs to an other customer