Script: Class dw.experience.Region
Class Region
- Object
- dw.experience.Region
This class represents a region which serves as container of components. Using the PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings) a region can be rendered.
See Also:
ID : String Read Only
The id of this region.
size : Number Read Only
The number of components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
Due to its time and customer group depending nature this call should NOT happen in a pagecached context outside of the processing induced by the above mentioned render methods.
visibleComponents : Collection Read Only
The components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
As visibility is driven by the merchant configured dynamic visibility rules, e.g. scheduling and custom segmentation, this call should NOT happen in a pagecached context outside of the processing induced by the above mentioned render methods.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
Returns the id of this region.
Returns the number of components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
getVisibleComponents() : Collection
Returns the components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
getID() : String
Returns the id of this region.
the region id
getSize() : Number
Returns the number of components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
Due to its time and customer group depending nature this call should NOT happen in a pagecached context outside of the processing induced by the above mentioned render methods.
the number of visible (i.e. renderable or serializable) components in this region
getVisibleComponents() : Collection
Returns the components that would be rendered by this region when calling PageMgr.renderRegion(Region) or PageMgr.renderRegion(Region, RegionRenderSettings).
As visibility is driven by the merchant configured dynamic visibility rules, e.g. scheduling and custom segmentation, this call should NOT happen in a pagecached context outside of the processing induced by the above mentioned render methods.
the visible (i.e. renderable or serializable) components in this region