Script: Class dw.extensions.PinterestOrderHooks

Class PinterestOrderHooks

PinterestOrderHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Pinterest order status.

These hooks are not executed in a transaction.

The extension points (hook names), and the functions that are called by each extension point. A function must be defined inside a JavaScript source and must be exported. The script with the exported hook function must be located inside a site cartridge. Inside the site cartridge a 'package.json' file with a 'hooks' entry must exist.

"hooks": "./hooks.json"

The hooks entry links to a json file, relative to the 'package.json' file. This file lists all registered hooks inside the hooks property:

"hooks": [ {"name": "dw.extensions.pinterest.order.getStatus", "script": "./hooks.ds"} ]

A hook entry has a 'name' and a 'script' property.

  • The 'name' contains the extension point, the hook name.
  • The 'script' contains the script relative to the hooks file, with the exported hook function.


extensionPointGetStatus : String = "dw.extensions.pinterest.order.getStatus"

The extension point name dw.extensions.pinterest.order.getStatus.


Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getStatus(order : PinterestOrder) : Status

Called to retrieve status for the given order.

Method Detail


getStatus(order : PinterestOrder) : Status

Called to retrieve status for the given order. Return a null status for unknown orders.


order - the Pinterest order


a non-null Status ends the hook execution