Script: Class

Class HTTPRequestPart

This represents a part in a multi-part HTTP POST request.

A part always has a name and value. The value may be a String, Bytes, or the contents of a File.

A character encoding may be specified for any of these, and the content type and a file name may additionally be specified for the Bytes and File types.

Note: when this class is used with sensitive data, be careful in persisting sensitive information.


bytesValue : Bytes Read Only

Get the Bytes value of the part.

contentType : String Read Only

The content type of this part.

encoding : String Read Only

Get the charset to be used to encode the string.

fileName : String Read Only

Get the file name to use when sending a file part.

fileValue : File Read Only

Get the file value of the part.

name : String Read Only

Get the name of the part.

stringValue : String Read Only

Get the string value of the part.

Constructor Summary

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, value : String)

Construct a part representing a simple string name/value pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, value : String, encoding : String)

Construct a part representing a simple string name/value pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, data : Bytes)

Construct a part representing a name/bytes pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, data : Bytes, contentType : String, encoding : String, fileName : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File, contentType : String, encoding : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

HTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File, contentType : String, encoding : String, fileName : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

Method Summary

getBytesValue() : Bytes

Get the Bytes value of the part.

getContentType() : String

Returns the content type of this part.

getEncoding() : String

Get the charset to be used to encode the string.

getFileName() : String

Get the file name to use when sending a file part.

getFileValue() : File

Get the file value of the part.

getName() : String

Get the name of the part.

getStringValue() : String

Get the string value of the part.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, value : String)

Construct a part representing a simple string name/value pair. The HTTP message uses "US-ASCII" as the default character set for the part.


name - The name of the part.

value - The string to post.


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, value : String, encoding : String)

Construct a part representing a simple string name/value pair. The HTTP message uses the specified encoding or "US-ASCII" if null is passed for the part.


name - The name of the part.

value - The string to post.

encoding - The charset to be used to encode the string, if null the default is used.


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair. The HTTP message will use "application/octet-stream" as the content type and "ISO-8859-1" as the character set for the part.


name - The name of the file part

file - The file to post


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, data : Bytes)

Construct a part representing a name/bytes pair. The HTTP message will use "application/octet-stream" as the content type without a character set.


name - The name of the file part

data - The bytes to post


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, data : Bytes, contentType : String, encoding : String, fileName : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

  • If both contentType and encoding are null, then the part will be defaulted to use "application/octet-stream" as the content-type without an encoding.
  • If only the encoding is null, then the contentType will be used without an encoding.
  • If only the contentType is null, then it will be defaulted to "text/plain".


name - The name of the file part

data - The bytes to post

contentType - The content type for this part, if null or blank the default is used.

encoding - the charset encoding for this part, if null or blank the default is used.

fileName - The file name to use in the Mime header, or null to not use one.


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File, contentType : String, encoding : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

  • If both contentType and encoding are null, then the part will be defaulted to use "application/octet-stream" as the content-type and "ISO-8859-1" as the encoding.
  • If only the encoding is null, then the contentType will be used without an encoding.
  • If only the contentType is null, then it will be defaulted to "text/plain".


name - The name of the file part

file - The file to post

contentType - The content type for this part, if null or blank the default is used.

encoding - the charset encoding for this part, if null or blank the default is used


publicHTTPRequestPart(name : String, file : File, contentType : String, encoding : String, fileName : String)

Construct a part representing a name/File pair.

  • If both contentType and encoding are null, then the part will be defaulted to use "application/octet-stream" as the content-type and "ISO-8859-1" as the encoding.
  • If only the encoding is null, then the contentType will be used without an encoding.
  • If only the contentType is null, then it will be defaulted to "text/plain".


name - The name of the file part

file - The file to post

contentType - The content type for this part, if null or blank the default is used.

encoding - the charset encoding for this part, if null or blank the default is used

fileName - The file name to use in the Mime header, or null to use the name of the given file.

Method Detail


getBytesValue() : Bytes

Get the Bytes value of the part.


The Bytes value, or null if this part is not a Bytes part.


getContentType() : String

Returns the content type of this part.


The content type, or null if content type was not specified.


getEncoding() : String

Get the charset to be used to encode the string.


The charset, or null if charset was not specified.


getFileName() : String

Get the file name to use when sending a file part.


File name to use in the Mime header, or null for default behavior.


getFileValue() : File

Get the file value of the part.


The file value, or null if this part is not a file part.


getName() : String

Get the name of the part.


The part name, never null.


getStringValue() : String

Get the string value of the part.


The string value, or null if this part is not a string part.