Script: Class dw.order.CouponLineItem

Class CouponLineItem

The CouponLineItem class is used to store redeemed coupons in the Basket.


applied : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the coupon is currently applied in the basket. A coupon line is applied if there exists at least one price adjustment related to the coupon line item.

basedOnCampaign : boolean Read Only

Returns true if the line item represents a coupon of a campaign. If the coupon line item represents a custom coupon code, the method returns false.

bonusDiscountLineItems : Collection Read Only

The bonus discount line items of the line item container triggered by this coupon.

couponCode : String Read Only

The coupon code.

priceAdjustments : Collection Read Only

The price adjustments of the line item container triggered by this coupon.

promotion : Promotion Read Only

The promotion related to the coupon line item.


A coupon code and its coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.

promotionID : String Read Only

The id of the related promotion.


A coupon code and it's coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns the ID of one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.

statusCode : String Read Only

This method provides a detailed error status in case the coupon code of this coupon line item instance became invalid.

valid : boolean Read Only

Allows to check whether the coupon code of this coupon line item instance is valid. Coupon line item is valid, if status code is one of the following:

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

associatePriceAdjustment(priceAdjustment : PriceAdjustment) : void

Associates the specified price adjustment with the coupon line item.

getBonusDiscountLineItems() : Collection

Returns the bonus discount line items of the line item container triggered by this coupon.

getCouponCode() : String

Returns the coupon code.

getPriceAdjustments() : Collection

Returns the price adjustments of the line item container triggered by this coupon.

getPromotion() : Promotion

Returns the promotion related to the coupon line item.

getPromotionID() : String

Returns the id of the related promotion.

getStatusCode() : String

This method provides a detailed error status in case the coupon code of this coupon line item instance became invalid.

isApplied() : boolean

Identifies if the coupon is currently applied in the basket.

isBasedOnCampaign() : boolean

Returns true if the line item represents a coupon of a campaign.

isValid() : boolean

Allows to check whether the coupon code of this coupon line item instance is valid.

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


associatePriceAdjustment(priceAdjustment : PriceAdjustment) : void

Associates the specified price adjustment with the coupon line item. This method is only applicable if used for price adjustments and coupon line items NOT based on B2C Commerce campaigns.


priceAdjustment - Price adjustment to be associated with coupon line item.


getBonusDiscountLineItems() : Collection

Returns the bonus discount line items of the line item container triggered by this coupon.


Price adjustments triggered by the coupon


getCouponCode() : String

Returns the coupon code.


Coupon code


getPriceAdjustments() : Collection

Returns the price adjustments of the line item container triggered by this coupon.


Price adjustments triggered by the coupon


getPromotion() : Promotion

Returns the promotion related to the coupon line item.


A coupon code and its coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.


Promotion related to coupon represented by line item


getPromotionID() : String

Returns the id of the related promotion.


A coupon code and it's coupon can be associated with multiple promotions. Therefore, this method is not appropriate anymore. For backward-compatibility, the method returns the ID of one of the promotions associated with the coupon code.


the id of the related promotion.


getStatusCode() : String

This method provides a detailed error status in case the coupon code of this coupon line item instance became invalid.


Returns APPLIED if coupon is applied, and otherwise one of the codes defined in CouponStatusCodes


isApplied() : boolean

Identifies if the coupon is currently applied in the basket. A coupon line is applied if there exists at least one price adjustment related to the coupon line item.


true if the coupon is currently applied in the basket.


isBasedOnCampaign() : boolean

Returns true if the line item represents a coupon of a campaign. If the coupon line item represents a custom coupon code, the method returns false.


isValid() : boolean

Allows to check whether the coupon code of this coupon line item instance is valid. Coupon line item is valid, if status code is one of the following:


true if the coupon code is valid, false otherwise.