Script: Class dw.order.OrderPaymentInstrument

Class OrderPaymentInstrument

Represents any payment instrument used to pay orders, such as credit card or bank transfer. The object defines standard methods for credit card payment, and can be extended by attributes appropriate for other payment methods.


bankAccountDriversLicense : String Read Only

The driver's license associated with a bank account if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has permission to the Orders module.

Otherwise, the method throws an exception.

bankAccountNumber : String Read Only

The account number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has permissions to the Orders module.

Otherwise, the method throws an exception.

capturedAmount : Money Read Only

The sum of the captured amounts. The captured amounts are calculated on the fly. Associate a payment capture for an Payment Instrument with an Invoice using Invoice method addCaptureTransaction.

creditCardNumber : String Read Only

The de-crypted creditcard number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current authenticated customer is referenced by the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the customer is anonymous, and the order references this customer, and the protocol is secure and the order status is CREATED.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has the permission to manage orders.
  • If the payment information has not been masked as a result of the data retention security policy for the site.

Otherwise, the method returns the masked credit card number.

paymentTransaction : PaymentTransaction Read Only

The Payment Transaction for this Payment Instrument or null.

refundedAmount : Money Read Only

The sum of the refunded amounts. The refunded amounts are calculated on the fly. Associate a payment refund for an Payment Instrument with an Invoice using Invoice method addRefundTransaction.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getBankAccountDriversLicense() : String

Returns the driver's license associated with a bank account if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.

getBankAccountNumber() : String

Returns the account number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.

getCapturedAmount() : Money

Returns the sum of the captured amounts.

getCreditCardNumber() : String

Returns the de-crypted creditcard number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current authenticated customer is referenced by the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.

getPaymentTransaction() : PaymentTransaction

Returns the Payment Transaction for this Payment Instrument or null.

getRefundedAmount() : Money

Returns the sum of the refunded amounts.

Methods inherited from class PaymentInstrument

getBankAccountDriversLicense, getBankAccountDriversLicenseLastDigits, getBankAccountDriversLicenseLastDigits, getBankAccountDriversLicenseStateCode, getBankAccountHolder, getBankAccountNumber, getBankAccountNumberLastDigits, getBankAccountNumberLastDigits, getBankRoutingNumber, getCreditCardExpirationMonth, getCreditCardExpirationYear, getCreditCardHolder, getCreditCardIssueNumber, getCreditCardNumber, getCreditCardNumberLastDigits, getCreditCardNumberLastDigits, getCreditCardToken, getCreditCardType, getCreditCardValidFromMonth, getCreditCardValidFromYear, getEncryptedBankAccountDriversLicense, getEncryptedBankAccountNumber, getEncryptedCreditCardNumber, getEncryptedCreditCardNumber, getGiftCertificateCode, getGiftCertificateID, getMaskedBankAccountDriversLicense, getMaskedBankAccountDriversLicense, getMaskedBankAccountNumber, getMaskedBankAccountNumber, getMaskedCreditCardNumber, getMaskedCreditCardNumber, getMaskedGiftCertificateCode, getMaskedGiftCertificateCode, getPaymentMethod, isCreditCardExpired, isPermanentlyMasked, setBankAccountDriversLicense, setBankAccountDriversLicenseStateCode, setBankAccountHolder, setBankAccountNumber, setBankRoutingNumber, setCreditCardExpirationMonth, setCreditCardExpirationYear, setCreditCardHolder, setCreditCardIssueNumber, setCreditCardNumber, setCreditCardToken, setCreditCardType, setCreditCardValidFromMonth, setCreditCardValidFromYear, setGiftCertificateCode, setGiftCertificateID

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getBankAccountDriversLicense() : String

Returns the driver's license associated with a bank account if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has permission to the Orders module.

Otherwise, the method throws an exception.


the driver's license number if the calling context meets the necessary criteria.


getBankAccountNumber() : String

Returns the account number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current customer is identical to the customer related to the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has permissions to the Orders module.

Otherwise, the method throws an exception.


the account number if the calling context meets the necessary criteria.


getCapturedAmount() : Money

Returns the sum of the captured amounts. The captured amounts are calculated on the fly. Associate a payment capture for an Payment Instrument with an Invoice using Invoice method addCaptureTransaction.


sum of captured amounts


getCreditCardNumber() : String

Returns the de-crypted creditcard number if the calling context meets the following criteria:

  • If the method call happens in the context of a storefront request and the current authenticated customer is referenced by the basket or order, and the current protocol is HTTPS.
  • If the customer is anonymous, and the order references this customer, and the protocol is secure and the order status is CREATED.
  • If the method call happens in the context of the business manager and the current user has the permission to manage orders.
  • If the payment information has not been masked as a result of the data retention security policy for the site.

Otherwise, the method returns the masked credit card number.


the de-crypted creditcard number if the calling context meets the necessary criteria.


getPaymentTransaction() : PaymentTransaction

Returns the Payment Transaction for this Payment Instrument or null.


the Payment Transaction for this Payment Instrument or null.


getRefundedAmount() : Money

Returns the sum of the refunded amounts. The refunded amounts are calculated on the fly. Associate a payment refund for an Payment Instrument with an Invoice using Invoice method addRefundTransaction.


sum of refunded amounts