Script: Class dw.svc.ServiceConfig

Class ServiceConfig

Configuration object for Services.


credential : ServiceCredential Read Only

The related service credentials.

ID : String Read Only

The unique Service ID.

profile : ServiceProfile Read Only

The related service profile.

serviceType : String Read Only

The type of the service, such as HTTP or SOAP.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getCredential() : ServiceCredential

Returns the related service credentials.

getID() : String

Returns the unique Service ID.

getProfile() : ServiceProfile

Returns the related service profile.

getServiceType() : String

Returns the type of the service, such as HTTP or SOAP.

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getCredential() : ServiceCredential

Returns the related service credentials.


Related service credentials.


getID() : String

Returns the unique Service ID.


unique Service ID.


getProfile() : ServiceProfile

Returns the related service profile.


Related service profile.


getServiceType() : String

Returns the type of the service, such as HTTP or SOAP.


Type of the service, such as HTTP or SOAP.