Script: Class dw.util.SecureEncoder
Class SecureEncoder
- Object
- dw.util.SecureEncoder
SecureEncoder contains many methods for manipulating untrusted data Strings into RFC-Compliant Strings for a given context by encoding "bad" data into the proper format.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static forHtmlContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a general HTML context.
static forHtmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute guarded by a double quote.
static forHtmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute guarded by a single quote.
static forHtmlUnquotedAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute left unguarded.
static forJavaScriptInAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML attribute.
static forJavaScriptInBlock(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML block.
static forJavaScriptInHTML(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML context.
static forJavaScriptInSource(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside a JavaScript source file.
static forJSONValue(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a JSON Object Value to prevent escaping into a trusted context.
static forUriComponent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use as a component of a URI.
static forUriComponentStrict(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use as a component of a URI.
static forXmlCommentContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML comments.
static forXmlContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a general XML context.
static forXmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML attribute guarded by a double quote.
static forXmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML attribute guarded by a single quote.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
static forHtmlContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a general HTML context. E.g. text content and text attributes. This method takes the UNION of allowed characters between the two context, so may be more imprecise that the more specific contexts. Generally, this method is preferred unless you specifically understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Example Usage:
<input value="${SecureEncoder.forHtmlContent(unsafeData)}" />
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x9F) with �, the Unicode Replacement Character
- Replace special HTML characters with their HTML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forHtmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute guarded by a double quote. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of this will be used in the HTML document.
Example Usage:
<div id="${SecureEncoder.forHtmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(unsafeData)}"></div>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x9F) with �, the Unicode Replacement Character
- Replace special HTML characters with their HTML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forHtmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute guarded by a single quote. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of this will be used in the HTML document.
Example Usage:
<div id='${SecureEncoder.forHtmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(unsafeData)}'></div>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x9F) with �, the Unicode Replacement Character
- Replace special HTML characters with their HTML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forHtmlUnquotedAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an HTML Attribute left unguarded. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of this will be used in the HTML document.
Example Usage:
<div id=${SecureEncoder.forHtmlUnquotedAttribute(unsafeData)}></div>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x9F) with �, the Unicode Replacement Character
- Replace special HTML characters with their HTML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forJavaScriptInAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML attribute. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of the will be used in the page
Example Usage:
<button onclick="alert('${SecureEncoder.forJavaScriptInAttribute(unsafeData)}');">
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Slash escape certain illegal characters
- Replace special JavaScript characters with their Hex Encoded equivalents prepended with \\x for character codes under 128 and \\u for character codes over 128
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forJavaScriptInBlock(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML block. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of the will be used in the page
Example Usage:
<script type="text/javascript"> var data = "${SecureEncoder.forJavaScriptInBlock(unsafeData)}"; </script>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Slash escape certain illegal characters
- Replace special JavaScript characters with their Hex Encoded equivalents prepended with \\x for character codes under 128 and \\u for character codes over 128
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forJavaScriptInHTML(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside an HTML context. This method takes the UNION of allowed characters among the other contexts, so may be more imprecise that the more specific contexts. Generally, this method is preferred unless you specifically understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Example Usage:
<script type="text/javascript"> var data = "${SecureEncoder.forJavaScriptInHTML(unsafeData)}"; </script>
<button onclick="alert('${SecureEncoder.forJavaScriptInHTML(unsafeData)}');">
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Slash escape certain illegal characters
- Replace special JavaScript characters with their Hex Encoded equivalents prepended with \\x for character codes under 128 and \\u for character codes over 128
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forJavaScriptInSource(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in JavaScript inside a JavaScript source file. This method is preferred if you understand exactly how the output of the will be used in the page
Example Usage:
<...inside foobar.js...> var data = "${SecureEncoder.forJavaScriptInSource(unsafeData)}";
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Slash escape certain illegal characters
- Replace special JavaScript characters with their Hex Encoded equivalents prepended with \\x for character codes under 128 and \\u for character codes over 128
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forJSONValue(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a JSON Object Value to prevent escaping into a trusted context.
Example Usage:
var json = {"trusted_data" : SecureEncoder.forJSONValue(unsafeData)}; return JSON.stringify(json);
- Allow AlphaNumerics
- Slash escape certain illegal characters
- Replace all other characters with their Hex Encoded equivalents prepended with \\u
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forUriComponent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use as a component of a URI. This is equivalent to javascript's encodeURIComponent and does a realistic job of encoding.
Example Usage:
<a href="${SecureEncoder.forUriComponent(unsafeData)}"/>
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, ., ~, !, *, ', (, )
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Percent encode all other characters
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forUriComponentStrict(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use as a component of a URI. This is a strict encoder and fully complies with RFC3986.
Example Usage:
<a href="${SecureEncoder.forUriComponentStrict(unsafeData)}"/>
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, ., ~
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Percent encode all other characters
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forXmlCommentContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML comments. This method is preferred if you understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Note: It is recommended that you use a real parser, as this method can be misused, but is left here if a parser is unavailable to you
Example Usage:
<!-- ${SecureEncoder.forXmlCommentContent(unsafeData)} -->
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x84 or between 0x86 and 0x9F or between 0xFDD0 and 0xFDDF) with an empty string
- Replace special XML characters with their default XML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forXmlContent(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in a general XML context. E.g. text content and text attributes. This method takes the UNION of allowed characters between the other contexts, so may be more imprecise that the more specific contexts. Generally, this method is preferred unless you specifically understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Note: It is recommended that you use a real parser, as this method can be misused, but is left here if a parser is unavailable to you
Example Usage:
<bar attr="${SecureEncoder.forXmlContent(unsafeData)}"></bar>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x84 or between 0x86 and 0x9F or between 0xFDD0 and 0xFDDF) with an empty string
- Replace special XML characters with their default XML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forXmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML attribute guarded by a double quote. This method is preferred if you understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Note: It is recommended that you use a real parser, as this method can be misused, but is left here if a parser is unavailable to you
Example Usage:
<bar attr="${SecureEncoder.forXmlInDoubleQuoteAttribute(unsafeData)}"></bar>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x84 or between 0x86 and 0x9F or between 0xFDD0 and 0xFDDF) with an empty string
- Replace special XML characters with their default XML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input
static forXmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(input : String) : String
Encodes a given input for use in an XML attribute guarded by a single quote. This method is preferred if you understand the context in which untrusted data will be output.
Note: It is recommended that you use a real parser, as this method can be misused, but is left here if a parser is unavailable to you
Example Usage:
<bar attr='${SecureEncoder.forXmlInSingleQuoteAttribute(unsafeData)}'></bar>
- Allow AlphaNumerics and some Special characters
- Replace Illegal Control Characters (Below 0x1F or between 0x7F and 0x84 or between 0x86 and 0x9F or between 0xFDD0 and 0xFDDF) with an empty string
- Replace special XML characters with their default XML Entity equivalents
input - untrusted input to be encoded, if necessary
a properly encoded string for the given input