Script: Class dw.web.ClickStreamEntry

Class ClickStreamEntry

Represent an entry in the click stream.


host : String Read Only

The host.

locale : String Read Only

The locale sent from the user agent.

path : String Read Only

The path.

pipelineName : String Read Only

The name of the called pipeline. In most cases the name can be derived from the path, but not in all cases. If with URL rewritting a special landing page is defined for a DNS name, than the system internally might use a specific pipeline associated with this landing page.

queryString : String Read Only

The query string.

referer : String Read Only

The referer.

remoteAddress : String Read Only

The remote address.

timestamp : Number Read Only

The entry's timestamp.

url : String Read Only

The full URL for this click. The URL is returned as relative URL.

userAgent : String Read Only

The user agent.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getHost() : String

Returns the host.

getLocale() : String

Returns the locale sent from the user agent.

getParameter(name : String) : String

Returns a specific parameter value from the stored query string.

getPath() : String

Returns the path.

getPipelineName() : String

Returns the name of the called pipeline.

getQueryString() : String

Returns the query string.

getReferer() : String

Returns the referer.

getRemoteAddress() : String

Returns the remote address.

getTimestamp() : Number

Returns the entry's timestamp.

getUrl() : String

Returns the full URL for this click.

getUserAgent() : String

Returns the user agent.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getHost() : String

Returns the host.


the host.


getLocale() : String

Returns the locale sent from the user agent.


the locale sent from the user agent.


getParameter(name : String) : String

Returns a specific parameter value from the stored query string. The method can be used to extract a source code or affiliate id out of the URLs in the click stream. The method returns null if there is no parameter with the given name.


name - the name of the parameter.


the value associated with the specified parameter, or null.


getPath() : String

Returns the path.


the path.


getPipelineName() : String

Returns the name of the called pipeline. In most cases the name can be derived from the path, but not in all cases. If with URL rewritting a special landing page is defined for a DNS name, than the system internally might use a specific pipeline associated with this landing page.


the name of the called pipeline.


getQueryString() : String

Returns the query string.


the query string.


getReferer() : String

Returns the referer.


the referer.


getRemoteAddress() : String

Returns the remote address.


the remote address.


getTimestamp() : Number

Returns the entry's timestamp.


the entry's timestamp.


getUrl() : String

Returns the full URL for this click. The URL is returned as relative URL.


the full URL for this click.


getUserAgent() : String

Returns the user agent.


the user agent.