Script: Class dw.web.FormAction

Class FormAction

The FormAction class represents the action in form instance hierarchy.


description : String Read Only

The optional description for the action. The description could be used as tooltip for the action.

label : String Read Only

The optional label for the action. The label would be typically used as button text.

object : Object Read Only

The object that was bound to the form in which the action is contained. The method is a convenience method for getParent().getObject(). In most cases this is actually the object for which the specific action is triggered.

submitted : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the form action was submitted from the client to the server.

triggered : boolean Read Only

Identifies that this action is triggerd. An action is only triggered if it was submitted and the constraints, regarding a valid form, are met.

x : Number Read Only

In case of an image button, returns the x coordinate of the last click.

y : Number Read Only

In case of an image button, returns the y coordinate of the last click.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getDescription() : String

Returns the optional description for the action.

getLabel() : String

Returns the optional label for the action.

getObject() : Object

Returns the object that was bound to the form in which the action is contained.

getX() : Number

In case of an image button, returns the x coordinate of the last click.

getY() : Number

In case of an image button, returns the y coordinate of the last click.

isSubmitted() : boolean

Identifies if the form action was submitted from the client to the server.

isTriggered() : boolean

Identifies that this action is triggerd.

Methods inherited from class FormElement

clearFormElement, getDynamicHtmlName, getFormId, getHtmlName, getParent, getValidationResult, invalidateFormElement, invalidateFormElement, isValid

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getDescription() : String

Returns the optional description for the action. The description could be used as tooltip for the action.


the optional description for the action.


getLabel() : String

Returns the optional label for the action. The label would be typically used as button text.


the optional label for the action.


getObject() : Object

Returns the object that was bound to the form in which the action is contained. The method is a convenience method for getParent().getObject(). In most cases this is actually the object for which the specific action is triggered.


the object that was bound to the form in which the action is contained.


getX() : Number

In case of an image button, returns the x coordinate of the last click.


the x coordinate of the last click.


getY() : Number

In case of an image button, returns the y coordinate of the last click.


the y coordinate of the last click.


isSubmitted() : boolean

Identifies if the form action was submitted from the client to the server.


true if the form action was submitted, false otherwise.


isTriggered() : boolean

Identifies that this action is triggerd. An action is only triggered if it was submitted and the constraints, regarding a valid form, are met.


true if the action is triggered, false otherwise.