Script: Class dw.web.FormElementValidationResult

Class FormElementValidationResult

  • Object
    • dw.web.FormElementValidationResult

Represents a form element validation result. The validation script specified for form groups and fields can create such FormElementValidationResult with the desired validity, message and data and can then return it. The server side form element validation will evaluate these settings, i.e. calculate the corresponding element validity and message. The optional data provided with this instance will be kept and can be accessed again from the form element after server side validation.


data : Map Read Only

Provides optional data acquired during validation.

message : String

Provides an optional message in case of validation failure.

valid : boolean

States if the validation succeeded or failed.

Constructor Summary

FormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity but without any message.

FormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean, message : String)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity and corresponding message.

FormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean, message : String, data : Map)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity and corresponding message.

Method Summary

addData(key : Object, value : Object) : void

Adds optional data acquired during validation.

getData() : Map

Provides optional data acquired during validation.

getMessage() : String

Provides an optional message in case of validation failure.

isValid() : boolean

States if the validation succeeded or failed.

setMessage(message : String) : void

Sets an optional message in case of validation failure.

setValid(valid : boolean) : void

Sets if the validation succeeded or failed.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail


publicFormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity but without any message.


valid - the desired validity


publicFormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean, message : String)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity and corresponding message. This is especially useful to represent a failed validation including some error message.


valid - the desired validity

message - the desired message


publicFormElementValidationResult(valid : boolean, message : String, data : Map)

Creates a FormElementValidationResult with given setting for the validity and corresponding message. This is especially useful to represent a failed validation including some error message. Additional data can be stored, too.


valid - the desired validity

message - the desired message

data - the desired data

Method Detail


addData(key : Object, value : Object) : void

Adds optional data acquired during validation.


key - the key for which the data value will be stored

value - the data value that is stored for the given key


getData() : Map

Provides optional data acquired during validation.


the data acquired during validation


getMessage() : String

Provides an optional message in case of validation failure.


the message for validation failure


isValid() : boolean

States if the validation succeeded or failed.


true if the validation succeeded


setMessage(message : String) : void

Sets an optional message in case of validation failure.


message - the message for validation failure


setValid(valid : boolean) : void

Sets if the validation succeeded or failed.


valid - if the validation succeeded