Script: Class dw.web.FormFieldOption

Class FormFieldOption

Represents an option for a form field.


checked : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this option is checked.

htmlValue : String Read Only

The value for the HTML value attribute of a HTML option element.

label : String

The value for the HTML label attribute of the HTML option element. If not specified in the form option definition the label is identical with the string representation of option value (see getValue()).

object : Object Read Only

The object that was bound to this option value.

optionId : String Read Only

The ID of the option. This is an internal ID used to uniquely reference this option. If not specified in the form option definition the ID is identical with the string representation of the option value (see getValue()).

parent : FormField Read Only

The parent, which is a field element.

selected : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this option is selected.

value : Object Read Only

The actual value associated with this option. This value is formatted and than returned as HTML value with the method getHtmlValue().

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getHtmlValue() : String

Returns the value for the HTML value attribute of a HTML option element.

getLabel() : String

Returns the value for the HTML label attribute of the HTML option element.

getObject() : Object

Returns the object that was bound to this option value.

getOptionId() : String

Returns the ID of the option.

getParent() : FormField

The parent, which is a field element.

getValue() : Object

The actual value associated with this option.

isChecked() : boolean

Identifies if this option is checked.

isSelected() : boolean

Identifies if this option is selected.

setLabel(label : String) : void

Sets the label attribute for this option.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getHtmlValue() : String

Returns the value for the HTML value attribute of a HTML option element.


the value for the HTML value attribute of a HTML option element.


getLabel() : String

Returns the value for the HTML label attribute of the HTML option element. If not specified in the form option definition the label is identical with the string representation of option value (see getValue()).


the value for the HTML label attribute of the HTML option element.


getObject() : Object

Returns the object that was bound to this option value.


the object that was bound to this option value.


getOptionId() : String

Returns the ID of the option. This is an internal ID used to uniquely reference this option. If not specified in the form option definition the ID is identical with the string representation of the option value (see getValue()).


the ID of the option.


getParent() : FormField

The parent, which is a field element.


the parent form field.


getValue() : Object

The actual value associated with this option. This value is formatted and than returned as HTML value with the method getHtmlValue().


the value associated with this option


isChecked() : boolean

Identifies if this option is checked.


true if this option is checked, false otherwise.


isSelected() : boolean

Identifies if this option is selected.


true if this option is selected, false otherwise.


setLabel(label : String) : void

Sets the label attribute for this option.


label - the label value.