Script: Class dw.web.LoopIterator

Class LoopIterator

Iterator used in <ISLOOP> implementation. It defines properties used to determine loop status. LoopIterator object is assigned to variable declared in "status" attribute of the <ISLOOP> tag.


begin : Number Read Only

Return begin iteration index. By default begin index is 0.

count : Number Read Only

Return iteration count, starting with 1.

end : Number Read Only

Return end iteration index. By default end index equals 'length - 1', provided that length is determined. If length cannot be determined end index is -1.

even : boolean Read Only

Identifies if count is an even value.

first : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.

index : Number Read Only

Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object. Index is 0-based and is calculated according the following formula: Index = (Count - 1) * Step.

last : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.

length : Number Read Only

Return the length of the object. If length cannot be determined, -1 is returned.

odd : boolean Read Only

Identifies if count is an odd value.

step : Number Read Only

Return iterator step.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getBegin() : Number

Return begin iteration index.

getCount() : Number

Return iteration count, starting with 1.

getEnd() : Number

Return end iteration index.

getIndex() : Number

Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object.

getLength() : Number

Return the length of the object.

getStep() : Number

Return iterator step.

isEven() : boolean

Identifies if count is an even value.

isFirst() : boolean

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.

isLast() : boolean

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.

isOdd() : boolean

Identifies if count is an odd value.

Methods inherited from class Iterator

asList, asList, hasNext, next

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getBegin() : Number

Return begin iteration index. By default begin index is 0.


the begin iteration index.


getCount() : Number

Return iteration count, starting with 1.


the iteration count.


getEnd() : Number

Return end iteration index. By default end index equals 'length - 1', provided that length is determined. If length cannot be determined end index is -1.


getIndex() : Number

Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object. Index is 0-based and is calculated according the following formula: Index = (Count - 1) * Step.


the iteration index.


getLength() : Number

Return the length of the object. If length cannot be determined, -1 is returned.


the length of the object


getStep() : Number

Return iterator step.


the iterator step.


isEven() : boolean

Identifies if count is an even value.


true if count is even, false otherwise.


isFirst() : boolean

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.


true if the iterator is at first item, false otherwise.


isLast() : boolean

Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.


true if iterator is at last item, false otherwise.


isOdd() : boolean

Identifies if count is an odd value.


true if count is odd, false otherwise.