Specification: API Quotas

API Quotas

API quotas may define limits on number of object instances, object sizes, runtimes, number of executions per page, or prevent the execution of a B2C Commerce Script method or pipelet in the storefront.

API quotas are organized into the following functional categories:

A/B Test Category

Concurrent A/B Test Segments

The Concurrent A/B Test Segments API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: abtest.concurrentTestSegments
  • Description: The maximum number of concurrent A/B test segments taking on participants for a site. When this threshold is reached, other A/B tests won't take on participants.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 13

Basket Category


The api.basket.addRemoveInSameRequest API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.basket.addRemoveInSameRequest
  • Description: Adding and removing a product to a basket in one request, to calculate promotion, shipping or other information isn't allowed.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0


The api.basket.productLineItemQuantity API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.basket.productLineItemQuantity
  • Description: The maximum quantity value for a product line item.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000

Maximum Basket Lifetime

The Maximum Basket Lifetime API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.BasketPO.maxBasketLifetime
  • Description: The maximum lifetime of the basket in minutes.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 525,600

Maximum Inventory Reservation Expiry

The Maximum Inventory Reservation Expiry API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.BasketPO.maxInventoryReservationExpiry
  • Description: The maximum inventory reservation expiry in minutes.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 240

Maximum Notes per Basket

The Maximum Notes per Basket API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.BasketPO.relation.notes
  • Description: The maximum number of notes for a basket.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 100 (warning at 60)

Customer Category


The api.dw.customer.AddressBook.createAddress() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.AddressBook.createAddress()
  • Description: The maximum number of customer addresses which can be created in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 4
    • Default Limit: No limit


The api.dw.customer.AddressBook.removeAddress() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.AddressBook.removeAddress()
  • Description: The maximum number of customer addresses which can be deleted in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 4
    • Default Limit: No limit


The api.dw.customer.CustomerMgr.createCustomer() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.CustomerMgr.createCustomer()
  • Description: The maximum number of customer records which can be created in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 2
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.customer.CustomerMgr.createCustomer(String,String)
    • dw.customer.CustomerMgr.createCustomer(String,String,String)
    • dw.customer.CustomerMgr.createExternallyAuthenticatedCustomer(String,String)


The api.dw.customer.CustomerMgr.removeCustomer() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.CustomerMgr.removeCustomer()
  • Description: The maximum number of customer records which can be deleted in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 2
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.customer.CustomerMgr.removeCustomer(Customer)


The api.pipelet.CreateCustomer API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.CreateCustomer
  • Description: The number of customer records which can be created in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 2
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet CreateCustomer


The api.pipelet.CreateCustomerAddress API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.CreateCustomerAddress
  • Description: The maximum number of customer addresses which can be created in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 4
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet CreateCustomerAddress


The api.pipelet.RemoveCustomer API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.RemoveCustomer
  • Description: The maximum number of customer records which can be deleted in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 2
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet RemoveCustomer


The api.pipelet.RemoveCustomerAddress API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.RemoveCustomerAddress
  • Description: The maximum number of customer addresses which can be deleted in one page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 4
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet RemoveCustomerAddress

Customer Group Category


The customerGroup.rules.conditionCount API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: customerGroup.rules.conditionCount
  • Description: The maximum number of conditions in a customer group rule.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 100 (warning at 20)


The customerGroup.rules.conditionValueCount API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: customerGroup.rules.conditionValueCount
  • Description: The maximum number of values in a condition in a customer group rule.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000 (warning at 200)


The customerGroup.rules.valueCount API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: customerGroup.rules.valueCount
  • Description: The maximum number of values in all conditions of a customer group rule.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 10,000 (warning at 2,000)

Custom Objects Category


The api.dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.create() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.create()
  • Description: The maximum number of custom objects which can be created in one Storefront page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 10 (warning at 6)
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet CreateCustomObject
    • dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.createCustomObject(String,String)
    • dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.createCustomObject(String,int)


The api.dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.remove() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.remove()
  • Description: The maximum number of custom objects which can be removed in one Storefront page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 10 (warning at 6)
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet RemoveCustomObject
    • dw.object.CustomObjectMgr.remove(CustomObject)

I/O and Network Category

Unsafe Content in SVG files (in Custom Cartridges)

The Unsafe Content in SVG files (in Custom Cartridges) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.UnsafeContentInSVGinCustomCartridge
  • Description: SVGs served from custom cartridges must not contain JavaScript or embedded objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0

Unsafe Content in SVG files (in Sites, Libraries, Catalogs)

The Unsafe Content in SVG files (in Sites, Libraries, Catalogs) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.UnsafeContentInSVGinUnit
  • Description: SVGs served from sites, libraries and catalogs must not contain JavaScript or embedded objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0


The api.dw.io.CSVStreamReader.readAll().size API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.CSVStreamReader.readAll().size
  • Description: The maximum number of lines in a CSV file which can be read with dw.io.CSVStreamReader.readAll().
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 5,000 (warning at 3,000)


The api.dw.io.File.createNewFile() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.createNewFile()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.createNewFile().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.createNewFile()


The api.dw.io.File.gunzip(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.gunzip(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.gunzip(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.gunzip(File)


The api.dw.io.File.gzip(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.gzip(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.gzip(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.gzip(File)


The api.dw.io.File.md5() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.md5()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.md5().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.md5()


The api.dw.io.File.mkdir() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.mkdir()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.mkdir().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.mkdir()


The api.dw.io.File.mkdirs() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.mkdirs()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.mkdirs().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.mkdirs()


The api.dw.io.File.renameTo(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.renameTo(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.renameTo(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.renameTo(File)


The api.dw.io.File.unzip(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.unzip(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.unzip(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.unzip(File)


The api.dw.io.File.zip(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.File.zip(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.File.zip(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.File.zip(File)


The api.dw.io.FileWriter(File) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.FileWriter(File)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.FileWriter(File).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.FileWriter(File)


The api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.FileWriter(File,String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.FileWriter(File,String)


The api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,String,boolean) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,String,boolean)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.FileWriter(File,String,boolean).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.FileWriter(File,String,boolean)


The api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,boolean) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.FileWriter(File,boolean)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.io.FileWriter(File,boolean).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.io.FileWriter(File,boolean)


The api.dw.io.Reader.getLines().size API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.Reader.getLines().size
  • Description: The maximum number of lines which can be read with dw.io.Reader.readLines() in one call.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 5,000 (warning at 3,000)


The api.dw.io.Reader.getString().length API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.Reader.getString().length
  • Description: The maximum number of characters which can be read with dw.io.Reader.getString().
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000,000 (warning at 600,000)


The api.dw.io.Reader.read().length API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.Reader.read().length
  • Description: The maximum number of characters which can be read with dw.io.Reader.read(int) in one call.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 50,000 (warning at 30,000)


The api.dw.io.StringWriter.length API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.StringWriter.length
  • Description: The maximum allowed buffer length of a dw.io.StringWriter.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 5,000,000 (warning at 3,000,000)


The api.dw.io.XMLStreamReader.getXMLObject().maxElements API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.io.XMLStreamReader.getXMLObject().maxElements
  • Description: The maximum number of XML elements allowed to be parsed with dw.io.XMLStreamReader.getXMLObject().
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 5,000 (warning at 3,000)


The api.dw.net.FTPClient() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.FTPClient()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.net.FTPClient().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.FTPClient()


The api.dw.net.HTTPClient.send() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.HTTPClient.send()
  • Description: The maximum number of HTTPClient communications allowed per page.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 16 (warning at 10)
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.__sendMultiPartToFile(HTTPRequestPart[],File)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.send()
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.send(File)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.send(String)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.send(String,String)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendBytes(Bytes)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendMultiPart(HTTPRequestPart[])


The api.dw.net.HTTPClient.sendAndReceiveToFile() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.HTTPClient.sendAndReceiveToFile()
  • Description: The maximum number of HTTPClient communications with a file argument allowed.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendAndReceiveToFile(File)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendAndReceiveToFile(String,File)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendAndReceiveToFile(String,String,File)
    • dw.net.HTTPClient.sendBytesAndReceiveToFile(Bytes,File)


The api.dw.net.SFTPClient() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.SFTPClient()
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.net.SFTPClient().
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.SFTPClient()


The api.dw.net.WebDAVClient(String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.WebDAVClient(String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.net.WebDAVClient(String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.WebDAVClient(String)


The api.dw.net.WebDAVClient(String,String,String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.net.WebDAVClient(String,String,String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.net.WebDAVClient(String,String,String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.net.WebDAVClient(String,String,String)


The api.dw.serviceTimeoutNotSet API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.serviceTimeoutNotSet
  • Description: No explicit timeout was set for the service.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0

Import/Export Category


The api.pipelet.ImportExport API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.ImportExport
  • Description: No import and export is allowed from the Storefront.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet ExportABTests
    • Pipelet ExportAssignments
    • Pipelet ExportCatalog
    • Pipelet ExportContent
    • Pipelet ExportCouponCodes
    • Pipelet ExportCoupons
    • Pipelet ExportCustomObjects
    • Pipelet ExportCustomerGroups
    • Pipelet ExportCustomerList
    • Pipelet ExportCustomerPI
    • Pipelet ExportCustomers
    • Pipelet ExportGiftCertificates
    • Pipelet ExportInventoryLists
    • Pipelet ExportMetaData
    • Pipelet ExportOrders
    • Pipelet ExportPriceAdjustmentLimits
    • Pipelet ExportPriceBooks
    • Pipelet ExportProductLists
    • Pipelet ExportPromotions
    • Pipelet ExportServices
    • Pipelet ExportShippingMethods
    • Pipelet ExportSlots
    • Pipelet ExportSourceCodes
    • Pipelet ExportStores
    • Pipelet ExportTaxTable
    • Pipelet ImportActiveData
    • Pipelet ImportCustomObjects
    • Pipelet ImportCustomerPI
    • Pipelet ImportKeyValueMapping
    • Pipelet ImportPipelet
    • Pipelet ImportPriceAdjustmentLimits
    • Pipelet ImportServices
    • Pipelet ImportStores
    • Pipelet ValidateActiveDataFile
    • Pipelet ValidateXMLFile

Inventory Category


The api.dw.catalog.ProductInventoryRecord.update() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.catalog.ProductInventoryRecord.update()
  • Description: Updating a product inventory record in a Storefront request isn't allowed.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit

Logging Category

Custom Log Files

The Custom Log Files API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: logging.customLogFiles
  • Description: The maximum number of custom log files per day obtained through dw.system.Logger.getLogger(String,String).
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 200

Mapping Category


The api.object.maxMappingInputFileSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.maxMappingInputFileSize
  • Description: The maximum size of input files for an instance (in MB).
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20


The api.object.maxMappingSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.maxMappingSize
  • Description: The maximum size of mapping files for an instance (in MB).
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 40

Object Attributes Category

Embedded Object in HTML Attribute (User Not Strongly Authenticated)

The Embedded Object in HTML Attribute (User Not Strongly Authenticated) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.EmbeddedObjectInHTMLAttributeUserWithoutStrongAuth
  • Description: Only users with strong authentication, such as through MFA with Account Manager, can include objects embedded with iframe, object, applet, or embed tags in an HTML attribute.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0

JavaScript in HTML Attribute (User Not Strongly Authenticated)

The JavaScript in HTML Attribute (User Not Strongly Authenticated) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.JSInHTMLAttributeUserWithoutStrongAuth
  • Description: Only users with strong authentication, such as through MFA with Account Manager, can include JavaScript in an HTML attribute.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0


The api.object.maxMultiValueAttribute API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.maxMultiValueAttribute
  • Description: The maximum number of values in a multiple value attribute for example like a set of string.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 200 (warning at 120)


The api.object.stringAttributeLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.object.stringAttributeLength
  • Description: The maximum string length which can be stored in a business object's long text or HTML field.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 200,000 (warning at 120,000)

Order Category

Maximum Appeasements per Order

The Maximum Appeasements per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.maxAppeasements
  • Description: The maximum number of appeasements for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20

Maximum Invoices per Order

The Maximum Invoices per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.maxInvoices
  • Description: The maximum number of invoices for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 60

Maximum Return Cases per Order

The Maximum Return Cases per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.maxReturnCases
  • Description: The maximum number of return cases for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20

Maximum Returns per Order

The Maximum Returns per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.maxReturns
  • Description: The maximum number of returns for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20

Maximum Shipping Orders per Order

The Maximum Shipping Orders per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.maxShippingOrders
  • Description: The maximum number of shipping orders for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20

Maximum Notes per Order

The Maximum Notes per Order API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrderPO.relation.notes
  • Description: The maximum number of notes and history entries for an order.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000 (warning at 600)

Other Pipelets Category


The api.pipelet.InvalidateWebCache API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.InvalidateWebCache
  • Description: The web cache can't be invalidated from the Storefront.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet InvalidateWebCache


The api.pipelet.Replication API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.Replication
  • Description: Replication can't be managed through API anymore.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet GetReplicationStatus
    • Pipelet TriggerReplication

Pipeline Category


The api.pipeline.stack.depth API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipeline.stack.depth
  • Description: The maximum depth of the pipeline call stack.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 200 (warning at 120)


The api.pipeline.timeout API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipeline.timeout
  • Description: The maximum execution time for a pipeline in seconds.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 300
    • Business Manager Limit: 300
    • Default Limit: No limit

Price Category

Price Entries

The Price Entries API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: price.priceEntries
  • Description: The maximum number of price entries in read-only price books.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 300,000,000 (warning at 290,000,000)

PriceBook Category


The api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(PriceBook) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(PriceBook)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(PriceBook).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromAllSites(PriceBook)


The api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromSite(PriceBook,String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromSite(PriceBook,String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromSite(PriceBook,String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.unassignPriceBookFromSite(PriceBook,String)

Price Book Category


The api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.assignPriceBookToSite(PriceBook,String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.assignPriceBookToSite(PriceBook,String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.assignPriceBookToSite(PriceBook,String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.catalog.PriceBookMgr.assignPriceBookToSite(PriceBook,String)

Product Inventory Category

Maximum Hours Re-allocation Date Can Be Set in the Past

The Maximum Hours Re-allocation Date Can Be Set in the Past API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ProductInventoryRecordPO.maxReallocationTimeInPast
  • Description: The maximum amount of hours for which the allocation reset date can be set in the past when updating inventory records.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 48

Product List Category


The api.dw.customer.ProductListMgr.create() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.ProductListMgr.create()
  • Description: The maximum number of product lists which can be created within one page from the API or Pipelet.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 3
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet CreateProductList
    • dw.customer.ProductListMgr.createProductList(Customer,int)


The api.dw.customer.ProductListMgr.remove() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.customer.ProductListMgr.remove()
  • Description: The maximum number of product lists which can be deleted within one page from the API or Pipelet.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 3
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet RemoveProductList
    • dw.customer.ProductListMgr.removeProductList(ProductList)

Script Category


The api.dw.util.collectionSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.util.collectionSize
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of elements in a dw.util.* collection object.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20,000 (warning at 12,000)


The api.jsArrayBufferSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsArrayBufferSize
  • Description: The maximum allowed size in bytes for any ArrayBuffer or typed array.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000,000 (warning at 1,200,000)


The api.jsArraySize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsArraySize
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of elements in a dense JavaScript array.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20,000 (warning at 12,000)


The api.jsArraySize2 API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsArraySize2
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of elements in a dense JavaScript array when extended using the [] operator.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20,000 (warning at 12,000)


The api.jsCollectionSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsCollectionSize
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of elements in a JavaScript built-in map/set type.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 20,000 (warning at 12,000)


The api.jsEval API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsEval
  • Description: JavaScript eval() isn't supported on the Commerce Cloud server.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 0


The api.jsJSONStringLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsJSONStringLength
  • Description: The maximum allowed length of a JavaScript string created by JSON.stringify().
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000,000 (warning at 600,000)


The api.jsObjectSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsObjectSize
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of properties for a single JavaScript object.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000 (warning at 1,200)


The api.jsStringLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsStringLength
  • Description: The maximum allowed length of a JavaScript string.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000,000 (warning at 600,000)


The api.jsSymbolRegistrySize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsSymbolRegistrySize
  • Description: The maximum allowed number of symbols in the global symbol registry.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000 (warning at 600)


The api.jsXMLSize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsXMLSize
  • Description: The maximum (estimated) size in characters of a JavaScript XML object.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000,000 (warning at 1,200,000)


The api.jsXMLfromString API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.jsXMLfromString
  • Description: The maximum length of a string from which a JavaScript XML object can be created.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000,000 (warning at 1,200,000)

Read-only Objects Category


The Assignments API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ExperiencePO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Campaigns API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.CampaignPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Catalog Categories

The Catalog Categories API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.CatalogCategoryPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Catalogs API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.CatalogPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Category Assignment

The Category Assignment API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ProductCategoryAssignmentPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Connected Slack Workspaces

The Connected Slack Workspaces API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SlackWorkspace.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Content Objects

The Content Objects API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ContentPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Customer Groups

The Customer Groups API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.CustomerGroupImpl.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Folders API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.FolderPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Libraries API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.LibraryPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Notification Target Channels

The Notification Target Channels API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SystemNotificationChannelPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

OCI Inventory Cache

The OCI Inventory Cache API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.InventoryDataPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Organization Preferences

The Organization Preferences API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.OrgPreferencesPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Page Meta Tag Rules

The Page Meta Tag Rules API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.PageMetaTagRulePO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Payment Cards

The Payment Cards API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.PaymentCardPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Payment Methods

The Payment Methods API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.PaymentMethodPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Price Books

The Price Books API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.PriceBookPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Product Inventory Lists

The Product Inventory Lists API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ProductInventoryListPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Products API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ProductPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Promotions API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.PromotionPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Recommendations API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.Recommendation.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Replicable Custom Objects

The Replicable Custom Objects API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.StageableCustomObjectPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Shipping Methods

The Shipping Methods API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.ShippingMethodPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Site Preferences

The Site Preferences API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SitePreferencesPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Sites API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.RepositoryPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Source Code Groups

The Source Code Groups API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SourceCodeGroupPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.


The Stores API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.StorePO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

System Notification Messages

The System Notification Messages API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SystemNotificationPO.readonly@SF
  • Description: The business object is read-only from storefront requests
  • Access: Read-only from storefront requests.

Search Category


The api.dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryAllProducts() API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryAllProducts()
  • Description: Access to all products in a site or catalog isn't allowed in the Storefront.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryAllSiteProducts()
    • dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryAllSiteProductsSorted()
    • dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryProductsInCatalog(Catalog)
    • dw.catalog.ProductMgr.queryProductsInCatalogSorted(Catalog)


The api.dw.object.SystemObjectMgr.getAllSystemObjects(String) API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.dw.object.SystemObjectMgr.getAllSystemObjects(String)
  • Description: Allowed number of calls to method dw.object.SystemObjectMgr.getAllSystemObjects(String).
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • dw.object.SystemObjectMgr.getAllSystemObjects(String)


The api.pipelet.UpdateSearchIndex API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.pipelet.UpdateSearchIndex
  • Description: Re-indexing can't be started from the Storefront.
  • Limit:
    • Storefront Limit: 0
    • Default Limit: No limit
  • Usage Context:
    • Pipelet UpdateSearchIndex


The api.query.attrExpr API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.query.attrExpr
  • Description: The maximum number of attribute expressions allowed in a query against system objects and custom objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 6


The api.query.attrOrder API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.query.attrOrder
  • Description: The maximum number of order criteria allowed in a query against system objects and custom objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 3


The api.query.customAttrExpr API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.query.customAttrExpr
  • Description: The maximum number of custom attribute expressions allowed in a query against system objects and custom objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 4


The api.query.customAttrOrder API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.query.customAttrOrder
  • Description: The maximum number of order criteria with a custom attribute allowed in a query against system objects and custom objects.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2

Defined Stemming Exceptions per Locale

The Defined Stemming Exceptions per Locale API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: searchDictionary.STEMMING_EXCEPTION
  • Description: The maximum number of defined stemming exceptions per locale.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 499

Defined Suggestion Term Blocklists per Locale

The Defined Suggestion Term Blocklists per Locale API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: searchDictionary.SUGGESTEXCLUDE
  • Description: The maximum number of defined suggestion term blocklists per locale.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 499

Maximum Number of Terms in Keyword Groups

The Maximum Number of Terms in Keyword Groups API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: searchDictionary.keywordCount
  • Description: The maximum number of terms in keyword groups.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 100,000 (warning at 80,000)

Session Category


The api.cookie.maxValueLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.cookie.maxValueLength
  • Description: The maximum length for a cookie value on a response.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000 (warning at 1,200)


The api.session.maxKeyLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.session.maxKeyLength
  • Description: The maximum length for the name of a session attribute.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 50


The api.session.maxKeyLength.isset API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.session.maxKeyLength.isset
  • Description: The maximum length for the name of a session attribute (via <isset>)
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 50


The api.session.maxStringLength API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.session.maxStringLength
  • Description: The maximum length for a string attribute in a session.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000 (warning at 1,200)


The api.session.maxStringLength.isset API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.session.maxStringLength.isset
  • Description: The maximum length for a string attribute in a session (via <isset>)
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 2,000 (warning at 1,200)

System Notification Category

Maximum Notification Channels for Notification Topic

The Maximum Notification Channels for Notification Topic API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: object.SystemNotificationChannelPO.relation.topics
  • Description: The maximum number of notification channels assigned to a notification topic.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 10 (warning at 5)

URL Rules Category

Maximum Supported Refinement Value Count for Search Refinement URLs

The Maximum Supported Refinement Value Count for Search Refinement URLs API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: urlRules.refinementValues.size
  • Description: The maximum supported refinement value count for search refinement URLs.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 500,000 (warning at 300,000)

Velocity Category


The api.velocity.includedepth API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.velocity.includedepth
  • Description: The maximum nesting level of Velocity templates.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 10


The api.velocity.looplimit API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.velocity.looplimit
  • Description: The maximum number of loop iterations within a rendered Velocity template.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 1,000


The api.velocity.templatesize API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.velocity.templatesize
  • Description: The maximum size of a Velocity template (in bytes).
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 102,400


The api.velocity.timeout API quota consists of:

  • Log file ID: api.velocity.timeout
  • Description: The maximum execution time for a Velocity template in milliseconds.
  • Limit:
    • Default Limit: 30,000