Specification: form


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="xml.xsd" />

    <!-- The root tag. -->
    <xsd:element name="form" type="complexType.FormDefinition" />

    <!-- The 'form' element. It is a type of container and the root element. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.FormDefinition">
            <xsd:extension base="complexType.Container">
                <!-- Optional form element identifier. -->
                <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId" />
                <xsd:attribute name="secure" type="xsd:boolean" />

    <!-- The 'group' element. A type of container where formid is a required attribute. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.Group">
            <xsd:extension base="complexType.Container">
                <!-- Unique form element identifier. -->
                <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId" use="required"/>

    <!-- The 'list' element. A type of container where formid is a required attribute
    and other optional attributes. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.List">
            <xsd:extension base="complexType.Container">
                <!-- Unique form element identifier. -->
                <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId" use="required"/>

                <!-- When a list is represented by an HTML table and a column contains
                checkboxes, the 'selectmany-fieldid' tells the framework, which of the
                fields is used to represent that selection checkbox. The framework
                then provides direct access to all selected objects. If the column is
                a radio button, then 'selectone-fieldid' tells the framework which field
                is used to map the boolean state of the radio buttons. 'selectmany-fieldid'
                and 'selectone-fieldid' are mutual exclusive. -->
                <xsd:attribute name="selectmany-fieldid" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
                <xsd:attribute name="selectone-fieldid" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />

    <!-- Represents the common elements and attributes of all container-like elements: form, group, list -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.Container">
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <!-- A group -->
                <xsd:element name="group" type="complexType.Group" />
                <!-- A list -->
                <xsd:element name="list" type="complexType.List" />
                <!-- A field -->
                <xsd:element name="field" type="complexType.Field" />
                <!-- An action -->
                <xsd:element name="action" type="complexType.Action" />
                <!-- An included form  -->
                <xsd:element name="include" type="complexType.Include" />

        <!--  Reference to a meta data type definition -->
        <xsd:attribute name="object-def" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
        <!-- The name of a method that is used to bind objects to field. The method should be a bean property. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
        <!-- The description of the form element. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="description" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The error message to use for form container. If the container is considered
        invalid, this is the error message that will be set on the container. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="form-error" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>

        <!-- Optional attribute -->
        <!-- Represents a DWscript expression that you use for container validation. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="validation" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>

    <!-- The 'field' element. Typically represents an HTML form field. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.Field">
            <xsd:element name="options" type="complexType.FieldOptions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

        <!-- Unique form element identifier. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId"/>
        <!-- A reference to an attribute definition in the meta data. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="attribute-def" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>
        <!-- The name of a method that is used to bind an object to the field. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
        <!-- Identifies the type of value that field represents. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="type" type="simpleType.Type"/>
        <!-- Indicates that a value must be entered into the field. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="mandatory" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
        <!-- A label to use for the field. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="label" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- A description to use for the field. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="description" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The error message to use for a field if a value is not provided. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="missing-error" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The error message to use for the field if the value cannot be parsed. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="parse-error" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The error message to use for the field if the value is outside the specified minimum and maximum range. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="range-error" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The error message to use for the field if the value is not valid. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="value-error" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- Allows you to format date and number values. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="format" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- Controls whitespace in the field value -->
        <xsd:attribute name="whitespace" type="simpleType.Whitespace" default="none"/>
        <!-- Controls the number of characters that will be masked in the HTML field value -->
        <xsd:attribute name="masked" type="xsd:int"/>
        <!-- Minimum length of field value -->
        <xsd:attribute name="min-length" type="xsd:int"/>
        <!-- Maximum length of field value -->
        <xsd:attribute name="max-length" type="xsd:int"/>
        <!-- Default value for field -->
        <xsd:attribute name="default-value" type="simpleType.Generic.String"/>

        <!-- Optional attribute if type is 'string' -->
        <!-- Represents a regular expression that you use for field value validation. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="regexp" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>

        <!-- Optional attribute -->
        <!-- Represents a DWscript expression that you use for field value validation. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="validation" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>

        <!-- Optional attribute if type is 'date' -->
        <!-- Indicates if the if the site's timezone value should be used or if
             the default GMT timezone should be used. When 'true', the site's timezone
             value is used. When 'false', GMT is used.
        <xsd:attribute name="timezoned" type="xsd:boolean"/>

        <!-- Optional attributes if type is 'integer', 'number' or 'date'. When the type is
             an 'integer' or 'number' the value is a numeric. When the type is a 'date', the value
             can be 'now' or any valid date represented as a string based on the current 'format'. -->
        <!-- Minimum value of field. If min is greater than max, min value is set equal to max value. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="min" type="simpleType.Generic.String"/>
        <!-- Maximum value of field. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="max" type="simpleType.Generic.String"/>

        <!-- Optional attributes if type is 'boolean' -->
        <!-- 'checked-value' allows you to map a string value to a boolean field
             when it is selected. For example, if you are rendering a radio button but want
             to use a string value instead of true. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="checked-value" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>
        <!-- 'unchecked-value' allows you to map a string value to a boolean field
             when it is not selected. For example, if you are rendering a radio button but want
             to use a string value instead of false. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="unchecked-value" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>


    <!-- The 'options' element. Represents a set of field options. Typically rendered as a drop-down list. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.FieldOptions">
            <xsd:element name="option" type="complexType.FieldOption" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

        <!-- Identifies the binding method to use when getting and setting option values. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="value-binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
        <!-- Identifies the binding method to use when getting and setting option id values. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="optionid-binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />
        <!-- Identifies the binding method to use when getting and setting option label values. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="label-binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />

    <!-- The 'option' element. Represents a single option inside and 'select' element. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.FieldOption">
        <!-- The option's value. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="value" type="simpleType.Generic.String" />
        <!-- The option's id value. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="optionid" type="simpleType.Generic.String" />
        <!-- The option's label value. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="label" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey" />
        <!-- The option's default value. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="default" type="xsd:boolean" />

    <!-- The 'action' element. Represents a user action and is typically an HTML action element, such as a button. -->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.Action">
        <!-- Unique form element identifier. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId" />
        <!-- Indiciates if the form should be validated or not. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="valid-form" type="xsd:boolean" default="true"/>
        <!-- The label for the action. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="label" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- The description for the action. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="description" type="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey"/>
        <!-- Used to associate an object with the action. For example in a list, each row might have a delete button.
             'binding' helps to identify which delete was presed. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />

    <!-- The 'include' element. Allows you to include another form definition inside the current form definition.-->
    <xsd:complexType name="complexType.Include">
        <!-- Unique form element identifier. This is how the included element is reference in the context of this form. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="formid" type="simpleType.FormId" />
        <!-- The name of the form to be included. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="name" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" use="required"/>
        <!-- Used to associate an object to the included form. -->
        <xsd:attribute name="binding" type="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString" />

    <!-- Common definitions -->

    <!-- Simple string -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.Generic.String">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string" />

    <!-- Non-empty string with no leading or trailing whitespace -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString">
        <xsd:restriction base="simpleType.Generic.String">
            <xsd:minLength value="1" />

    <!-- Either a string or a string representing a locale-based key in forms.properties -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.Generic.StringOrKey">
        <xsd:restriction base="simpleType.Generic.String" />

    <!-- formid -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.FormId">
        <xsd:restriction base="simpleType.Generic.NonEmptyString"/>

    <!-- Field type enumeration -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.Type">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:enumeration value="boolean" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="date" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="integer" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="number" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="string" />

    <!-- Whitespace enumeration -->
    <xsd:simpleType name="simpleType.Whitespace">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:enumeration value="none" />
            <xsd:enumeration value="remove" />
