Script: Class dw.catalog.ProductVariationAttributeValue
Class ProductVariationAttributeValue
- Object
- dw.catalog.ProductVariationAttributeValue
Represents a product variation attribute
description : String Read Only
The description of the product variation attribute value in the current locale.
displayValue : String Read Only
The display value for the product variation attribute value, which can be used in the user interface.
ID : String Read Only
The ID of the product variation attribute value.
value : Object Read Only
The value for the product variation attribute value.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
equals(obj : Object) : boolean
Returns true if the specified object is equal to this object.
getDescription() : String
Returns the description of the product variation attribute value in the current locale.
Returns the display value for the product variation attribute value, which can be used in the user interface.
Returns the ID of the product variation attribute value.
getImage(viewtype : String, index : Number) : MediaFile
The method calls getImages(String) and returns the image at the specific index.
getImage(viewtype : String) : MediaFile
The method calls getImages(String) and returns the first image of the list.
getImages(viewtype : String) : List
Returns all images that match the given view type and have the variant value of this value, which is typically the 'color' attribute.
Returns the value for the product variation attribute value.
Calculates the hash code for a product variation attribute value.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
equals(obj : Object) : boolean
Returns true if the specified object is equal to this object.
obj - the object to test.
true if the specified object is equal to this object.
getDescription() : String
Returns the description of the product variation attribute value in the current locale.
the description of the product variation attribute value in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.
getDisplayValue() : String
Returns the display value for the product variation attribute value, which can be used in the user interface.
the display value for the product variation attribute value, which can be used in the user interface.
getID() : String
Returns the ID of the product variation attribute value.
the ID of the product variation attribute value.
getImage(viewtype : String, index : Number) : MediaFile
The method calls getImages(String) and returns the image at the specific index. If images are defined for this view type and variant, but not for specified index, the method returns null. If no images are defined for this variant and specified view type, the image at the specified index of the master product images is returned. If no master product image for specified index is defined, the method returns null.
viewtype - the view type annotated to image
index - the index number of the image within image list
the MediaFile or null
NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null
getImage(viewtype : String) : MediaFile
The method calls getImages(String) and returns the first image of the list. The method is specifically built for handling color swatches in an apparel site. If no images are defined for this variant and specified view type, then the first image of the master product images for that view type is returned. If no master product images are defined, the method returns null.
viewtype - the view type annotated to image
the MediaFile or null
NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null
getImages(viewtype : String) : List
Returns all images that match the given view type and have the variant value of this value, which is typically the 'color' attribute. The images are returned in the order of their index number ascending. If no images are defined for this variant, then the images of the master for that view type are returned.
viewtype - the view type annotated to images
a list of MediaFile objects, possibly empty
NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null
getValue() : Object
Returns the value for the product variation attribute value.
the value for the product variation attribute value.
hashCode() : Number
Calculates the hash code for a product variation attribute value.
the hash code for a product variation attribute value.