Script: Class dw.catalog.VariationGroup

Class VariationGroup

Class representing a group of variants within a master product who share a common value for one or more variation attribute values. Variation groups are used to simplify merchandising of products.

From a more technical perspective, variation groups are defined by two things:

  • A relation to a master product.
  • A set of variation attributes which have fixed values.

A variant of the related master product is considered in the group if and only if it matches on the fixed variation attribute values.

Similar to a Variant, a VariationGroup does a fallback to the master product for all attributes (name, description, etc) and relations (recommendations, etc).


allProductLinks : Collection Read Only

All product links of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define any product links, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.

brand : String Read Only

The brand of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'brand', the value of the master product is returned.

classificationCategory : Category Read Only

The classification category of the product variation group.
Please note that the classification category is always inherited from the master and cannot be overridden by the variation group.

custom : CustomAttributes Read Only

The custom attributes of the variation group.
Custom attributes are inherited from the master product and can be overridden by the variation group.

EAN : String Read Only

The EAN of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'EAN', the value of the master product is returned.

image : MediaFile Read Only

The image of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'image', the value of the master product is returned.

longDescription : MarkupText Read Only

The long description of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'longDescription', the value of the master product is returned.

manufacturerName : String Read Only

The manufacturer name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'manufacturerName', the value of the master product is returned.

manufacturerSKU : String Read Only

The manufacturer sku of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'manufacturerSKU', the value of the master product is returned.

masterProduct : Product Read Only

The ProductMaster for this mastered product.

name : String Read Only

The name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'name', the value of the master product is returned.

onlineFrom : Date Read Only

The onlineFrom date of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'onlineFrom', the value of the master product is returned.

onlineTo : Date Read Only

The onlineTo date of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'onlineTo', the value of the master product is returned.

optionProduct : boolean Read Only

Returns 'true' if the variation group has any options, otherwise 'false'. Method also returns 'true' if the variation group has not any options, but the related master product has options.

pageDescription : String Read Only

The pageDescription of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageDescription', the value of the master product is returned.

pageKeywords : String Read Only

The pageKeywords of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageKeywords', the value of the master product is returned.

pageTitle : String Read Only

The pageTitle of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageTitle', the value of the master product is returned.

pageURL : String Read Only

The pageURL of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageURL', the value of the master product is returned.

productLinks : Collection Read Only

All product links of the product variation group for which the target product is assigned to the current site catalog.
If the variation group does not define any product links, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.

shortDescription : MarkupText Read Only

The short description of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'shortDescription', the value of the master product is returned.

taxClassID : String Read Only

The tax class id of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'taxClassID', the value of the master product is returned.

template : String Read Only

The rendering template name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'template', the value of the master product is returned.

thumbnail : MediaFile Read Only

The thumbnail image of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'thumbnailImage', the value of the master product is returned.

unit : String Read Only

The sales unit of the product variation group as defined by the master product.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'unit', the value of the master product is returned.

unitQuantity : Quantity Read Only

The unitQuantity of the product variation group as defined by the master product.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'unitQuantity', the value of the master product is returned.

UPC : String Read Only

The UPC of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'UPC', the value of the master product is returned.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getAllProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all product links of the product variation group.

getAllProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all product links of the specified type of the product variation group.

getBrand() : String

Returns the brand of the product variation group.

getClassificationCategory() : Category

Returns the classification category of the product variation group.

getCustom() : CustomAttributes

Returns the custom attributes of the variation group.

getEAN() : String

Returns the EAN of the product variation group.

getImage() : MediaFile

Returns the image of the product variation group.

getLongDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the long description of the product variation group.

getManufacturerName() : String

Returns the manufacturer name of the product variation group.

getManufacturerSKU() : String

Returns the manufacturer sku of the product variation group.

getMasterProduct() : Product

Returns the ProductMaster for this mastered product.

getName() : String

Returns the name of the product variation group.

getOnlineFrom() : Date

Returns the onlineFrom date of the product variation group.

getOnlineTo() : Date

Returns the onlineTo date of the product variation group.

getPageDescription() : String

Returns the pageDescription of the product variation group.

getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the pageKeywords of the product variation group.

getPageTitle() : String

Returns the pageTitle of the product variation group.

getPageURL() : String

Returns the pageURL of the product variation group.

getProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all product links of the product variation group for which the target product is assigned to the current site catalog.

getProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all product links of the specified type of the product variation group for which the target product is assigned to the current site catalog.

getRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Retrieve the sorted collection of recommendations of the specified type for this product variation group.

getShortDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the short description of the product variation group.

getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the tax class id of the product variation group.

getTemplate() : String

Returns the rendering template name of the product variation group.

getThumbnail() : MediaFile

Returns the thumbnail image of the product variation group.

getUnit() : String

Returns the sales unit of the product variation group as defined by the master product.

getUnitQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the unitQuantity of the product variation group as defined by the master product.

getUPC() : String

Returns the UPC of the product variation group.

isOptionProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the variation group has any options, otherwise 'false'.

Methods inherited from class Product

assignedToCategory, getActiveData, getAllCategories, getAllCategoryAssignments, getAllIncomingProductLinks, getAllIncomingProductLinks, getAllProductLinks, getAllProductLinks, getAllRecommendations, getAllRecommendations, getAttributeModel, getAvailabilityModel, getAvailabilityModel, getAvailableFlag, getBrand, getBundledProductQuantity, getBundledProducts, getBundles, getCategories, getCategoryAssignment, getCategoryAssignments, getClassificationCategory, getEAN, getID, getImage, getImage, getImage, getImages, getIncomingProductLinks, getIncomingProductLinks, getLongDescription, getManufacturerName, getManufacturerSKU, getMinOrderQuantity, getName, getOnlineCategories, getOnlineFlag, getOnlineFrom, getOnlineTo, getOptionModel, getOrderableRecommendations, getOrderableRecommendations, getPageDescription, getPageKeywords, getPageMetaTag, getPageMetaTags, getPageTitle, getPageURL, getPriceModel, getPriceModel, getPrimaryCategory, getPrimaryCategoryAssignment, getProductLinks, getProductLinks, getProductSetProducts, getProductSets, getRecommendations, getRecommendations, getSearchableFlag, getSearchableIfUnavailableFlag, getSearchPlacement, getSearchRank, getShortDescription, getSiteMapChangeFrequency, getSiteMapIncluded, getSiteMapPriority, getStepQuantity, getStoreReceiptName, getStoreTaxClass, getTaxClassID, getTemplate, getThumbnail, getUnit, getUnitQuantity, getUPC, getVariants, getVariationGroups, getVariationModel, includedInBundle, isAssignedToCategory, isAssignedToSiteCatalog, isAvailable, isBundle, isBundled, isCategorized, isFacebookEnabled, isMaster, isOnline, isOptionProduct, isPinterestEnabled, isProduct, isProductSet, isProductSetProduct, isRetailSet, isSearchable, isSiteProduct, isVariant, isVariationGroup, setAvailableFlag, setOnlineFlag, setSearchableFlag, setSearchPlacement, setSearchRank

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail

getAllProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all product links of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define any product links, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.


All product links of the variation group or master

getAllProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all product links of the specified type of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define any product links, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.


type - Type of the product link


Product links of specified type of the variation group or master


getBrand() : String

Returns the brand of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'brand', the value of the master product is returned.


The brand of the variation group or master


getClassificationCategory() : Category

Returns the classification category of the product variation group.
Please note that the classification category is always inherited from the master and cannot be overridden by the variation group.


The classification category as defined for the master product of the variation group


getCustom() : CustomAttributes

Returns the custom attributes of the variation group.
Custom attributes are inherited from the master product and can be overridden by the variation group.


the custom attributes of the variation group.


getEAN() : String

Returns the EAN of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'EAN', the value of the master product is returned.


The EAN of the variation group or master


getImage() : MediaFile

Returns the image of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'image', the value of the master product is returned.


The image of the variation group or master


getLongDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the long description of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'longDescription', the value of the master product is returned.


The long description name of the variation group or master


getManufacturerName() : String

Returns the manufacturer name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'manufacturerName', the value of the master product is returned.


The manufacturer name of the variation group or master


getManufacturerSKU() : String

Returns the manufacturer sku of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'manufacturerSKU', the value of the master product is returned.


The manufacturer sku of the variation group or master


getMasterProduct() : Product

Returns the ProductMaster for this mastered product.


the ProductMaster of this mastered product


getName() : String

Returns the name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'name', the value of the master product is returned.


The name of the variation group or master


getOnlineFrom() : Date

Returns the onlineFrom date of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'onlineFrom', the value of the master product is returned.


The onlineFrom date of the variation group or master


getOnlineTo() : Date

Returns the onlineTo date of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'onlineTo', the value of the master product is returned.


The onlineTo date of the variation group or master


getPageDescription() : String

Returns the pageDescription of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageDescription', the value of the master product is returned.


The pageDescription of the variation group or master


getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the pageKeywords of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageKeywords', the value of the master product is returned.


The pageKeywords of the variation group or master


getPageTitle() : String

Returns the pageTitle of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageTitle', the value of the master product is returned.


The pageTitle of the variation group or master


getPageURL() : String

Returns the pageURL of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'pageURL', the value of the master product is returned.


The pageURL of the variation group or master

getProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all product links of the product variation group for which the target product is assigned to the current site catalog.
If the variation group does not define any product links, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.


Product links of the variation group or master

getProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all product links of the specified type of the product variation group for which the target product is assigned to the current site catalog.
If the variation group does not define any product links of the specified type, but the master product does, the product links of the master are returned.


type - Type of the product link


Product links of specified type of the variation group or master


getRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Retrieve the sorted collection of recommendations of the specified type for this product variation group. The types (cross-sell, up-sell, etc) are enumerated in the dw.catalog.Recommendation class. Only recommendations which are stored in the current site catalog are returned. Furthermore, a recommendation is only returned if the target of the recommendation is assigned to the current site catalog.

If the variation group does not define any recommendations, but the master product does, the recommendations of the master are returned.


type - the recommendation type


the sorted collection, never null but possibly empty.


getShortDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the short description of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'shortDescription', the value of the master product is returned.


The short description name of the variation group or master


getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the tax class id of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'taxClassID', the value of the master product is returned.


The tax class id of the variation group or master


getTemplate() : String

Returns the rendering template name of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'template', the value of the master product is returned.


The rendering template name of the variation group or master


getThumbnail() : MediaFile

Returns the thumbnail image of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'thumbnailImage', the value of the master product is returned.


The thumbnail image of the variation group or master


getUnit() : String

Returns the sales unit of the product variation group as defined by the master product.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'unit', the value of the master product is returned.


The sales unit of the variation group or master


getUnitQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the unitQuantity of the product variation group as defined by the master product.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'unitQuantity', the value of the master product is returned.


The unitQuantity of the variation group or master


getUPC() : String

Returns the UPC of the product variation group.
If the variation group does not define an own value for 'UPC', the value of the master product is returned.


The UPC of the variation group or master


isOptionProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the variation group has any options, otherwise 'false'. Method also returns 'true' if the variation group has not any options, but the related master product has options.


true if the variation group has any options, false otherwise.