Script: Class dw.catalog.Product

Class Product

Represents a product in Commerce Cloud Digital. Products are identified by a unique product ID, sometimes called the SKU. There are several different types of product:

  • Simple product
  • Master products: This type of product defines a template for a set of related products which differ only by a set of defined "variation attributes", such as size or color. Master products are not orderable themselves. The variation information for a master product is available through its ProductVariationModel.
  • Variant: Variants are the actual orderable products that are related to a master product. Each variant of a master product has a unique set of values for the defined variation attributes. Variants are said to be "mastered" by the corresponding master product.
  • Option products: Option products define additional options, such as a warranty, which can be purchased for a defined price at the time the product is purchased. The option information for an option product is available through its ProductOptionModel.
  • Product-sets: A product-set is a set of products which the merchant can sell as a collection in the storefront, for example an outfit of clothes. Product-sets are not orderable and therefore do not define prices. They exist only to group the products together in the storefront UI. Members of the set are called "product-set-products".
  • Products bundles: A collection of products which can be ordered as a single unit and therefore can define its own price and inventory record.

Product price and availability information are retrievable through getPriceModel() and getAvailabilityModel() respectively. Attribute information is retrievable through getAttributeModel(). Products may reference other products, either as recommendations or product links. This class provides the methods for retrieving these referenced products.

Products belong to a catalog (the "owning" catalog) and are assigned to categories in other catalogs. Products assigned to categories in the site catalog are typically orderable on the site.

Any API method which returns products will return an instance of a Variant for variant products. This subclass contains methods which are specific to this type of product.

All Known Subclasses

Variant, VariationGroup


activeData : ProductActiveData Read Only

The active data for this product, for the current site.

allCategories : Collection Read Only

A collection of all categories to which this product is assigned.

allCategoryAssignments : Collection Read Only

All category assignments for this product in any catalog.

allIncomingProductLinks : Collection Read Only

All incoming ProductLinks.

allProductLinks : Collection Read Only

All outgoing ProductLinks.

assignedToSiteCatalog : boolean Read Only

Returns true if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise false is returned.

In case of the product being a variant, the variant will be considered as assigned if its master, one of the variation groups it is in or itself is assigned to the site catalog. In case this is triggered for a variation group the variation group is considered as assigned if its master or itself is assigned.

attributeModel : ProductAttributeModel Read Only

Returns this product's ProductAttributeModel, which makes access to the product attribute information convenient. The model is calculated based on the product attributes assigned to this product's classification category (or any of it's ancestors) and the global attribute definitions for the system object type 'Product'. If this product has no classification category, the attribute model is calculated on the global attribute definitions only. If this product is a variant, then the attribute model is calculated based on the classification category of its corresponding master product.

availabilityModel : ProductAvailabilityModel Read Only

The availability model, which can be used to determine availability information for a product.

available : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the product is available.


Use getAvailabilityModel().isInStock() instead

availableFlag : boolean

Identifies if the product is available.


Use getAvailabilityModel() instead.

brand : String Read Only

The Brand of the product.

bundle : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is a product bundle.

bundled : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is bundled within at least one product bundle.

bundledProducts : Collection Read Only

A collection containing all products that participate in the product bundle.

bundles : Collection Read Only

A collection of all bundles in which this product is included. The method only returns bundles assigned to the current site.

categories : Collection Read Only

A collection of all categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.

categorized : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product is bound to at least one catalog category.

categoryAssignments : Collection Read Only

A collection of category assignments for this product in the current site catalog.

classificationCategory : Category Read Only

The classification category associated with this Product. A product has a single classification category which may or may not be in the site catalog. The classification category defines the attribute set of the product. See getAttributeModel() for how the classification category is used.

EAN : String Read Only

The European Article Number of the product.

facebookEnabled : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the product is Facebook enabled.

ID : String Read Only

The ID of the product.

image : MediaFile Read Only

The product's image.


Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.

incomingProductLinks : Collection Read Only

Returns incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product.

longDescription : MarkupText Read Only

The product's long description in the current locale.

manufacturerName : String Read Only

The name of the product manufacturer.

manufacturerSKU : String Read Only

The value of the manufacturer's stock keeping unit.

master : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is a product master.

minOrderQuantity : Quantity Read Only

The minimum order quantity for this product.

name : String Read Only

The name of the product in the current locale.

online : boolean Read Only

The online status of the product. The online status is calculated from the online status flag and the onlineFrom onlineTo dates defined for the product.

onlineCategories : Collection Read Only

A collection of all currently online categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site. A category is currently online if its online flag equals true and the current site date is within the date range defined by the onlineFrom and onlineTo attributes.

onlineFlag : boolean Read Only

The online status flag of the product.

onlineFrom : Date Read Only

The date from which the product is online or valid.

onlineTo : Date Read Only

The date until which the product is online or valid.

optionModel : ProductOptionModel Read Only

The product's option model. The option values selections are initialized with the values defined for the product, or the default values defined for the option.

optionProduct : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the product has options.

orderableRecommendations : Collection Read Only

A list of outgoing recommendations for this product. This method behaves similarly to getRecommendations() but additionally filters out recommendations for which the target product is unorderable according to its product availability model.

pageDescription : String Read Only

Returns product's page description in the default locale.

pageKeywords : String Read Only

The product's page keywords in the default locale.

pageMetaTags : Array Read Only

All page meta tags, defined for this instance for which content can be generated.

The meta tag content is generated based on the product detail page meta tag context and rules. The rules are obtained from the current product context or inherited from variation groups, master product, the primary category, up to the root category.

pageTitle : String Read Only

The product's page title in the default locale.

pageURL : String Read Only

The product's page URL in the default locale.

pinterestEnabled : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the product is Pinterest enabled.

priceModel : ProductPriceModel Read Only

The price model, which can be used to retrieve a price for this product.

primaryCategory : Category Read Only

The primary category of the product within the current site catalog.

primaryCategoryAssignment : CategoryAssignment Read Only

The category assignment to the primary category in the current site catalog or null if no primary category is defined within the current site catalog.

product : boolean Read Only

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product. Returns 'false' if the instance represents a product set.

productLinks : Collection Read Only

All outgoing ProductLinks, where the target product is also available in the current site. The ProductLinks are unsorted.

productSet : boolean Read Only

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product set, otherwise 'false'.

productSetProduct : boolean Read Only

Returns true if this product is part of any product set, otherwise false.

productSetProducts : Collection Read Only

A collection of all products which are assigned to this product and which are also available through the current site. If this product does not represent a product set then an empty collection will be returned.

productSets : Collection Read Only

A collection of all product sets in which this product is included. The method only returns product sets assigned to the current site.

recommendations : Collection Read Only

The outgoing recommendations for this product which belong to the site catalog. If this product is not assigned to the site catalog, or there is no site catalog, an empty collection is returned. Only recommendations for which the target product exists and is assigned to the site catalog are returned. The recommendations are sorted by their explicitly set order.

retailSet : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is part of a retail set.


Use isProductSet() instead

searchable : boolean Read Only

Identifies if the product is searchable.

searchableFlag : boolean Read Only

Returns, whether the product is currently searchable.

searchableIfUnavailableFlag : boolean Read Only

The searchable status of the Product if unavailable. Besides true or false, the return value null indicates that the value is not set.

searchPlacement : Number Read Only

The product's search placement classification. The higher the numeric product placement value, the more relevant is the product when sorting search results. The range of numeric placement values is defined in the meta data of object type 'Product' and can therefore be customized.

searchRank : Number Read Only

The product's search rank. The higher the numeric product rank, the more relevant is the product when sorting search results. The range of numeric rank values is defined in the meta data of object type 'Product' and can therefore be customized.

shortDescription : MarkupText Read Only

The product's short description in the current locale.

siteMapChangeFrequency : String Read Only

The product's change frequency needed for the sitemap creation.

siteMapIncluded : Number Read Only

The status if the product is included into the sitemap.

siteMapPriority : Number Read Only

The product's priority needed for the sitemap creation.

siteProduct : boolean Read Only

Returns 'true' if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise 'false' is returned.


Use isAssignedToSiteCatalog() instead

stepQuantity : Quantity Read Only

The steps in which the order amount of the product can be increased.

storeReceiptName : String Read Only

The store receipt name of the product in the current locale.

storeTaxClass : String Read Only

The store tax class ID.

This is an optional override for in-store tax calculation.

taxClassID : String Read Only

The ID of the product's tax class, by resolving the Global Preference setting selected. If the Localized Tax Class setting under Global Preferences -> Products is selected, the localizedTaxClassID attribute value will be returned, else the legacy taxClassID attribute value will be returned.

template : String Read Only

The name of the product's rendering template.

thumbnail : MediaFile Read Only

The product's thumbnail image.


Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.

unit : String Read Only

The product's sales unit.

unitQuantity : Quantity Read Only

The product's unit quantity.

UPC : String Read Only

The Universal Product Code of the product.

variant : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is mastered by a product master.

variants : Collection Read Only

A collection of all variants assigned to this variation master or variation group product. All variants are returned regardless of whether they are online or offline. If this product does not represent a variation master or variation group product then an empty collection is returned.

variationGroup : boolean Read Only

Identifies if this product instance is a variation group product.

variationGroups : Collection Read Only

A collection of all variation groups assigned to this variation master product. All variation groups are returned regardless of whether they are online or offline. If this product does not represent a variation master product then an empty collection is returned.

variationModel : ProductVariationModel Read Only

The variation model of this product. If this product is a master product, then the returned model will encapsulate all the information about its variation attributes and variants. If this product is a variant product, then the returned model will encapsulate all the same information, but additionally pre-select all the variation attribute values of this variant. (See ProductVariationModel for details on what "selected" means.) If this product is neither a master product or a variation product, then a model will be returned but will be essentially empty and not useful for any particular purpose.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.

Method Summary

assignedToCategory(category : Category) : boolean

Identifies if this product is bound to the specified catalog category.

getActiveData() : ProductActiveData

Returns the active data for this product, for the current site.

getAllCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all categories to which this product is assigned.

getAllCategoryAssignments() : Collection

Returns all category assignments for this product in any catalog.

getAllIncomingProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all incoming ProductLinks.

getAllIncomingProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all incoming ProductLinks of a specific type.

getAllProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks.

getAllProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks of a specific type.

getAllRecommendations(catalog : Catalog) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which belong to the specified catalog.

getAllRecommendations(catalog : Catalog, type : Number) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which are of the specified type and which belong to the specified catalog.

getAttributeModel() : ProductAttributeModel

Returns this product's ProductAttributeModel, which makes access to the product attribute information convenient.

getAvailabilityModel() : ProductAvailabilityModel

Returns the availability model, which can be used to determine availability information for a product.

getAvailabilityModel(list : ProductInventoryList) : ProductAvailabilityModel

Returns the availability model of the given inventory list, which can be used to determine availability information for a product.

getAvailableFlag() : boolean

Identifies if the product is available.

getBrand() : String

Returns the Brand of the product.

getBundledProductQuantity(aProduct : Product) : Quantity

Returns the quantity of the specified product within the bundle.

getBundledProducts() : Collection

Returns a collection containing all products that participate in the product bundle.

getBundles() : Collection

Returns a collection of all bundles in which this product is included.

getCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.

getCategoryAssignment(category : Category) : CategoryAssignment

Returns the category assignment for a specific category.

getCategoryAssignments() : Collection

Returns a collection of category assignments for this product in the current site catalog.

getClassificationCategory() : Category

Returns the classification category associated with this Product.

getEAN() : String

Returns the European Article Number of the product.

getID() : String

Returns the ID of the product.

getImage() : MediaFile

Returns the product's image.

getImage(viewtype : String, index : Number) : MediaFile

The method calls getImages(String) and returns the image at the specific index.

getImage(viewtype : String) : MediaFile

The method calls getImages(String) and returns the first image.

getImages(viewtype : String) : List

Returns all images assigned to this product for a specific view type, e.g.

getIncomingProductLinks() : Collection

Returns incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product.

getIncomingProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product of a specific type.

getLongDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the product's long description in the current locale.

getManufacturerName() : String

Returns the name of the product manufacturer.

getManufacturerSKU() : String

Returns the value of the manufacturer's stock keeping unit.

getMinOrderQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the minimum order quantity for this product.

getName() : String

Returns the name of the product in the current locale.

getOnlineCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all currently online categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.

getOnlineFlag() : boolean

Returns the online status flag of the product.

getOnlineFrom() : Date

Returns the date from which the product is online or valid.

getOnlineTo() : Date

Returns the date until which the product is online or valid.

getOptionModel() : ProductOptionModel

Returns the product's option model.

getOrderableRecommendations() : Collection

Returns a list of outgoing recommendations for this product.

getOrderableRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Returns a list of outgoing recommendations for this product.

getPageDescription() : String

Returns product's page description in the default locale.

getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the product's page keywords in the default locale.

getPageMetaTag(id : String) : PageMetaTag

Returns the page meta tag for the specified id.

getPageMetaTags() : Array

Returns all page meta tags, defined for this instance for which content can be generated.

getPageTitle() : String

Returns the product's page title in the default locale.

getPageURL() : String

Returns the product's page URL in the default locale.

getPriceModel() : ProductPriceModel

Returns the price model, which can be used to retrieve a price for this product.

getPriceModel(optionModel : ProductOptionModel) : ProductPriceModel

Returns the price model based on the specified optionModel.

getPrimaryCategory() : Category

Returns the primary category of the product within the current site catalog.

getPrimaryCategoryAssignment() : CategoryAssignment

Returns the category assignment to the primary category in the current site catalog or null if no primary category is defined within the current site catalog.

getProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks, where the target product is also available in the current site.

getProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks of a specific type, where the target product is also available in the current site.

getProductSetProducts() : Collection

Returns a collection of all products which are assigned to this product and which are also available through the current site.

getProductSets() : Collection

Returns a collection of all product sets in which this product is included.

getRecommendations() : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which belong to the site catalog.

getRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which are of the specified type and which belong to the site catalog.

getSearchableFlag() : boolean

Returns, whether the product is currently searchable.

getSearchableIfUnavailableFlag() : boolean

Returns the searchable status of the Product if unavailable.

getSearchPlacement() : Number

Returns the product's search placement classification.

getSearchRank() : Number

Returns the product's search rank.

getShortDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the product's short description in the current locale.

getSiteMapChangeFrequency() : String

Returns the product's change frequency needed for the sitemap creation.

getSiteMapIncluded() : Number

Returns the status if the product is included into the sitemap.

getSiteMapPriority() : Number

Returns the product's priority needed for the sitemap creation.

getStepQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the steps in which the order amount of the product can be increased.

getStoreReceiptName() : String

Returns the store receipt name of the product in the current locale.

getStoreTaxClass() : String

Returns the store tax class ID.

getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the product's tax class, by resolving the Global Preference setting selected.

getTemplate() : String

Returns the name of the product's rendering template.

getThumbnail() : MediaFile

Returns the product's thumbnail image.

getUnit() : String

Returns the product's sales unit.

getUnitQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the product's unit quantity.

getUPC() : String

Returns the Universal Product Code of the product.

getVariants() : Collection

Returns a collection of all variants assigned to this variation master or variation group product.

getVariationGroups() : Collection

Returns a collection of all variation groups assigned to this variation master product.

getVariationModel() : ProductVariationModel

Returns the variation model of this product.

includedInBundle(product : Product) : boolean

Identifies if the specified product participates in this product bundle.

isAssignedToCategory(category : Category) : boolean

Returns 'true' if item is assigned to the specified category.

isAssignedToSiteCatalog() : boolean

Returns true if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise false is returned.

isAvailable() : boolean

Identifies if the product is available.

isBundle() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a product bundle.

isBundled() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is bundled within at least one product bundle.

isCategorized() : boolean

Identifies if this product is bound to at least one catalog category.

isFacebookEnabled() : boolean

Identifies if the product is Facebook enabled.

isMaster() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a product master.

isOnline() : boolean

Returns the online status of the product.

isOptionProduct() : boolean

Identifies if the product has options.

isPinterestEnabled() : boolean

Identifies if the product is Pinterest enabled.

isProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product.

isProductSet() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product set, otherwise 'false'.

isProductSetProduct() : boolean

Returns true if this product is part of any product set, otherwise false.

isRetailSet() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is part of a retail set.

isSearchable() : boolean

Identifies if the product is searchable.

isSiteProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise 'false' is returned.

isVariant() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is mastered by a product master.

isVariationGroup() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a variation group product.

setAvailableFlag(available : boolean) : void

Set the availability status flag of the product.

setOnlineFlag(online : boolean) : void

Set the online status flag of the product for the current site.

setSearchableFlag(searchable : boolean) : void

Set the flag indicating whether the product is searchable or not in context of the current site.

setSearchPlacement(placement : Number) : void

Set the product's search placement classification in context of the current site.

setSearchRank(rank : Number) : void

Set the product's search rank in context of the current site.

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


assignedToCategory(category : Category) : boolean

Identifies if this product is bound to the specified catalog category.


Use isAssignedToCategory(Category)


category - the CatalogCategory to check.


true if the product is bound to the CatalogCategory, false otherwise.


getActiveData() : ProductActiveData

Returns the active data for this product, for the current site.


the active data for this product for the current site.


getAllCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all categories to which this product is assigned.


Collection of categories.


getAllCategoryAssignments() : Collection

Returns all category assignments for this product in any catalog.


Collection of category assignments of the product in any catalog.

getAllIncomingProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all incoming ProductLinks.


a collection of all incoming ProductLinks.

getAllIncomingProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all incoming ProductLinks of a specific type.


type - the type of ProductLinks to use.


a collection of all incoming ProductLinks of a specific type.

getAllProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks.


a collection of all outgoing ProductLinks.

getAllProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks of a specific type.


type - the type of ProductLinks to fetch.


a collection of all outgoing ProductLinks of a specific type.


getAllRecommendations(catalog : Catalog) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which belong to the specified catalog. The recommendations are sorted by their explicitly set order.


catalog - the catalog containing the recommendations.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.


getAllRecommendations(catalog : Catalog, type : Number) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which are of the specified type and which belong to the specified catalog. The recommendations are sorted by their explicitly set order.


catalog - the catalog containing the recommendations.

type - the recommendation type.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.


getAttributeModel() : ProductAttributeModel

Returns this product's ProductAttributeModel, which makes access to the product attribute information convenient. The model is calculated based on the product attributes assigned to this product's classification category (or any of it's ancestors) and the global attribute definitions for the system object type 'Product'. If this product has no classification category, the attribute model is calculated on the global attribute definitions only. If this product is a variant, then the attribute model is calculated based on the classification category of its corresponding master product.


the ProductAttributeModel for this product.


getAvailabilityModel() : ProductAvailabilityModel

Returns the availability model, which can be used to determine availability information for a product.


the availability model for a product.


getAvailabilityModel(list : ProductInventoryList) : ProductAvailabilityModel

Returns the availability model of the given inventory list, which can be used to determine availability information for a product.


list - The inventory list to get the availability model for. Must not be null or an exception will be raised.


the availability model of the given inventory list for a product.


getAvailableFlag() : boolean

Identifies if the product is available.


Use getAvailabilityModel() instead.


the availability status flag of the product.


getBrand() : String

Returns the Brand of the product.


the Brand of the product.


getBundledProductQuantity(aProduct : Product) : Quantity

Returns the quantity of the specified product within the bundle. If the specified product is not part of the bundle, a 0 quantity is returned.


aProduct - The product to determine the quantity for.


The quantity of the product within the bundle or 0 if the product is not part of the bundle.


getBundledProducts() : Collection

Returns a collection containing all products that participate in the product bundle.


A collection containing all products of the product bundle.


getBundles() : Collection

Returns a collection of all bundles in which this product is included. The method only returns bundles assigned to the current site.


Collection of bundles in which this product is included, possibly empty.


getCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.


Collection of categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.


getCategoryAssignment(category : Category) : CategoryAssignment

Returns the category assignment for a specific category.


category - the category to use when fetching assignments.


The category assignment for a specific category.


getCategoryAssignments() : Collection

Returns a collection of category assignments for this product in the current site catalog.


Collection of category assignments.


getClassificationCategory() : Category

Returns the classification category associated with this Product. A product has a single classification category which may or may not be in the site catalog. The classification category defines the attribute set of the product. See getAttributeModel() for how the classification category is used.


the associated classification Category, or null if none is associated.


getEAN() : String

Returns the European Article Number of the product.


the European Article Number of the product.


getID() : String

Returns the ID of the product.


ID of the product.


getImage() : MediaFile

Returns the product's image.


Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.


the product's image.


getImage(viewtype : String, index : Number) : MediaFile

The method calls getImages(String) and returns the image at the specific index. If no image for specified index is available the method returns null.


viewtype - the view type annotated to image

index - the index number of the image within image list


the MediaFile or null


NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null


getImage(viewtype : String) : MediaFile

The method calls getImages(String) and returns the first image. If no image is available the method returns null. When called for a variant with defined images for specified view type the method returns the first image. When called for a variant without defined images for specified view type the method returns the first master product image. If no master product images are defined, the method returns null.


viewtype - the view type annotated to image


the MediaFile or null


NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null


getImages(viewtype : String) : List

Returns all images assigned to this product for a specific view type, e.g. all 'thumbnail' images. The images are returned in the order of their index number ascending. When called for a master the method returns the images specific to the master, which are typically the fall back images.


viewtype - the view type annotated to images


a list of MediaFile objects, possibly empty


NullArgumentException - if viewtype is null

getIncomingProductLinks() : Collection

Returns incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product.


a collection of incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product.

getIncomingProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product of a specific type.


type - the type of ProductLinks to fetch.


a collection of incoming ProductLinks, where the source product is a site product of a specific type.


getLongDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the product's long description in the current locale.


The product's long description in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getManufacturerName() : String

Returns the name of the product manufacturer.


the name of the product manufacturer.


getManufacturerSKU() : String

Returns the value of the manufacturer's stock keeping unit.


the value of the manufacturer's stock keeping unit.


getMinOrderQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the minimum order quantity for this product.


the minimum order quantity of the product.


getName() : String

Returns the name of the product in the current locale.


The name of the product for the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getOnlineCategories() : Collection

Returns a collection of all currently online categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site. A category is currently online if its online flag equals true and the current site date is within the date range defined by the onlineFrom and onlineTo attributes.


Collection of currently online categories to which this product is assigned and which are also available through the current site.


getOnlineFlag() : boolean

Returns the online status flag of the product.


the online status flag of the product.


getOnlineFrom() : Date

Returns the date from which the product is online or valid.


the date from which the product is online or valid.


getOnlineTo() : Date

Returns the date until which the product is online or valid.


the date until which the product is online or valid.


getOptionModel() : ProductOptionModel

Returns the product's option model. The option values selections are initialized with the values defined for the product, or the default values defined for the option.


the products option model.


getOrderableRecommendations() : Collection

Returns a list of outgoing recommendations for this product. This method behaves similarly to getRecommendations() but additionally filters out recommendations for which the target product is unorderable according to its product availability model.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.

See Also:



getOrderableRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Returns a list of outgoing recommendations for this product. This method behaves similarly to getRecommendations(Number) but additionally filters out recommendations for which the target product is unorderable according to its product availability model.


type - the recommendation type.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.

See Also:



getPageDescription() : String

Returns product's page description in the default locale.


The product's page description in the default locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the product's page keywords in the default locale.


The product's page keywords in the default locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getPageMetaTag(id : String) : PageMetaTag

Returns the page meta tag for the specified id.

The meta tag content is generated based on the product detail page meta tag context and rule. The rule is obtained from the current product context or inherited from variation groups, master product, the primary category, up to the root category.

Null will be returned if the meta tag is undefined on the current instance, or if no rule can be found for the current context, or if the rule resolves to an empty string.


id - the ID to get the page meta tag for


page meta tag containing content generated based on rules


getPageMetaTags() : Array

Returns all page meta tags, defined for this instance for which content can be generated.

The meta tag content is generated based on the product detail page meta tag context and rules. The rules are obtained from the current product context or inherited from variation groups, master product, the primary category, up to the root category.


page meta tags defined for this instance, containing content generated based on rules


getPageTitle() : String

Returns the product's page title in the default locale.


The product's page title in the default locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getPageURL() : String

Returns the product's page URL in the default locale.


The product's page URL in the default locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getPriceModel() : ProductPriceModel

Returns the price model, which can be used to retrieve a price for this product.


the price model, which can be used to retrieve a price for this product.


getPriceModel(optionModel : ProductOptionModel) : ProductPriceModel

Returns the price model based on the specified optionModel. The price model can be used to retrieve a price for this product. Prices are calculated based on the option values selected in the specified option model.


optionModel - the option model to use when fetching the price model.


the price model based on the specified optionModel.


getPrimaryCategory() : Category

Returns the primary category of the product within the current site catalog.


The product's primary category or null.


getPrimaryCategoryAssignment() : CategoryAssignment

Returns the category assignment to the primary category in the current site catalog or null if no primary category is defined within the current site catalog.


The category assignment to the primary category or null.

getProductLinks() : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks, where the target product is also available in the current site. The ProductLinks are unsorted.


a collection of outgoing ProductLinks where the target product is also available in the current site.

getProductLinks(type : Number) : Collection

Returns all outgoing ProductLinks of a specific type, where the target product is also available in the current site. The ProductLinks are sorted.


type - the type of ProductLinks to fetch.


a collection of outgoing ProductLinks where the target product is also available in the current site.


getProductSetProducts() : Collection

Returns a collection of all products which are assigned to this product and which are also available through the current site. If this product does not represent a product set then an empty collection will be returned.


Collection of products which are assigned to this product and which are also available through the current site.


getProductSets() : Collection

Returns a collection of all product sets in which this product is included. The method only returns product sets assigned to the current site.


Collection of product sets in which this product is included, possibly empty.


getRecommendations() : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which belong to the site catalog. If this product is not assigned to the site catalog, or there is no site catalog, an empty collection is returned. Only recommendations for which the target product exists and is assigned to the site catalog are returned. The recommendations are sorted by their explicitly set order.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.


getRecommendations(type : Number) : Collection

Returns the outgoing recommendations for this product which are of the specified type and which belong to the site catalog. Behaves the same as getRecommendations() but additionally filters by recommendation type.


type - the recommendation type.


the sorted collection of recommendations, never null but possibly empty.


getSearchableFlag() : boolean

Returns, whether the product is currently searchable.


the searchable status flag of the product.


getSearchableIfUnavailableFlag() : boolean

Returns the searchable status of the Product if unavailable. Besides true or false, the return value null indicates that the value is not set.


The searchable status of the product if unavailable or null if not set.


getSearchPlacement() : Number

Returns the product's search placement classification. The higher the numeric product placement value, the more relevant is the product when sorting search results. The range of numeric placement values is defined in the meta data of object type 'Product' and can therefore be customized.


The product's search placement classification.


getSearchRank() : Number

Returns the product's search rank. The higher the numeric product rank, the more relevant is the product when sorting search results. The range of numeric rank values is defined in the meta data of object type 'Product' and can therefore be customized.


The product's search rank.


getShortDescription() : MarkupText

Returns the product's short description in the current locale.


the product's short description in the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getSiteMapChangeFrequency() : String

Returns the product's change frequency needed for the sitemap creation.


The product's sitemap change frequency.


getSiteMapIncluded() : Number

Returns the status if the product is included into the sitemap.


the value of the attribute 'siteMapIncluded'.


getSiteMapPriority() : Number

Returns the product's priority needed for the sitemap creation.


The product's sitemap priority.


getStepQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the steps in which the order amount of the product can be increased.


the order amount by which the product can be increased.


getStoreReceiptName() : String

Returns the store receipt name of the product in the current locale.


The store receipt name of the product for the current locale, or null if it wasn't found.


getStoreTaxClass() : String

Returns the store tax class ID.

This is an optional override for in-store tax calculation.


the store tax class id.


getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the product's tax class, by resolving the Global Preference setting selected. If the Localized Tax Class setting under Global Preferences -> Products is selected, the localizedTaxClassID attribute value will be returned, else the legacy taxClassID attribute value will be returned.


the ID of the product's tax class depending on the Global Preference setting selected for Products.


getTemplate() : String

Returns the name of the product's rendering template.


the name of the product's rendering template.


getThumbnail() : MediaFile

Returns the product's thumbnail image.


Commerce Cloud Digital introduces a new more powerful product image management. It allows to group product images by self-defined view types (e.g. 'large', 'thumbnail', 'swatch') and variation values (e.g. for attribute color 'red', 'blue'). Images can be annotated with pattern based title and alt. Product images can be accessed from Digital locations or external storage locations.

Please use the new product image management. Therefore you have to set up the common product image settings like view types, image location, default image alt and title for your catalogs first. After that you can group your product images by the previously defined view types in context of a product. Finally use getImages(String) and getImage(String, Number) to access your images.


the product's thumbnail image.


getUnit() : String

Returns the product's sales unit.


the products sales unit.


getUnitQuantity() : Quantity

Returns the product's unit quantity.


the products unit quantity.


getUPC() : String

Returns the Universal Product Code of the product.


the Universal Product Code of the product.


getVariants() : Collection

Returns a collection of all variants assigned to this variation master or variation group product. All variants are returned regardless of whether they are online or offline. If this product does not represent a variation master or variation group product then an empty collection is returned.


Collection of variants associated with this variation master or variation group product.


getVariationGroups() : Collection

Returns a collection of all variation groups assigned to this variation master product. All variation groups are returned regardless of whether they are online or offline. If this product does not represent a variation master product then an empty collection is returned.


Collection of variation groups associated with this variation master product.


getVariationModel() : ProductVariationModel

Returns the variation model of this product. If this product is a master product, then the returned model will encapsulate all the information about its variation attributes and variants. If this product is a variant product, then the returned model will encapsulate all the same information, but additionally pre-select all the variation attribute values of this variant. (See ProductVariationModel for details on what "selected" means.) If this product is neither a master product or a variation product, then a model will be returned but will be essentially empty and not useful for any particular purpose.


the variation model of the product.


includedInBundle(product : Product) : boolean

Identifies if the specified product participates in this product bundle. If this product does not represent a bundle at all, then false will always be returned.


product - the product to check for participation.


true if the product participates in the bundle, false otherwise.


isAssignedToCategory(category : Category) : boolean

Returns 'true' if item is assigned to the specified category.


category - the category to check.


true if item is assigned to category.


isAssignedToSiteCatalog() : boolean

Returns true if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise false is returned.

In case of the product being a variant, the variant will be considered as assigned if its master, one of the variation groups it is in or itself is assigned to the site catalog. In case this is triggered for a variation group the variation group is considered as assigned if its master or itself is assigned.


'true' if product assigned to the site catalog


isAvailable() : boolean

Identifies if the product is available.


Use getAvailabilityModel().isInStock() instead


the value of the attribute 'available'.


isBundle() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a product bundle.


true if the product is a bundle, false otherwise.


isBundled() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is bundled within at least one product bundle.


true if the product is bundled, false otherwise.


isCategorized() : boolean

Identifies if this product is bound to at least one catalog category.


true if the product is bound to at least one catalog category, false otherwise.


isFacebookEnabled() : boolean

Identifies if the product is Facebook enabled.


the value of the attribute 'facebookEnabled'.


isMaster() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a product master.


true if the product is a master, false otherwise.


isOnline() : boolean

Returns the online status of the product. The online status is calculated from the online status flag and the onlineFrom onlineTo dates defined for the product.


the online status of the product.


isOptionProduct() : boolean

Identifies if the product has options.


true if product has options, false otherwise.


isPinterestEnabled() : boolean

Identifies if the product is Pinterest enabled.


the value of the attribute 'pinterestEnabled'.


isProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product. Returns 'false' if the instance represents a product set.


true if the instance is a product, false otherwise.

See Also:



isProductSet() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the instance represents a product set, otherwise 'false'.


true if the instance is a product set, false otherwise.

See Also:



isProductSetProduct() : boolean

Returns true if this product is part of any product set, otherwise false.


true if the product is part of any product set, false otherwise.


isRetailSet() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is part of a retail set.


Use isProductSet() instead


true if the product is part of a retail set, false otherwise.


isSearchable() : boolean

Identifies if the product is searchable.


the value of the attribute 'searchable'.


isSiteProduct() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the product is assigned to the current site (via the site catalog), otherwise 'false' is returned.


Use isAssignedToSiteCatalog() instead


'true' if product assigned to site.


isVariant() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is mastered by a product master.


true if the product is mastered, false otherwise.


isVariationGroup() : boolean

Identifies if this product instance is a variation group product.


true if the product is a variation group, false otherwise.


setAvailableFlag(available : boolean) : void

Set the availability status flag of the product.


Don't use this method anymore.


available - Availability status flag.


setOnlineFlag(online : boolean) : void

Set the online status flag of the product for the current site. If current site is not available (i.e. in case this method is called by a job that runs on organization level) the online status flag is set global, which can affect all sites.

In previous versions this method set the online status flag global, instead of site specific.

API Versioned:

From version 10.6. In prior versions this method set the online status flag global, instead of site specific.


online - Online status flag.


setSearchableFlag(searchable : boolean) : void

Set the flag indicating whether the product is searchable or not in context of the current site. If current site is not available (i.e. in case this method is called by a job that runs on organization level) the searchable flag is set global, which can affect all sites.

In previous versions this method set the searchable flag global, instead of site specific.

API Versioned:

From version 10.6. In prior versions this method set the searchable flag global, instead of site specific.


searchable - The value of the attribute 'searchable'.


setSearchPlacement(placement : Number) : void

Set the product's search placement classification in context of the current site. If current site is not available (i.e. in case this method is called by a job that runs on organization level) the search placement is set global, which can affect all sites.

In previous versions this method set the search placement classification global, instead of site specific.

API Versioned:

From version 10.6. In prior versions this method set the search placement classification global, instead of site specific.


placement - The product's search placement classification.


setSearchRank(rank : Number) : void

Set the product's search rank in context of the current site. If current site is not available (i.e. in case this method is called by a job that runs on organization level) the search rank is set global, which can affect all sites.

In previous versions this method set the search rank global, instead of site specific.

API Versioned:

From version 10.6. In prior versions this method set the search rank global, instead of site specific.


rank - The product's search rank.