Script: Class dw.content.Folder

Class Folder

Class representing a folder for organizing content assets in Commerce Cloud Digital.


content : Collection Read Only

The content objects for this folder, sorted by position.

description : String Read Only

The description for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.

displayName : String Read Only

The display name for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.

ID : String Read Only

The ID of the folder. The ID can be used to uniquely identify a folder within any given library. This folder ID provides an alternative lookup mechanism for folders frequently used in the storefront.

online : boolean Read Only

Indicates if the folder is set online or offline. Initially, all folders are set online.

onlineContent : Collection Read Only

The online content objects for this folder, sorted by position.

onlineSubFolders : Collection Read Only

The online subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.

pageDescription : String Read Only

The page description for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

pageKeywords : String Read Only

The page keywords for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

pageTitle : String Read Only

The page title for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

pageURL : String Read Only

The page URL for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

parent : Folder Read Only

The parent folder of this folder.

root : boolean Read Only

Indicates if this is the root folder.

siteMapChangeFrequency : String Read Only

The folder's sitemap change frequency.

siteMapIncluded : Number Read Only

The folder's sitemap inclusion.

siteMapPriority : Number Read Only

The folder's sitemap priority.

subFolders : Collection Read Only

The subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.

template : String Read Only

The name of the template used to render the folder in the store front.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getContent() : Collection

Returns the content objects for this folder, sorted by position.

getDescription() : String

Returns the description for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.

getDisplayName() : String

Returns the display name for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.

getID() : String

Returns the ID of the folder.

getOnlineContent() : Collection

Returns the online content objects for this folder, sorted by position.

getOnlineSubFolders() : Collection

Returns the online subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.

getPageDescription() : String

Returns the page description for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the page keywords for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

getPageTitle() : String

Returns the page title for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

getPageURL() : String

Returns the page URL for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.

getParent() : Folder

Returns the parent folder of this folder.

getSiteMapChangeFrequency() : String

Returns the folder's sitemap change frequency.

getSiteMapIncluded() : Number

Returns the folder's sitemap inclusion.

getSiteMapPriority() : Number

Returns the folder's sitemap priority.

getSubFolders() : Collection

Returns the subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.

getTemplate() : String

Returns the name of the template used to render the folder in the store front.

isOnline() : boolean

Indicates if the folder is set online or offline.

isRoot() : boolean

Indicates if this is the root folder.

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getContent() : Collection

Returns the content objects for this folder, sorted by position.


the content objects for this folder, sorted by position.


getDescription() : String

Returns the description for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.


the description for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.


getDisplayName() : String

Returns the display name for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.


the display name for the folder as known in the current locale or null if it cannot be found.


getID() : String

Returns the ID of the folder. The ID can be used to uniquely identify a folder within any given library. This folder ID provides an alternative lookup mechanism for folders frequently used in the storefront.


the ID of the folder.


getOnlineContent() : Collection

Returns the online content objects for this folder, sorted by position.


the online content objects for this folder, sorted by position.


getOnlineSubFolders() : Collection

Returns the online subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.


the online subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.


getPageDescription() : String

Returns the page description for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


the page description for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


getPageKeywords() : String

Returns the page keywords for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


the page keywords for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


getPageTitle() : String

Returns the page title for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


the page title for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


getPageURL() : String

Returns the page URL for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


the page URL for this folder using the value in the current locale, or returns null if no value was found.


getParent() : Folder

Returns the parent folder of this folder.


the parent folder of this folder.


getSiteMapChangeFrequency() : String

Returns the folder's sitemap change frequency.


the value of the attribute 'siteMapChangeFrequency'.


getSiteMapIncluded() : Number

Returns the folder's sitemap inclusion.


the value of the attribute 'siteMapIncluded'.


getSiteMapPriority() : Number

Returns the folder's sitemap priority.


the value of the attribute 'siteMapPriority'.


getSubFolders() : Collection

Returns the subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.


the subfolders of this folder, sorted by position.


getTemplate() : String

Returns the name of the template used to render the folder in the store front.


the name of the template used to render the folder.


isOnline() : boolean

Indicates if the folder is set online or offline. Initially, all folders are set online.


true if the folder is online, false otherwise.


isRoot() : boolean

Indicates if this is the root folder.


true if this is the root folder, false otherwise.