Script: Class dw.experience.CMSRecord

Class CMSRecord

  • Object
    • dw.experience.cms.CMSRecord

This class represents a Salesforce CMS record, exposing its:

The attributes are key value pairs:

  • the key being the attribute id as given in the type.attribute_definitions entries
  • the value being a DWScript API object resolved from the raw attribute value based on the attribute type as given in the type.attribute_definitions entries (similar to how ComponentScriptContext.getContent() exposes the raw attribute value of a Component.getAttribute(String) in shape of a DWScript API object based on the attribute type)


attributes : Map Read Only

Return the Salesforce CMS record attributes as key value pairs:

  • the key being the attribute id as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries
  • the value being a DWScript API object resolved from the raw attribute value based on the attribute type as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries (similar to how ComponentScriptContext.getContent() exposes the raw attribute value of a Component.getAttribute(String) in shape of a DWScript API object based on the attribute type)

The attributes are also conveniently accessible through named property support. That means if myCmsRecord.getAttributes().get('foo') yields value 'bar', then will give the same results.

ID : String Read Only

Return the id of the Salesforce CMS record.

type : Map Read Only

Return the type of the Salesforce CMS record sufficing the content/schema/cmsrecord.json#/definitions/cms_content_type schema. Properties can be accessed accordingly:

  • getType().id : string
  • getType().name : string
  • getType().attribute_definitions : Map (see content/schema/attributedefinition.json)

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getAttributes() : Map

Return the Salesforce CMS record attributes as key value pairs:

  • the key being the attribute id as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries
  • the value being a DWScript API object resolved from the raw attribute value based on the attribute type as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries (similar to how ComponentScriptContext.getContent() exposes the raw attribute value of a Component.getAttribute(String) in shape of a DWScript API object based on the attribute type)

The attributes are also conveniently accessible through named property support.

getID() : String

Return the id of the Salesforce CMS record.

getType() : Map

Return the type of the Salesforce CMS record sufficing the content/schema/cmsrecord.json#/definitions/cms_content_type schema.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getAttributes() : Map

Return the Salesforce CMS record attributes as key value pairs:

  • the key being the attribute id as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries
  • the value being a DWScript API object resolved from the raw attribute value based on the attribute type as given in the [getType()](/script/dw.experience/cms-cms-record).attribute_definitions entries (similar to how ComponentScriptContext.getContent() exposes the raw attribute value of a Component.getAttribute(String) in shape of a DWScript API object based on the attribute type)

The attributes are also conveniently accessible through named property support. That means if myCmsRecord.getAttributes().get('foo') yields value 'bar', then will give the same results.


the cms record attributes


getID() : String

Return the id of the Salesforce CMS record.


the id of the Salesforce CMS record


getType() : Map

Return the type of the Salesforce CMS record sufficing the content/schema/cmsrecord.json#/definitions/cms_content_type schema. Properties can be accessed accordingly:

  • getType().id : string
  • getType().name : string
  • getType().attribute_definitions : Map (see content/schema/attributedefinition.json)


the type of the cms record