Script: Class dw.extensions.ApplePayHookResult

Class ApplePayHookResult

  • Object
    • dw.extensions.applepay.ApplePayHookResult

Result of a hook handling an Apple Pay request.

Use the constants in this type to indicate specific error reasons to be provided to Apple Pay JS. For example, the following code creates a Status that indicates the shipping contact information provided by Apple Pay is invalid:

var ApplePayHookResult = require('dw/extensions/applepay/ApplePayHookResult'); var Status = require('dw/system/Status');

var error = new Status(Status.ERROR); error.addDetail(ApplePayHookResult.STATUS_REASON_DETAIL_KEY, ApplePayHookResult.REASON_SHIPPING_CONTACT);

If a specific error reason is not provided, the generic Apple Pay STATUS_FAILURE reason will be used when necessary.


REASON_BILLING_ADDRESS : String = "InvalidBillingPostalAddress"

Error reason code representing an invalid billing address.

REASON_FAILURE : String = "Failure"

Error reason code representing an error or failure not otherwise specified.

REASON_PIN_INCORRECT : String = "PINIncorrect"

Error reason code representing the PIN is incorrect.

REASON_PIN_LOCKOUT : String = "PINLockout"

Error reason code representing a PIN lockout.

REASON_PIN_REQUIRED : String = "PINRequired"

Error reason code representing a PIN is required.

REASON_SHIPPING_ADDRESS : String = "InvalidShippingPostalAddress"

Error reason code representing an invalid shipping address.

REASON_SHIPPING_CONTACT : String = "InvalidShippingContact"

Error reason code representing invalid shipping contact information.

STATUS_REASON_DETAIL_KEY : String = "reason"

Key for the detail to be used in Status objects to indicate the reason to communicate to Apple Pay for errors.


eventDetail : Object Read Only

Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

eventName : String Read Only

Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

redirect : URL Read Only

URL to navigate to in response to this result.

status : Status Read Only

Status describing the outcome of this result.

Constructor Summary

ApplePayHookResult(status : Status, redirect : URL)

Constructs a result with the given outcome information.

Method Summary

getEventDetail() : Object

Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

getEventName() : String

Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

getRedirect() : URL

URL to navigate to in response to this result.

getStatus() : Status

Status describing the outcome of this result.

setEvent(name : String) : void

Sets the name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

setEvent(name : String, detail : Object) : void

Sets the name and detail of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail


publicApplePayHookResult(status : Status, redirect : URL)

Constructs a result with the given outcome information.


status - status of the result

redirect - optional URL to which to navigate to in response to this outcome

Method Detail


getEventDetail() : Object

Detail to the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.


event detail


getEventName() : String

Name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.


event name


getRedirect() : URL

URL to navigate to in response to this result.


redirect URL


getStatus() : Status

Status describing the outcome of this result.


status of this result


setEvent(name : String) : void

Sets the name of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.


name - JS custom event name


setEvent(name : String, detail : Object) : void

Sets the name and detail of the JS custom event to dispatch in response to this result.


name - JS custom event name

detail - JS custom event detail