Script: Class dw.web.URL
Class URL
- Object
- dw.web.URL
Represents a URL in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol of the request is used or http in a mail context.
append(name : String, value : String) : URL
Append a request parameter to this URL.
appendCSRFTokenBM() : URL
Appends, if applicable, a CSRF protection token to this URL.
Updates the URL with the specified host name Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs.
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol http is used.
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol https is used.
Makes the URL relative.
Remove a request parameter from this URL.
Updates the URL with the site host name Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs.
Return String representation of the URL.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
abs() : URL
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol of the request is used or http in a mail context. Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
A new URL instance.
append(name : String, value : String) : URL
Append a request parameter to this URL.
name - The parameter name. Must not be null.
value - The parameter value. If null, then treated as empty value.
A reference to this URL.
appendCSRFTokenBM() : URL
Appends, if applicable, a CSRF protection token to this URL. The CSRF token will only be appended under the following conditions:
- the URL is a pipeline URL
- the URL is for Business Manager
If a CSRF token already exists in the URL, it will be replaced with a newly generated one.
a reference to this URL, with a CSRF token appended if applicable.
Updates the URL with the specified host name Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
host - The host name that is used to update the URL.
A new URL instance.
http() : URL
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol http is used. Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
A new URL instance.
https() : URL
Makes the URL absolute and ensures that the protocol https is used. Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
A new URL instance.
relative() : URL
Makes the URL relative. Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
A new URL instance.
Remove a request parameter from this URL. If the parameter is not part of the URL, nothing is done.
name - The parameter name. Must not be null.
A reference to this URL.
siteHost() : URL
Updates the URL with the site host name Note: This method is not applicable for static content or image transformation URLs. In this case a runtime exception is thrown.
A new URL instance.
toString() : String
Return String representation of the URL.
the URL as a string.