Script: Class
Class Reader
- Object
The class supports reading characters from a stream.
All Known Subclasses
lines : List Read Only
The method reads the whole input stream, parses it and returns a list of strings.
Using this method on large feeds is inherently unsafe and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readLine() and process one line at a time.
Use readLines()
string : String Read Only
The method reads the whole input stream as one string and returns it.
Using this method is unsafe if the length of the input stream is not known and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readN(Number).
Use readString()
Constructor Summary
Creates a reader from a string.
Reader(stream : InputStream)
Create a reader from a stream using UTF-8 character encoding.
Reader(stream : InputStream, encoding : String)
Create a reader from a stream using the specified character encoding.
Method Summary
close() : void
Closes the reader.
The method reads the whole input stream, parses it and returns a list of strings.
The method reads the whole input stream as one string and returns it.
Reads a single character from the stream.
read(length : Number) : String
Reads multiple characters from the stream as string.
Reads the next line.
The method reads the whole input stream, parses it and returns a list of strings.
Reads n characters from the stream as string.
readString() : String
The method reads the whole input stream as one string and returns it.
ready() : boolean
Identifies if this stream is ready to be read.
Skips the specified number of characters in the stream.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Constructor Detail
publicReader(source : String)
Creates a reader from a string.
source - the source string.
publicReader(stream : InputStream)
Create a reader from a stream using UTF-8 character encoding.
stream - the input stream to use.
publicReader(stream : InputStream, encoding : String)
Create a reader from a stream using the specified character encoding.
stream - the input stream to use.
encoding - the encoding to use.
Method Detail
close() : void
Closes the reader.
getLines() : List
The method reads the whole input stream, parses it and returns a list of strings.
Using this method on large feeds is inherently unsafe and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readLine() and process one line at a time.
Use readLines()
a list of strings
getString() : String
The method reads the whole input stream as one string and returns it.
Using this method is unsafe if the length of the input stream is not known and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readN(Number).
Use readString()
a string, which represents the whole content of the InputStream
IOException - if something went wrong while reading from the underlying stream
read() : String
Reads a single character from the stream. The method returns null if the end of the stream is reached.
a single character in a string, or null if the end of the stream is reached
read(length : Number) : String
Reads multiple characters from the stream as string. The actual number of characters that were read can be determined from the length of the returned string. If the end of the stream is reached and no more characters can be read, the method exits with an exception.
use readN(Number) instead which does not throw an exception if the stream is exhausted
length - the number of characters to read.
a string whose length is controlled by the length parameter. The actual number of characters that were read can be determined from the length of the returned string.
an - exception if the stream is exhausted
readLine() : String
Reads the next line.
A String containing the contents of the line, not including any line termination characters, or null if the end of the stream has been reached.
readLines() : List
The method reads the whole input stream, parses it and returns a list of strings.
Using this method on large feeds is inherently unsafe and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readLine() and process one line at a time.
a list of strings
Reads n characters from the stream as string. The actual number of characters that were read can be determined from the length of the returned string. If the end of the stream is reached and no more characters can be read, the method returns null.
n - the number of characters to read
a string whose maximum length is controlled by the n parameter, or null if the end of the stream is reached and no more characters can be read
readString() : String
The method reads the whole input stream as one string and returns it.
Using this method is unsafe if the length of the input stream is not known and may lead to an out-of-memory condition. Instead use method readN(Number).
a string, which represents the whole content of the InputStream
IOException - if something went wrong while reading from the underlying stream
ready() : boolean
Identifies if this stream is ready to be read.
true guarantees that the stream is ready to read without waiting for input. A false response means that the stream may or may not block to wait for input. Note that returning false does not guarantee that the next read() will block.
skip(n : Number) : void
Skips the specified number of characters in the stream.
n - the number of characters to skip.