Script: Class

Class Mail

This class is used to send an email with either plain text or MimeEncodedText content. Recipient data (from, to, cc, bcc) and subject are specified using setter methods. When the send() method is invoked, the email is put into an internal queue and sent asynchronously.

Note: when this class is used with sensitive data, be careful in persisting sensitive information to disk.

The following example script sends an email with MimeEncodedText content:

function sendMail() { var template: Template = new dw.util.Template("myTemplate.isml"); var o: Map = new dw.util.HashMap(); o.put("customer","customer"); o.put("product","product"); var content: MimeEncodedText = template.render(o); var mail: Mail = new; mail.addTo(""); mail.setFrom(""); mail.setSubject("Example Email"); mail.setContent(content); mail.send();//returns either Status.ERROR or Status.OK, mail might not be sent yet, when this method returns }

See Sending email via scripts or hooks in the documentation for additional examples.


bcc : List

Gets the bcc address List.

cc : List

Gets the cc address List.

from : String

Gets the email address to use as the from address for the email.

subject : String

Gets the subject of the email.

to : List

Gets the to address List where the email is sent.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary

addBcc(bcc : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the bcc List.

addCc(cc : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the cc List.

addTo(to : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the to address List.

getBcc() : List

Gets the bcc address List.

getCc() : List

Gets the cc address List.

getFrom() : String

Gets the email address to use as the from address for the email.

getSubject() : String

Gets the subject of the email.

getTo() : List

Gets the to address List where the email is sent.

send() : Status

prepares an email that is queued to the internal mail system for delivery.

setBcc(bcc : List) : Mail

Sets the bcc address List.

setCc(cc : List) : Mail

Sets the cc address List where the email is sent.

setContent(content : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the email content.

setContent(content : String, mimeType : String, encoding : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the email content, MIME type, and encoding.

setContent(mimeEncodedText : MimeEncodedText) : Mail

Mandatory Uses MimeEncodedText to set the content, MIME type and encoding.

setFrom(from : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the sender address for this email.

setSubject(subject : String) : Mail

Mandatory sets the subject for the email.

setTo(to : List) : Mail

Sets the to address List where the email is sent.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


addBcc(bcc : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the bcc List. Address must conform to the RFC822 standard.


bcc - new bcc address to add to bcc address List.


this Mail object.


addCc(cc : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the cc List. The address must conform to RFC822 standard.


cc - new cc address to be added to cc address List.


this Mail object.


addTo(to : String) : Mail

Adds an address to the to address List. The address must conform to the RFC822 standard.


to - email address to add to the to address List.


this Mail object.


getBcc() : List

Gets the bcc address List.


bcc address List or empty List if no bcc addresses are set.


getCc() : List

Gets the cc address List.


cc address List or empty List if no cc addresses are set.


getFrom() : String

Gets the email address to use as the from address for the email.


the from address for this mail or null if no from address is set yet.


getSubject() : String

Gets the subject of the email.


subject or null if no subject is set yet.


getTo() : List

Gets the to address List where the email is sent.


to address List or empty List if no to addresses are set.


send() : Status

prepares an email that is queued to the internal mail system for delivery.


Status which tells if the mail could be successfully queued ( Status.OK) or not ( Status.ERROR). If an error is raised, more information about the reason for the failure can be found within the log files. If the mandatory fields from, content, and subject are empty an IllegalArgumentException is raised. An IllegalArgumentException is raised if neither to, cc nor bcc are set.


setBcc(bcc : List) : Mail

Sets the bcc address List. If there are already bcc addresses they are overwritten.


bcc - list of Strings representing RFC822 compliant email addresses. List replaces any previously set list of addresses. Throws an exception if the given list is null.


this Mail object.


setCc(cc : List) : Mail

Sets the cc address List where the email is sent. If there are already cc addresses set, they are overwritten. The address(es) must conform to the RFC822 standard.


cc - List of Strings representing RFC822 compliant email addresses. This List replaces any previously set List of addresses. Throws an exception if the given List is null.


this Mail object


setContent(content : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the email content. The MIME type is set to "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" and encoding set to "UTF-8".


content - String containing the content of the email.


this Mail object.


setContent(content : String, mimeType : String, encoding : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the email content, MIME type, and encoding. No validation of MIME type and encoding is done. It is the responsibility of the caller to specify a valid MIME type and encoding.


content - String containing the content of the mail

mimeType - mime type of the content. For example "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" or "text/html"

encoding - character encoding of the email content. For example UTF-8-8


this Mail object.


setContent(mimeEncodedText : MimeEncodedText) : Mail

Mandatory Uses MimeEncodedText to set the content, MIME type and encoding.


mimeEncodedText - MimeEncodedText from which the content, MIME type, and encoding information is extracted.


this Mail object.


setFrom(from : String) : Mail

Mandatory Sets the sender address for this email. The address must conform to the RFC822 standard.


from - String containing a RFC822 compliant email address


this Mail object.


setSubject(subject : String) : Mail

Mandatory sets the subject for the email. If the subject is not set or set to null at the time send() is invoked and IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


subject - subject of the mail to send.


this Mail object.


setTo(to : List) : Mail

Sets the to address List where the email is sent. If there are already to addresses, they are overwritten.


to - list of Strings representing RFC822 compliant email addresses. List replaces any previously set List of addresses. Throws an exception if the given List is null.


this Mail object