Script: Class dw.order.AppeasementItem
Class AppeasementItem
- Object
- dw.object.Extensible
- dw.order.AbstractItem
- dw.order.AppeasementItem
- dw.order.AbstractItem
- dw.object.Extensible
Represents an item of an Appeasement which is associated with one OrderItem usually representing an Order ProductLineItem. Items are created using method Appeasement.addItems(Money, List)
When the related Appeasement were set to status COMPLETED, only the the custom attributes of the appeasement item can be changed.
Order post-processing APIs (gillian) are now inactive by default and will throw an exception if accessed. Activation needs preliminary approval by Product Management. Please contact support in this case. Existing customers using these APIs are not affected by this change and can use the APIs until further notice.
appeasementNumber : String Read Only
The number of the Appeasement to which this item belongs.
parentItem : AppeasementItem
Returns null or the parent item.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAppeasementNumber() : String
Returns the number of the Appeasement to which this item belongs.
getParentItem() : AppeasementItem
Returns null or the parent item.
setParentItem(parentItem : AppeasementItem) : void
Set a parent item.
Methods inherited from class AbstractItem
getGrossPrice, getItemID, getLineItem, getNetPrice, getOrderItem, getOrderItemID, getTax, getTaxBasis, getTaxItems
Methods inherited from class Extensible
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
getAppeasementNumber() : String
Returns the number of the Appeasement to which this item belongs.
the number of the Appeasement to which this item belongs
getParentItem() : AppeasementItem
Returns null or the parent item.
null or the parent item.
setParentItem(parentItem : AppeasementItem) : void
Set a parent item. The parent item must belong to the same Appeasement. An infinite parent-child loop is disallowed as is a parent-child depth greater than 10. Setting a parent item indicates a dependency of the child item on the parent item, and can be used to form a parallel structure to that accessed using ProductLineItem.getParent().
parentItem - The parent item, null is allowed