Script: Class dw.order.ShippingOrderHooks

Class ShippingOrderHooks

This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered around shipping order lifecycle. It contains the extension points (hook names), and the functions that are called by each extension point. A function must be defined inside a JavaScript source and must be exported. The script with the exported hook function must be located inside a site cartridge. Inside the site cartridge a 'package.json' file with a 'hooks' entry must exist.

"hooks": "./hooks.json"

The hooks entry links to a json file, relative to the 'package.json' file. This file lists all registered hooks inside the hooks property:

"hooks": [ {"name": "dw.order.shippingorder.updateShippingOrderItem", "script": "./shippingOrderUpdate.ds"}, ]

A hook entry has a 'name' and a 'script' property.

  • The 'name' contains the extension point, the hook name.
  • The 'script' contains the script relative to the hooks file, with the exported hook function.

Order post-processing APIs (gillian) are now inactive by default and will throw an exception if accessed. Activation needs preliminary approval by Product Management. Please contact support in this case. Existing customers using these APIs are not affected by this change and can use the APIs until further notice.


extensionPointAfterStatusChange : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.afterStatusChange"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.afterStatusChange.

extensionPointChangeStatus : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.changeStatus"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.changeStatus.

extensionPointCreateShippingOrders : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.createShippingOrders"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.createShippingOrders.

extensionPointNotifyStatusChange : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.notifyStatusChange"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.notifyStatusChange.

extensionPointPrepareCreateShippingOrders : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.prepareCreateShippingOrders"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.prepareCreateShippingOrders.

extensionPointResolveShippingOrder : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.resolveShippingOrder"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.resolveShippingOrder .

extensionPointShippingOrderCancelled : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderCancelled"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderCancelled.

extensionPointShippingOrderShipped : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderShipped"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderShipped.

extensionPointShippingOrderWarehouse : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderWarehouse"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.setShippingOrderWarehouse.

extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem : String = "dw.order.shippingorder.updateShippingOrderItem"

The extension point name dw.order.shippingorder.updateShippingOrderItem.


Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

afterStatusChange(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder) : Status

After Status change hook.

changeStatus(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder, updateData : ShippingOrder) : Status

Change the status of a shipping order.

createShippingOrders(order : Order) : Status

Called during shipping order creation for an order.

notifyStatusChange(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder) : Status

Notify Status change hook.

prepareCreateShippingOrders(order : Order) : Status

Called before shipping order creation for an order takes place.

resolveShippingOrder(updateData : ShippingOrder) : ShippingOrder

Resolve the shipping order.

setShippingOrderCancelled(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to cancelled.

setShippingOrderShipped(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to shipped.

setShippingOrderWarehouse(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to warehouse.

updateShippingOrderItem(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder, updateItem : ShippingOrderItem) : Status

Updates the status of a shipping order item.

Method Detail


afterStatusChange(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder) : Status

After Status change hook.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointAfterStatusChange. The implementation of this hook is optional. If defined the hook is called after extensionPointChangeStatus or respectively after extensionPointShippingOrderShipped, extensionPointShippingOrderCancelled or extensionPointShippingOrderWarehouse Runs inside of a transaction.


shippingOrder - the shipping order to be updated


the resulting status


changeStatus(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder, updateData : ShippingOrder) : Status

Change the status of a shipping order.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointChangeStatus. Runs inside a transaction together with the hooks extensionPointResolveShippingOrder extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem.

Runs after the iteration over the input's items collection as the last step in this transaction. The implementation of this hook is mandatory.


shippingOrder - the shipping order to be updated

updateData - the input data


the resulting status


createShippingOrders(order : Order) : Status

Called during shipping order creation for an order.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointCreateShippingOrders. It is responsible for creating shipping orders and its items for the order. Preparations for shipping order creation can be done before in hook extensionPointPrepareCreateShippingOrders. Runs inside of a transaction. The implementation of this hook is mandatory.


order - the order to create shipping orders for


the resulting status


notifyStatusChange(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder) : Status

Notify Status change hook.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointNotifyStatusChange. The implementation of this hook is optional. If defined the hook is called after extensionPointAfterStatusChange as the last step in the shipping order update process. Runs outside of a transaction.


shippingOrder - the shipping order to be updated


the resulting status


prepareCreateShippingOrders(order : Order) : Status

Called before shipping order creation for an order takes place. Typically the hook is used to check the payment authorization status of the order.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointPrepareCreateShippingOrders. Runs inside its own transaction. The value of the return status is used to control whether hook createShippingOrders(Order) is called for the order or not. The implementation of this hook is mandatory.


order - the order to create shipping orders for


  • Status.OK successful preparation - continue with shipping order creation for this order.
  • Status.ERROR failed preparation - skip shipping order creation for this order.


resolveShippingOrder(updateData : ShippingOrder) : ShippingOrder

Resolve the shipping order. Will be called as first step of the update.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointResolveShippingOrder. Runs inside a transaction together with the hooks extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem extensionPointChangeStatus. The implementation of this hook is mandatory.


updateData - the input data


the shipping order to update


setShippingOrderCancelled(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to cancelled.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointShippingOrderCancelled. This is an optional hook that can be implemented to have full control over status change to destination status Cancelled. The following hooks will be skipped if an implementation for this hook is registered: extensionPointResolveShippingOrder, extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem, extensionPointChangeStatus. Runs inside of a transaction.


updateData - the input data


the changed order or {code}null{code}


setShippingOrderShipped(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to shipped.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointShippingOrderShipped. This is an optional hook that can be implemented to have full control over status change to destination status Shipped. The following hooks will be skipped if an implementation for this hook is registered: extensionPointResolveShippingOrder extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem, extensionPointChangeStatus. Runs inside of a transaction.


updateData - the input data


the changed order or {code}null{code}


setShippingOrderWarehouse(updateData : ShippingOrder) : Order

Change the status of a shipping order to warehouse.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointShippingOrderWarehouse. This is an optional hook that can be implemented to have full control over status change to destination status Warehouse. The following hooks will be skipped if an implementation for this hook is registered: extensionPointResolveShippingOrder, extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem, extensionPointChangeStatus. Runs inside of a transaction.


updateData - the input data


the changed order or {code}null{code}


updateShippingOrderItem(shippingOrder : ShippingOrder, updateItem : ShippingOrderItem) : Status

Updates the status of a shipping order item.

The function is called by extension point extensionPointUpdateShippingOrderItem. Runs inside a transaction together with the hooks extensionPointResolveShippingOrder extensionPointChangeStatus. The implementation of this hook is mandatory.


shippingOrder - the shipping order

updateItem - the input data


the resulting status