Script: Class dw.order.ShipmentShippingModel

Class ShipmentShippingModel

  • Object
    • dw.order.ShipmentShippingModel

Instances of ShipmentShippingModel provide access to shipment-level shipping information, such as applicable and inapplicable shipping methods and shipping cost.
Use ShippingMgr.getShipmentShippingModel(Shipment) to get the shipping model for a specific shipment.


applicableShippingMethods : Collection Read Only

The active applicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model. A shipping method is applicable for a shipment if it does not exclude any of the products in the shipment, and does not exclude the shipment's shipping address, if this is set. Also checks that the the shipment customer belongs to an assigned customer group of the shipment (if any are assigned).

inapplicableShippingMethods : Collection Read Only

The active inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model. A shipping method is inapplicable for a shipment if it is inapplicable for at least one product contained in the shipment, or the shipping address is excluded by the shipping method, or the shipping method is restricted to customer groups that the shipment customer is not a part of.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getApplicableShippingMethods() : Collection

Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model.

getApplicableShippingMethods(shippingAddressObj : Object) : Collection

Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model and the specified shipping address.

getInapplicableShippingMethods() : Collection

Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model.

getInapplicableShippingMethods(shippingAddressObj : Object) : Collection

Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model and the specified shipping address.

getShippingCost(shippingMethod : ShippingMethod) : ShipmentShippingCost

Returns the shipping cost object for the related shipment and the specified shipping method.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getApplicableShippingMethods() : Collection

Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model. A shipping method is applicable for a shipment if it does not exclude any of the products in the shipment, and does not exclude the shipment's shipping address, if this is set. Also checks that the the shipment customer belongs to an assigned customer group of the shipment (if any are assigned).


Applicable shipping methods for the shipment


getApplicableShippingMethods(shippingAddressObj : Object) : Collection

Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model and the specified shipping address. A shipping method is applicable if it does not exclude any of the products in the shipment, it does not exclude the specified shipping address, and the shipment customer belongs to an assigned customer group for the shipment (if any are assigned).

The parameter shippingAddressObj must be a JavaScript literal with the same properties as an OrderAddress object, or alternatively a Map. For example:

model.getApplicableShippingMethods ( { countryCode: "US", stateCode: "MA, custom { POBox : true } } )

This method is useful when it is needed to retrieve the list of applicable shipping methods for an address before the address is saved to the shipment.


shippingAddressObj - A JavaScript object representing an order address, must not be null.


Applicable shipping methods for the shipment


getInapplicableShippingMethods() : Collection

Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model. A shipping method is inapplicable for a shipment if it is inapplicable for at least one product contained in the shipment, or the shipping address is excluded by the shipping method, or the shipping method is restricted to customer groups that the shipment customer is not a part of.


Inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment


getInapplicableShippingMethods(shippingAddressObj : Object) : Collection

Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment related to this shipping model and the specified shipping address. A shipping method is inapplicable if it is inapplicable for at least one product contained in the shipment, or the specified shipping address is excluded by the shipping method, or the shipping method is restricted to customer groups that the shipment customer is not a part of.

The parameter shippingAddressObj must be a JavaScript literal with the same properties as an OrderAddress object, or alternatively a Map. For example:

model.getApplicableShippingMethods ( { countryCode: "US", stateCode: "MA, custom { POBox : true } } )

This method is useful when it is needed to retrieve the list of applicable shipping methods for an address before the address is saved to the shipment.


shippingAddressObj - A JavaScript object representing an order address.


Inapplicable shipping methods for the shipment


getShippingCost(shippingMethod : ShippingMethod) : ShipmentShippingCost

Returns the shipping cost object for the related shipment and the specified shipping method. Shipping cost for shipments depended on the merchandise total of the shipment. The method uses the adjusted merchandise total after product and order discounts, and excluding products with product-level fixed-price shipping cost.


shippingMethod - the shipping method to use.


Product shipping cost