Script: Class dw.order.ShippingMethod

Class ShippingMethod

ShippingMethod represents how the shipment will be shipped.


baseMethod : ShippingMethod Read Only

The base shipping method or null if undefined.

currencyCode : String Read Only

The currency code associated with the shipping method

customerGroups : Collection Read Only

The customer groups assigned to the shipping method. Assigned ids that do not belong to an existing customer group are ignored.

defaultMethod : boolean Read Only

Returns 'true' if the shipping method is marked as 'default' for the current session's currency. Otherwise 'false' is returned.

dependentMethods : Collection Read Only

The dependent shipping methods of this shipping method, regardless of the online status of the methods.
Dependent shipping methods have this method as their base method.

description : String Read Only

The description of the shipping method as specified in the current locale or null if it could not be found.

displayName : String Read Only

The display name of the shipping method in the current locale or null if it could not be found.

ID : String Read Only

The ID of the shipping method.

online : boolean Read Only

Returns true if shipping method is online, false otherwise

taxClassID : String Read Only

The tax class id of the shipping method.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getBaseMethod() : ShippingMethod

Returns the base shipping method or null if undefined.

getCurrencyCode() : String

Returns the currency code associated with the shipping method

getCustomerGroups() : Collection

Returns the customer groups assigned to the shipping method.

getDependentMethods() : Collection

Returns the dependent shipping methods of this shipping method, regardless of the online status of the methods.

getDescription() : String

Returns the description of the shipping method as specified in the current locale or null if it could not be found.

getDisplayName() : String

Returns the display name of the shipping method in the current locale or null if it could not be found.

getID() : String

Returns the ID of the shipping method.

getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the tax class id of the shipping method.

isDefaultMethod() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the shipping method is marked as 'default' for the current session's currency.

isOnline() : boolean

Returns true if shipping method is online, false otherwise

Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class PersistentObject

getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getBaseMethod() : ShippingMethod

Returns the base shipping method or null if undefined.


Base shipping method


getCurrencyCode() : String

Returns the currency code associated with the shipping method


currency code


getCustomerGroups() : Collection

Returns the customer groups assigned to the shipping method. Assigned ids that do not belong to an existing customer group are ignored.


customer groups


getDependentMethods() : Collection

Returns the dependent shipping methods of this shipping method, regardless of the online status of the methods.
Dependent shipping methods have this method as their base method.


Dependent shipping methods


getDescription() : String

Returns the description of the shipping method as specified in the current locale or null if it could not be found.


he description of the shipping method as specified in the current locale or null if it could not be found.


getDisplayName() : String

Returns the display name of the shipping method in the current locale or null if it could not be found.


the display name of the shipping method or null if it could not be found.


getID() : String

Returns the ID of the shipping method.


the ID of the shipping method.


getTaxClassID() : String

Returns the tax class id of the shipping method.


the tax class id of the shipping method.


isDefaultMethod() : boolean

Returns 'true' if the shipping method is marked as 'default' for the current session's currency. Otherwise 'false' is returned.


'true' if it is the default shipping method of the site


isOnline() : boolean

Returns true if shipping method is online, false otherwise