Script: Class dw.order.TaxMgr

Class TaxMgr

Provides methods to access the tax table.



Constant representing the gross taxation policy.


Constant representing the net taxation policy.


customRateTaxClassID : String Read Only

The ID of the tax class that represents items with a custom tax rate. The standard order calculation process assumes that such line items are initialized with a tax rate and a being ignored during the tax rate lookup sequence of the calculation process.

Note that this tax class does not appear in the Business Manager tax module.

defaultTaxClassID : String Read Only

The ID of the default tax class defined for the site. This class might be used in case a product or service does not define a tax class.
If no default tax class is defined, the method returns null.

defaultTaxJurisdictionID : String Read Only

The ID of the default tax jurisdiction defined for the site. This jurisdiction might be used in case no jurisdiction is defined for a specific address.
If no default tax jurisdiction is defined, this method returns null.

taxationPolicy : Number Read Only

The taxation policy (net/gross) configured for the current site.

taxExemptTaxClassID : String Read Only

The ID of the tax class that represents tax exempt items. The tax manager will return a tax rate of 0.0 for this tax class.

Note that this tax class does not appear in the Business Manager tax module.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

static getCustomRateTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the tax class that represents items with a custom tax rate.

static getDefaultTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the default tax class defined for the site.

static getDefaultTaxJurisdictionID() : String

Returns the ID of the default tax jurisdiction defined for the site.

static getTaxationPolicy() : Number

Returns the taxation policy (net/gross) configured for the current site.

static getTaxExemptTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the tax class that represents tax exempt items.

static getTaxJurisdictionID(location : ShippingLocation) : String

Returns the ID of the tax jurisdiction for the specified address.

static getTaxRate(taxClassID : String, taxJurisdictionID : String) : Number

Returns the tax rate defined for the specified combination of tax class and tax jurisdiction.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


static getCustomRateTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the tax class that represents items with a custom tax rate. The standard order calculation process assumes that such line items are initialized with a tax rate and a being ignored during the tax rate lookup sequence of the calculation process.

Note that this tax class does not appear in the Business Manager tax module.


static getDefaultTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the default tax class defined for the site. This class might be used in case a product or service does not define a tax class.
If no default tax class is defined, the method returns null.


the ID of the default tax class defined for the site or null.


static getDefaultTaxJurisdictionID() : String

Returns the ID of the default tax jurisdiction defined for the site. This jurisdiction might be used in case no jurisdiction is defined for a specific address.
If no default tax jurisdiction is defined, this method returns null.


the ID of the default tax jurisdiction defined for the site or null.


static getTaxationPolicy() : Number

Returns the taxation policy (net/gross) configured for the current site.


Taxation policy configured for current site

See Also:




static getTaxExemptTaxClassID() : String

Returns the ID of the tax class that represents tax exempt items. The tax manager will return a tax rate of 0.0 for this tax class.

Note that this tax class does not appear in the Business Manager tax module.


static getTaxJurisdictionID(location : ShippingLocation) : String

Returns the ID of the tax jurisdiction for the specified address. If no tax jurisdiction defined for the site matches the specified address, this method returns null.


location - The shipping location


the ID of the tax jurisdiction for the specified address or null.


static getTaxRate(taxClassID : String, taxJurisdictionID : String) : Number

Returns the tax rate defined for the specified combination of tax class and tax jurisdiction.
Method returns null if no tax rate is defined.
Method returns 0.0 of 'nontaxable' tax rate is specified (see method 'getNontaxableTaxClassID'.


taxClassID - ID of the tax class

taxJurisdictionID - ID of tax jusrisdiction


the tax rate defined for the specified combination of tax class and tax jurisdiction.