Script: Class dw.system.Log

Class Log

A log4j like logger instance. To obtain such an instance, use the Logger.getRootLogger() or Logger.getLogger(String) or Logger.getLogger(String, String) methods.


debugEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.

errorEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.

infoEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.

NDC : LogNDC Read Only

The Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.

warnEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an debug level message.

error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an error level message.

fatal(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message.

static getNDC() : LogNDC

Returns the Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.

info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an information level message.

isDebugEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.

isErrorEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.

isInfoEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.

isWarnEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.

warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an debug level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an error level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


fatal(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax. Note: Fatal log messages are always enabled and optionally send via E-Mail.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


static getNDC() : LogNDC

Returns the Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.


the nested diagnostic context


info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an information level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


isDebugEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.


true if logging of debug messages is enabled, false otherwise.


isErrorEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.


true if logging of error messages is enabled, false otherwise.


isInfoEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.


true if logging of information messages is enabled, false otherwise.


isWarnEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.


true if logging of warning messages is enabled, false otherwise.


warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.