Script: Class dw.system.Logger

Class Logger

The Logger class provides logging utility methods.


debugEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.

errorEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if error logging is enabled.

infoEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if info logging is enabled.

rootLogger : Log Read Only

The root logger object.

warnEnabled : boolean Read Only

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

static debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an debug level message.

static error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an error level message.

static getLogger(category : String) : Log

Returns the logger object for the given category.

static getLogger(fileNamePrefix : String, category : String) : Log

Returns the logger object for the given file name prefix and category.

static getRootLogger() : Log

Returns the root logger object.

static info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an information level message.

static isDebugEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.

static isErrorEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if error logging is enabled.

static isInfoEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if info logging is enabled.

static isWarnEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.

static warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


static debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an debug level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


static error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an error level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


static getLogger(category : String) : Log

Returns the logger object for the given category.


category - - the category to get the logger for


the logger object for the given category.


static getLogger(fileNamePrefix : String, category : String) : Log

Returns the logger object for the given file name prefix and category. Throws an exception if maximum number of custom log files per day has already been obtained.


fileNamePrefix - - the file name prefix to identify the logger must not be null or an empty string, must be at least 3 characters long, can contain characters a-z A-Z 0-9 '-' '_' only, can have up to 25 characters must not start or end with '-' or '_' can only start or end with a-z A-Z 0-9

category - - the category to get the logger for, must not be null


the logger object for the given category.


static getRootLogger() : Log

Returns the root logger object.


the root logger object.


static info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an information level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.


static isDebugEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.


true if logging of debug messages is enabled, false otherwise.


static isErrorEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if error logging is enabled.


true if logging of error messages is enabled, false otherwise.


static isInfoEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if info logging is enabled.


true if logging of info messages is enabled, false otherwise.


static isWarnEnabled() : boolean

This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.


true if logging of warn messages is enabled, false otherwise.


static warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void

The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.


msg - the message to log.

args - the arguments to insert into the message.