Script: Class dw.util.FilteringCollection
Class FilteringCollection
- Object
- dw.util.Collection
- dw.util.FilteringCollection
- dw.util.Collection
FilteringCollection is an extension of Collection which provides possibilities to
- filter the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a filtered set of elements
- sort the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a defined sort order
- transform the elements to return a new FilteringCollection containing related elements
- provide a map of the elements against a predefined key
Usage - In the current version each FilteringCollection provides a set of predefined qualifier constants which can be passed into the select(Object) method used to filter the elements. Generally qualifiers have the prefix QUALIFIER_. A second method sort(Object) is used to create a new instance with a different element ordering, which takes an orderB< constant. Generally orderBys have the prefix ORDERBY_: examples are ShippingOrder.ORDERBY_ITEMID, ShippingOrder.ORDERBY_ITEMPOSITION, and ORDERBY_REVERSE can be used to provide a FilteringCollection with the reverse ordering. An example with method ShippingOrder.getItems(): var allItems : FilteringCollection = shippingOrder.items; var productItems : FilteringCollection =; var serviceItems : FilteringCollection =; var byPosition : FilteringCollection = productItems.sort(ShippingOrder.ORDERBY_ITEMPOSITION); var revByPosition: FilteringCollection = byPosition.sort(FilteringCollection.ORDERBY_REVERSE); var mapByItemID : Map = allItems.asMap();
Pass this orderBy with the sort(Object) method to obtain a new FilteringCollection with the reversed sort order. Only use on a FilteringCollection which has been previously sorted.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
Returns a Map containing the elements of this FilteringCollection against a predefined key.
select(qualifier : Object) : FilteringCollection
Select a new FilteringCollection instance by passing a predefined qualifier as an argument to this method.
sort(orderBy : Object) : FilteringCollection
Select a new FilteringCollection instance by passing a predefined orderBy as an argument to this method.
Methods inherited from class Collection
add, add1, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, getLength, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
asMap() : Map
Returns a Map containing the elements of this FilteringCollection against a predefined key. The key used is documented in the method returning the FilteringCollection and is typically the ItemID assigned to an element in the collection.
a Map containing the elements of this FilteringCollection against a predefined key.
select(qualifier : Object) : FilteringCollection
Select a new FilteringCollection instance by passing a predefined qualifier as an argument to this method. See FilteringCollection.
qualifier - - possible qualifiers are documented in the method returning the FilteringCollection
a new FilteringCollection instance
sort(orderBy : Object) : FilteringCollection
Select a new FilteringCollection instance by passing a predefined orderBy as an argument to this method. See FilteringCollection.
orderBy - - possible orderBys are documented in the method returning the FilteringCollection
a new FilteringCollection instance