Script: Class dw.web.HttpParameter
Class HttpParameter
- Object
- dw.web.HttpParameter
Represents an HTTP parameter.
booleanValue : boolean Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a boolean. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns null.
dateValue : Date Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a date. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute and if attribute is not a date it return null.
doubleValue : Number Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a number. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns 0.0.
empty : boolean Read Only
Identifies if there is a value for the http parameter attribute and whether the value is empty. A value is treated as empty if it's not blank.
intValue : Number Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute as int. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns null.
rawValue : String Read Only
The raw value for this HttpParameter instance. The raw value is the not trimmed String value of this HTTP parameter. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns a null.
rawValues : Collection Read Only
A Collection of all raw values for this HTTP parameter. The raw value is the not trimmed String value of this HTTP parameter.
stringValue : String Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns a null.
stringValues : Collection Read Only
A Collection of all defined values for this HTTP parameter.
submitted : boolean Read Only
Identifies if the parameter was submitted. This is equivalent to the check, whether the parameter has a value.
value : String Read Only
The value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns null.
values : Collection Read Only
A Collection of all defined values for this current HTTP parameter.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
containsStringValue(value : String) : boolean
Identifies if the given value is part of the actual values.
getBooleanValue() : boolean
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a boolean.
getBooleanValue(defaultValue : boolean) : boolean
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a boolean.
getDateValue() : Date
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a date.
getDateValue(defaultValue : Date) : Date
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a date.
getDoubleValue() : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a number.
getDoubleValue(defaultValue : Number) : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a number.
getIntValue() : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as int.
getIntValue(defaultValue : Number) : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as an integer.
getRawValue() : String
Returns the raw value for this HttpParameter instance.
Returns a Collection of all raw values for this HTTP parameter.
getStringValue() : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute.
getStringValue(defaultValue : String) : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute.
getStringValues() : Collection
Returns a Collection of all defined values for this HTTP parameter.
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute.
getValues() : Collection
Returns a Collection of all defined values for this current HTTP parameter.
isChecked(value : String) : boolean
Identifies if the given String is an actual value of this http parameter.
isEmpty() : boolean
Identifies if there is a value for the http parameter attribute and whether the value is empty.
isSubmitted() : boolean
Identifies if the parameter was submitted.
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
containsStringValue(value : String) : boolean
Identifies if the given value is part of the actual values.
value - the value to check.
true if the value is among the actual values, false otherwise.
getBooleanValue() : boolean
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a boolean. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns null.
the actual value as a boolean or null of no value is available.
getBooleanValue(defaultValue : boolean) : boolean
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a boolean. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns the given default value.
defaultValue - the default value to use.
the value of the parameter or the default value if empty.
getDateValue() : Date
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a date. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute and if attribute is not a date it return null.
the actual value as date or null if empty.
getDateValue(defaultValue : Date) : Date
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a date. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns the given default value and if the attributes is not a date it returns null.
defaultValue - the default value to use.
the data value of the attribute or the default value if empty
getDoubleValue() : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a number. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns 0.0.
the actual value as double or null if the parameter has no value.
getDoubleValue(defaultValue : Number) : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as a number. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns the given default value.
defaultValue - the default value to use.
the actual value as double or the default value if empty.
getIntValue() : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as int. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns null.
the actual value as an integer or null of no value is available.
getIntValue(defaultValue : Number) : Number
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute as an integer. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute it returns the given default value.
defaultValue - the default value to use.
the value of the parameter or the default value if empty.
getRawValue() : String
Returns the raw value for this HttpParameter instance. The raw value is the not trimmed String value of this HTTP parameter. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns a null.
the actual value or null.
See Also:
getRawValues() : Collection
Returns a Collection of all raw values for this HTTP parameter. The raw value is the not trimmed String value of this HTTP parameter.
the raw values as a Collection of String, might be empty
See Also:
getStringValue() : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns a null.
the actual value or null.
getStringValue(defaultValue : String) : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns the given default value.
defaultValue - the default value to use.
the actual value or the default value.
getStringValues() : Collection
Returns a Collection of all defined values for this HTTP parameter.
the actual values as Collection.
getValue() : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns null.
the actual value or null.
getValues() : Collection
Returns a Collection of all defined values for this current HTTP parameter.
the actual values as Collection.
See Also:
isChecked(value : String) : boolean
Identifies if the given String is an actual value of this http parameter.
value - the value to check.
true if the value is among the actual values, false otherwise.
isEmpty() : boolean
Identifies if there is a value for the http parameter attribute and whether the value is empty. A value is treated as empty if it's not blank.
true if a value is empty, false otherwise.
isSubmitted() : boolean
Identifies if the parameter was submitted. This is equivalent to the check, whether the parameter has a value.
true if a value is there, false otherwise.
toString() : String
Returns the value of the current HttpParameter attribute. If there is more than one value defined, only the first one is returned. For an undefined attribute the method returns an empty string.
the actual value or an empty String.