Script: Class Top Level BigInt

Class BigInt

A BigInt object is a wrapper for a primitive bigint value. bigint values can be numbers too large to be stored as number values.

A bigint literal in code is an integer number with an appended n.


 var hugeNumber = 1245678901234567890n;
 var hugeNumberObject = BigInt( hugeNumber );

API Versioned:

From version 22.7.

Constructor Summary


Constructs a BigInt with value 0.

BigInt(value : BigInt)

Constructs a new BigInt using the specified BigInt.

BigInt(value : String)

Constructs a BigInt using the specified value.

Method Summary

static asIntN(bits : Number, value : BigInt) : BigInt

Clamps the given BigInt value to a signed integer with a given precision.

static asUintN(bits : Number, value : BigInt) : BigInt

Clamps the given BigInt value to an unsigned integer with a given precision.

toLocaleString() : String

Converts this BigInt to a String using local number formatting conventions.

toString() : String

A String representation of this BigInt.

toString(radix : Number) : String

Converts the BigInt into a string using the specified radix (base).

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Constructor Detail



Constructs a BigInt with value 0.


publicBigInt(value : BigInt)

Constructs a new BigInt using the specified BigInt.


value - the BigInt to use.


publicBigInt(value : String)

Constructs a BigInt using the specified value.

Beside decimal numbers also binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers are supported:

 var decimal = BigInt( "12" );
 var binary  = BigInt( "0b1100" );
 var octal   = BigInt( "0o14" );
 var hex     = BigInt( "0xC" );


value - the value to use when creating the BigInt.

Method Detail


static asIntN(bits : Number, value : BigInt) : BigInt

Clamps the given BigInt value to a signed integer with a given precision.


bits - Number of bits required for resulting integer.

value - The value to be clamped to the given number of bits.


The value modulo 2bits, as a signed integer.


static asUintN(bits : Number, value : BigInt) : BigInt

Clamps the given BigInt value to an unsigned integer with a given precision.


bits - Number of bits required for resulting integer.

value - The value to be clamped to the given number of bits.


The value modulo 2bits, as an unsigned integer.


toLocaleString() : String

Converts this BigInt to a String using local number formatting conventions.
The current implementation actually only returns the same as toString().


a String using local number formatting conventions.


toString() : String

A String representation of this BigInt.


a String representation of this BigInt.


toString(radix : Number) : String

Converts the BigInt into a string using the specified radix (base).


radix - the radix to use.


a String representation of this BigInt.