Script: Class dw.catalog.ProductAttributeModel
Class ProductAttributeModel
- Object
- dw.catalog.ProductAttributeModel
Class representing the complete attribute model for products in the system. An instance of this class provides methods to access the attribute definitions and groups for the system object type 'Product' and perhaps additional information depending on how the instance is obtained. A ProductAttributeModel can be obtained in one of three ways:
- ProductAttributeModel(): When the no-arg constructor is used the model represents:
- the attribute groups of the system object type 'Product' (i.e. the global product attribute groups) and their bound attributes
- Category.getProductAttributeModel(): When the attribute model for a Category is retrieved, the model represents:
- the global product attribute groups
- product attribute groups of the calling category
- product attribute groups of any parent categories of the calling category
- Product.getAttributeModel(): When the attribute model for a Product is retrieved, the model represents:
- the global product attribute groups
- product attribute groups of the product's classification category
- product attribute groups of any parent categories of the product's classification categoryIn this case, the model additionally provides access to the attribute values of the product. If the product lacks a classification category, then only the global product attribute group is considered by the model.
The ProductAttributeModel provides a generic way to display the attribute values of a product on a product detail page organized into appropriate visual groups. This is typically done as follows:
- On the product detail page, call Product.getAttributeModel() to get the attribute model for the product.
- Call getVisibleAttributeGroups() to get the groups that are appropriate for this product and all other products assigned to the same classification category.
- Iterate the groups, and display each as a "group" in the UI.
- Call getVisibleAttributeDefinitions(ObjectAttributeGroup) for each group. Iterate and display the attribute names using ObjectAttributeDefinition.getDisplayName().
- For each attribute, get the product's display value(s) for that attribute, using
. This might require custom display logic based on the type of attribute (strings, dates, multi-value attributes, etc).
attributeGroups : Collection Read Only
A sorted collection of attribute groups of this model. The groups returned depends on how this model is constructed and what it represents. (See class-level documentation for details).
The collection of returned groups is sorted first by scope and secondly by explicit sort order. Global groups always appear before category-specific groups in the list. Groups of parent categories always appear before groups belonging to subcategories. At each scope, groups have an explicit sort order which can be managed within the Business Manager.
When there are multiple attribute groups with the same ID, the following rules apply:
- If this model represents the global product attribute group only (e.g. the no-arg constructor was used), duplicates cannot occur since only one group can be defined with a given ID at that scope.
- If this model is associated with specific categories (e.g. it is constructed from a product with a classification category), then a category product attribute group might have the same ID as a global product attribute group. In this case, the category group overrides the global one.
- If a category and one of its ancestor categories both define a product attribute group with the same ID, the sub-category group overrides the parent group.
As a result of these rules, this method will never return two attribute groups with the same ID.
orderRequiredAttributeDefinitions : Collection Read Only
An unsorted collection of attribute definitions marked as order-required. Order-required attributes are usually copied into order line items.
The returned attribute definitions are sorted according to the explicit sort order defined for the attributes in the group. This is managed by merchant in the Business Manager.
visibleAttributeGroups : Collection Read Only
A sorted collection of visible attribute groups of this model. This method is similar to getAttributeGroups() but only includes attribute groups containing at least one attribute definition that is visible. See getVisibleAttributeDefinitions(ObjectAttributeGroup).
Constructor Summary
Constructs a product attribute model that is not based on a product nor a category.
Method Summary
getAttributeDefinition(id : String) : ObjectAttributeDefinition
Returns the attribute definition with the given id from the product attribute model.
getAttributeDefinitions(group : ObjectAttributeGroup) : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of attribute definitions for the given attribute group.
getAttributeGroup(id : String) : ObjectAttributeGroup
Returns the attribute group with the given id from the product attribute model.
getAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of attribute groups of this model.
getDisplayValue(definition : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Object
Returns the value that the underlying product defines for the given attribute definition in the current locale.
getOrderRequiredAttributeDefinitions() : Collection
Returns an unsorted collection of attribute definitions marked as order-required.
getValue(definition : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Object
Returns the attribute value for the specified attribute definition.
getVisibleAttributeDefinitions(group : ObjectAttributeGroup) : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of all visible attribute definitions for the given attribute group.
getVisibleAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of visible attribute groups of this model.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Constructor Detail
Constructs a product attribute model that is not based on a product nor a category. Therefore, the model only describes the product attributes globally defined for the system object type 'Product'.
Method Detail
getAttributeDefinition(id : String) : ObjectAttributeDefinition
Returns the attribute definition with the given id from the product attribute model. If attribute definition does not exist, null is returned.
id - the identifier of the attribute definition.
attribute definition or null if not exist
getAttributeDefinitions(group : ObjectAttributeGroup) : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of attribute definitions for the given attribute group. If no attribute definition exist for the group, an empty collection is returned.
The returned attribute definitions are sorted according to the explicit sort order defined for the attributes in the group. This is managed by merchant in the Business Manager.
group - the group whose attribute definitions are returned.
a sorted collection of ObjectAttributeDefinition instances.
getAttributeGroup(id : String) : ObjectAttributeGroup
Returns the attribute group with the given id from the product attribute model. If attribute group does not exist, null is returned.
id - the attribute group identifier.
the attribute group or null if not exist
getAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of attribute groups of this model. The groups returned depends on how this model is constructed and what it represents. (See class-level documentation for details).
The collection of returned groups is sorted first by scope and secondly by explicit sort order. Global groups always appear before category-specific groups in the list. Groups of parent categories always appear before groups belonging to subcategories. At each scope, groups have an explicit sort order which can be managed within the Business Manager.
When there are multiple attribute groups with the same ID, the following rules apply:
- If this model represents the global product attribute group only (e.g. the no-arg constructor was used), duplicates cannot occur since only one group can be defined with a given ID at that scope.
- If this model is associated with specific categories (e.g. it is constructed from a product with a classification category), then a category product attribute group might have the same ID as a global product attribute group. In this case, the category group overrides the global one.
- If a category and one of its ancestor categories both define a product attribute group with the same ID, the sub-category group overrides the parent group.
As a result of these rules, this method will never return two attribute groups with the same ID.
collection of all attribute groups.
getDisplayValue(definition : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Object
Returns the value that the underlying product defines for the given attribute definition in the current locale. In case the attribute definition defines localized attribute values, the product's value is used as an id to find the localized display value. In case of an Image attribute this method returns a MediaFile instance. In previous versions this method returned a String with the image path. In case of an HTML attribute this method returns a MarkupText instance. In previous versions this method returned a String with the HTML source.
API Versioned:
From version 10.6. In prior versions this method returned a String with the image path or a String with the HTML source
definition - the definition to use.
The localized product attribute display value.
getOrderRequiredAttributeDefinitions() : Collection
Returns an unsorted collection of attribute definitions marked as order-required. Order-required attributes are usually copied into order line items.
The returned attribute definitions are sorted according to the explicit sort order defined for the attributes in the group. This is managed by merchant in the Business Manager.
a collection of order-required ObjectAttributeDefinition instances.
getValue(definition : ObjectAttributeDefinition) : Object
Returns the attribute value for the specified attribute definition. If the product does not define a value, null is returned.
Note: this method may only be used where the attribute model was created for a specific product; otherwise it will always return null.
If the attribute is localized, the value for the current session locale is returned.
In case of an Image attribute this method returns a MediaFile instance. In previous versions this method returned a String with the image path. In case of an HTML attribute this method returns a MarkupText instance. In previous versions this method returned a String with the HTML source.
API Versioned:
From version 10.6. In prior versions this method returned a String with the image path or a String with the HTML source.
definition - the attribute definition to use when locating and returning the value.
value the value associated with the object attribute definition.
getVisibleAttributeDefinitions(group : ObjectAttributeGroup) : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of all visible attribute definitions for the given attribute group. If no visible attribute definition exist for the group, an empty collection is returned.
An attribute definition is considered visible if is marked as visible. If the product attribute model is created for a specific product, the product must also define a value for the attribute definition; else the attribute definition is considered as invisible.
The returned attribute definitions are sorted according to the explicit sort order defined for the attributes in the group. This is managed by merchant in the Business Manager.
group - the group whose visible attribute definitions are returned.
a sorted collection of visible ObjectAttributeDefinition instances.
getVisibleAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns a sorted collection of visible attribute groups of this model. This method is similar to getAttributeGroups() but only includes attribute groups containing at least one attribute definition that is visible. See getVisibleAttributeDefinitions(ObjectAttributeGroup).
sorted collection of visible ObjectAttributeGroup instances.