Script: Class dw.catalog.SearchModel
Class SearchModel
- Object
- dw.catalog.SearchModel
Common search model base class.
All Known Subclasses
ContentSearchModel, ProductSearchModel
URL Parameter for the Search Phrase
Sorting parameter ASCENDING
Sorting parameter DESCENDING
Sorting parameter NO_SORT - will remove a sorting condition
count : Number Read Only
The number of search results found by this search.
emptyQuery : boolean Read Only
Identifies if the query is emtpy when no search term, search parameter or refinement was specified for the search. In case also no result is returned. This "empty" is different to a query with a specified query and with an empty result.
refinedByAttribute : boolean Read Only
The method returns true, if this search is refined by at least one attribute.
refinedSearch : boolean Read Only
Identifies if this was a refined search. A search is a refined search if at least one refinement is part of the query.
searchPhrase : String
The search phrase used in this search.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.
Method Summary
addRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Adds a refinement.
canRelax() : boolean
Identifies if the search can be relaxed without creating a search for all searchable items.
Returns the number of search results found by this search.
getRefinementMaxValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the maximum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no maximum refinement value or no refinement for that attribute.
getRefinementMinValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the minimum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no minimum refinement value or no refinement for that attribute.
getRefinementValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no refinement for that attribute.
getRefinementValues(attributeID : String) : Collection
Returns the list of selected refinement values for the given attribute as used in the search.
Returns the search phrase used in this search.
static getSearchRedirect(searchPhrase : String) : URLRedirect
Returns an URLRedirect object for a search phrase.
getSortingCondition(attributeID : String) : Number
Returns the sorting condition for a given attribute name.
isEmptyQuery() : boolean
Identifies if the query is emtpy when no search term, search parameter or refinement was specified for the search.
isRefinedByAttribute(attributeID : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute.
isRefinedByAttribute() : boolean
The method returns true, if this search is refined by at least one attribute.
isRefinedByAttributeValue(attributeID : String, value : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute and value.
isRefinedSearch() : boolean
Identifies if this was a refined search.
isRefinementByValueRange(attributeID : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute.
isRefinementByValueRange(attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute and range values.
removeRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Removes a refinement.
search() : SearchStatus
Execute the search.
setRefinementValueRange(attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : void
Sets a refinement value range for an attribute.
setRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Sets refinement values for an attribute.
setSearchPhrase(phrase : String) : void
Sets the search phrase used in this search.
setSortingCondition(attributeID : String, direction : Number) : void
Sets or removes a sorting condition for the specified attribute.
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the exact same query.
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the exact same query.
urlDefaultSort(url : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a default sorting.
urlDefaultSort(url : URL) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a default sorting.
urlRefineAttribute(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement.
urlRefineAttribute(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement.
urlRefineAttributeValue(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value for a given refinement attribute.
urlRefineAttributeValue(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value for a given refinement attribute.
urlRefineAttributeValueRange(action : String, attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value range for a given refinement attribute.
urlRelaxAttribute(action : String, attributeID : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement.
urlRelaxAttribute(url : URL, attributeID : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement.
urlRelaxAttributeValue(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement.
urlRelaxAttributeValue(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement value.
urlSort(action : String, sortBy : String, sortDir : Number) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a specific sorting criteria.
urlSort(url : URL, sortBy : String, sortDir : Number) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a specific sorting criteria.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
addRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Adds a refinement. The method can be called to add an additional query parameter specified as name-value pair. The values string may encode multiple values delimited by the pipe symbol ('|').
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
values - the refinement value to set
canRelax() : boolean
Identifies if the search can be relaxed without creating a search for all searchable items.
true if the search can be relaxed without creating a search for all searchable items, false otherwise.
getCount() : Number
Returns the number of search results found by this search.
the number of search results found by this search.
getRefinementMaxValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the maximum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no maximum refinement value or no refinement for that attribute.
attributeID - the attribute whose refinement value is returned.
the maximum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute.
getRefinementMinValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the minimum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no minimum refinement value or no refinement for that attribute.
attributeID - the attribute whose refinement value is returned.
the minimum refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute.
getRefinementValue(attributeID : String) : String
Returns the refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute, or null if there is no refinement for that attribute.
Use getRefinementValues(String) to get the collection of refinement values.
attributeID - the attribute whose refinement value is returned.
the refinement value selected in the query for the specific attribute.
getRefinementValues(attributeID : String) : Collection
Returns the list of selected refinement values for the given attribute as used in the search.
attributeID - The name of the refinement attribute.
A list of values currently selected for the refinement attribute.
getSearchPhrase() : String
Returns the search phrase used in this search.
the search phrase used in this search.
static getSearchRedirect(searchPhrase : String) : URLRedirect
Returns an URLRedirect object for a search phrase.
searchPhrase - a search phrase to lookup a URLRedirect for
URLRedirect containing the location and status code, null in case no redirect was found for the search phrase.
getSortingCondition(attributeID : String) : Number
Returns the sorting condition for a given attribute name. A value of 0 indicates that no sorting condition is set.
attributeID - the attribute name
zero if no sorting order set, or the sorting order
isEmptyQuery() : boolean
Identifies if the query is emtpy when no search term, search parameter or refinement was specified for the search. In case also no result is returned. This "empty" is different to a query with a specified query and with an empty result.
true if the query is emtpy when no search term, search parameter or refinement was specified for the search.
isRefinedByAttribute(attributeID : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
True if the search is refined on the attribute, false otherwise.
isRefinedByAttribute() : boolean
The method returns true, if this search is refined by at least one attribute.
true, if the search is refined by at least one attribute, false otherwise.
isRefinedByAttributeValue(attributeID : String, value : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute and value.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
value - The value to be checked for inclusion in the refinement.
True if the search is refined on the attribute and value, false otherwise.
isRefinedSearch() : boolean
Identifies if this was a refined search. A search is a refined search if at least one refinement is part of the query.
true if this is a refined search, false otherwise.
isRefinementByValueRange(attributeID : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
True if the search is refined on the attribute, false otherwise.
isRefinementByValueRange(attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : boolean
Identifies if this search has been refined on the given attribute and range values.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
minValue - The minimum value to be checked for inclusion in the refinement.
maxValue - The maximum value to be checked for inclusion in the refinement.
True if the search is refined on the attribute and range values, false otherwise.
removeRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Removes a refinement. The method can be called to remove previously added refinement values. The values string may encode multiple values delimited by the pipe symbol ('|').
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
values - the refinement value to remove or null to remove all values
search() : SearchStatus
Execute the search.
the searchStatus object with search status code and description of search result.
setRefinementValueRange(attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : void
Sets a refinement value range for an attribute. The method can be called to set an additional range query parameter specified as name-range-value pair. The values string can contain only a range boundary. Existing refinement values for the attribute will be removed.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
minValue - the minimum refinement boundary value to set or null to remove the minimum boundary
maxValue - the maximum refinement boundary value to set or null to remove the maximum boundary
setRefinementValues(attributeID : String, values : String) : void
Sets refinement values for an attribute. The method can be called to set an additional query parameter specified as name-value pair. The value string may encode multiple values delimited by the pipe symbol ('|'). Existing refinement values for the attribute will be removed.
attributeID - The ID of the refinement attribute.
values - the refinement values to set (delimited by '|') or null to remove all values
setSearchPhrase(phrase : String) : void
Sets the search phrase used in this search. The search query parser uses the following operators:
- PHRASE operator (""), e.g. "cream cheese", "John Lennon"
- NOT operator (-), e.g. -cargo (will not return results containing "cargo")
- WILDCARD operator (*), e.g. sho* (will return results containing "shoulder", "shoes" and "shoot")
phrase - the search phrase used in this search.
setSortingCondition(attributeID : String, direction : Number) : void
Sets or removes a sorting condition for the specified attribute. Specify either SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING or SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING to set a sorting condition. Specify SORT_DIRECTION_NONE to remove a sorting condition from the attribute.
attributeID - the attribute ID
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the exact same query. The provided parameter must be an action, e.g. 'Search-Show'.
action - the pipeline action.
an URL that can be used to re-execute the exact same query.
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the exact same query. The search specific parameter are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - the url to use.
a new url URL that can be used to re-execute the exact same query.
urlDefaultSort(url : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a default sorting. The provided parameter must be an action, e.g. 'Search-Show'.
url - url or pipeline name
the new URL.
urlDefaultSort(url : URL) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a default sorting. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - url or pipeline name
the new URL.
urlRefineAttribute(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement.
action - the pipeline action.
attributeID - the ID of the refinement attribute.
value - the value for the refinement attribute.
the new URL.
urlRefineAttribute(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - url
attributeID - the ID of the refinement attribute
value - value for the refinement attribute
the new URL.
urlRefineAttributeValue(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value for a given refinement attribute. The provided value will be added to the set of allowed values for the refinement attribute. This basically broadens the search result.
action - the pipeline action.
attributeID - the ID of the refinement attribute.
value - the additional value for the refinement attribute.
the new URL.
urlRefineAttributeValue(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value for a given refinement attribute. The provided value will be added to the set of allowed values for the refinement attribute. This basically broadens the search result. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - url
attributeID - ID of the refinement attribute
value - the additional value for the refinement attribute
the new URL.
urlRefineAttributeValueRange(action : String, attributeID : String, minValue : String, maxValue : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with an additional refinement value range for a given refinement attribute. The provided value range will be replace to the existing value range for the refinement attribute. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
action - the pipeline action.
attributeID - ID of the refinement attribute
minValue - the min value for the refinement attribute
maxValue - the max value for the refinement attribute
the new URL.
urlRelaxAttribute(action : String, attributeID : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement. The value for the action parameter must be a pipeline action, e.g. 'Search-Show'.
action - the pipeline action.
attributeID - ID of the refinement attribute to be removed
the new URL.
urlRelaxAttribute(url : URL, attributeID : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - the url to use.
attributeID - the ID of the refinement attribute to be removed.
the new URL.
urlRelaxAttributeValue(action : String, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement. The value for the action parameter must be a pipeline action, e.g. 'Search-Show'.
action - the pipeline action.
attributeID - ID of the refinement attribute to be removed
value - the value that should be removed from the list of refinement values.
the new URL.
urlRelaxAttributeValue(url : URL, attributeID : String, value : String) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query without the specified refinement value. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - the url to use.
attributeID - the ID of the refinement attribute to relax the value for.
value - the value that should be removed from the list of refinement values.
the new URL.
urlSort(action : String, sortBy : String, sortDir : Number) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a specific sorting criteria. This criteria will overwrite all previous sort critiria. The provided parameter must be an action, e.g. 'Search-Show'.
action - Pipeline action
sortBy - ID of the sort attribute
sortDir - Sort direction. 1 - ASCENDING (default), 2 - DESCENDING
The new URL.
urlSort(url : URL, sortBy : String, sortDir : Number) : URL
Constructs an URL that you can use to re-execute the query with a specific sorting criteria. This criteria will overwrite all previous sort critiria. The search specific parameters are appended to the provided URL. The URL is typically generated with one of the URLUtils methods.
url - URL
sortBy - ID of the sort attribute
sortDir - Sort direction. 1 - ASCENDING (default), 2 - DESCENDING
The new URL.