Script: Class dw.extensions.SalesforcePaymentMethod

Class SalesforcePaymentMethod

  • Object
    • dw.extensions.payments.SalesforcePaymentMethod

Salesforce Payments representation of a payment method object. See Salesforce Payments documentation for how to gain access and configure it for use on your sites.

A payment method contains information about a credential used by a shopper to attempt payment, such as a payment card or bank account. The available information differs for each type of payment method. It includes only limited information that can be safely presented to a shopper to remind them what credential they used, and specifically not complete card, account, or other numbers that could be used to make future payments.


TYPE_AFTERPAY_CLEARPAY : String = "afterpay_clearpay"

Represents the Afterpay Clearpay payment method.

TYPE_BANCONTACT : String = "bancontact"

Represents the Bancontact payment method.

TYPE_CARD : String = "card"

Represents a credit card type of payment method.

TYPE_EPS : String = "eps"

Represents the EPS (Electronic Payment Standard) payment method.

TYPE_IDEAL : String = "ideal"

Represents the iDEAL payment method.

TYPE_KLARNA : String = "klarna"

Represents the Klarna payment method.

TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT : String = "sepa_debit"

Represents the SEPA Debit payment method.


bank : String Read Only

The bank of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_IDEAL and TYPE_EPS type methods.

bankCode : String Read Only

The bank code of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT and TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.

bankName : String Read Only

The bank name of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.

branchCode : String Read Only

The bank branch code of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT type methods.

brand : String Read Only

The brand of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_CARD type methods.

country : String Read Only

The country of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT type methods.

ID : String Read Only

The identifier of this payment method.

last4 : String Read Only

The last 4 digits of the credential for this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_CARD, TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT, and TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.

paymentMethodCategory : String Read Only

The payment method category of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_KLARNA type methods.

type : String Read Only

The type of this payment method.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.

Method Summary

getBank() : String

Returns the bank of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getBankCode() : String

Returns the bank code of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getBankName() : String

Returns the bank name of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getBranchCode() : String

Returns the bank branch code of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getBrand() : String

Returns the brand of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getCountry() : String

Returns the country of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getID() : String

Returns the identifier of this payment method.

getLast4() : String

Returns the last 4 digits of the credential for this payment method, or null if none is available.

getPaymentDetails(paymentInstrument : OrderPaymentInstrument) : SalesforcePaymentDetails

Returns the details to the Salesforce Payments payment for this payment method, using the given payment instrument.

getPaymentMethodCategory() : String

Returns the payment method category of this payment method, or null if none is available.

getType() : String

Returns the type of this payment method.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getBank() : String

Returns the bank of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_IDEAL and TYPE_EPS type methods.


payment method bank


getBankCode() : String

Returns the bank code of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT and TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.


payment method bank code


getBankName() : String

Returns the bank name of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.


payment method bank name


getBranchCode() : String

Returns the bank branch code of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT type methods.


payment method bank branch code


getBrand() : String

Returns the brand of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_CARD type methods.


payment method brand


getCountry() : String

Returns the country of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT type methods.


payment method country


getID() : String

Returns the identifier of this payment method.


payment method identifier


getLast4() : String

Returns the last 4 digits of the credential for this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_CARD, TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT, and TYPE_BANCONTACT type methods.


payment method credential last 4 digits


getPaymentDetails(paymentInstrument : OrderPaymentInstrument) : SalesforcePaymentDetails

Returns the details to the Salesforce Payments payment for this payment method, using the given payment instrument.


paymentInstrument - payment instrument


The payment details


getPaymentMethodCategory() : String

Returns the payment method category of this payment method, or null if none is available. Available on TYPE_KLARNA type methods.


payment method category


getType() : String

Returns the type of this payment method.


payment method type

See Also: