Script: Class dw.order.AbstractItemCtnr

Class AbstractItemCtnr

Basis for item-based objects stemming from a single Order, with these common properties (Invoice is used as an example):

All Known Subclasses

Appeasement, Invoice, Return, ReturnCase, ShippingOrder


createdBy : String Read Only

Created by this user.

creationDate : Date Read Only

The time of creation.

grandTotal : SumItem Read Only

The sum-item representing the grandtotal for all items.

items : FilteringCollection Read Only

The unsorted collection of items

lastModified : Date Read Only

The last modification time.

modifiedBy : String Read Only

Last modified by this user.

order : Order Read Only

The Order this object was created for.

productSubtotal : SumItem Read Only

The sum-item representing the subtotal for product items.

serviceSubtotal : SumItem Read Only

The sum-item representing the subtotal for service items such as shipping.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.

Method Summary

getCreatedBy() : String

Created by this user.

getCreationDate() : Date

The time of creation.

getGrandTotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the grandtotal for all items.

getItems() : FilteringCollection

Returns the unsorted collection of items

getLastModified() : Date

The last modification time.

getModifiedBy() : String

Last modified by this user.

getOrder() : Order

Returns the Order this object was created for.

getProductSubtotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the subtotal for product items.

getServiceSubtotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the subtotal for service items such as shipping.

Methods inherited from class Extensible

describe, getCustom

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


getCreatedBy() : String

Created by this user.


Created by this user


getCreationDate() : Date

The time of creation.


time of creation.


getGrandTotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the grandtotal for all items.


sum-item for all items


getItems() : FilteringCollection

Returns the unsorted collection of items


the unsorted collection of items


getLastModified() : Date

The last modification time.


last modification time..


getModifiedBy() : String

Last modified by this user.


Last modified by this user


getOrder() : Order

Returns the Order this object was created for.


the Order this object was created for.


getProductSubtotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the subtotal for product items.


sum-item for product items


getServiceSubtotal() : SumItem

Returns the sum-item representing the subtotal for service items such as shipping.


sum-item for service items such as shipping