[DEPRECATED] Script: Class dw.svc.ServiceDefinition

Class ServiceDefinition

  • Object
    • dw.svc.ServiceDefinition

Base class of Service Definitions.

A service definition represents configuration that is shared across all Service instances.

API Versioned:

No longer available as of version 19.10.

All Known Subclasses

FTPServiceDefinition, HTTPFormServiceDefinition, HTTPServiceDefinition, SOAPServiceDefinition


This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the Service directly.


configuration : ServiceConfig Read Only

The Service Configuration stored in the database.

mock : boolean

The status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.

serviceName : String Read Only

The name of this service.

throwOnError : boolean

The status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.

Constructor Summary

This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.

Method Summary

configure(config : Object) : ServiceDefinition

Register a callback to handle custom portions of the service.

getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig

Returns the Service Configuration stored in the database.

getServiceName() : String

Returns the name of this service.

isMock() : boolean

Returns the status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.

isThrowOnError() : boolean

Returns the status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.

setMock() : ServiceDefinition

Sets the mock mode for all Service instances that use this definition.

setThrowOnError() : ServiceDefinition

Sets the throwOnError flag to true for all Service instances that use this definition.

Methods inherited from class Object

assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values

Method Detail


configure(config : Object) : ServiceDefinition

Register a callback to handle custom portions of the service.

This callback may declare multiple methods:

{ initServiceClient: function() { // Create and return the internal service client object. // This is usually optional, except in the case of SOAP services. },

// svc is the call-specific Service instance. For example, it may be an HTTPService or FTPService. // params are the arguments passed to the call method (if any). createRequest: function(svc:Service, params) { // Perform any required call-time configuration. // Optionally return a Service-specific object },

// svc is the call-specific Service instance. // arg is the output of createRequest. execute: function(svc:Service, arg:Object) { // Execute the service call and return a result // This method is not used by default for HTTP-related services unless executeOverride is set. },

// Use the execute function if it is present. This is only required to use the functionality with HTTP services. executeOverride: true,

// svc is the call-specific Service instance. // response is the output of execute. parseResponse: function(svc:Service, response: Object) { // Process the response object as needed. // The return value of this method will be the return value of the outer call method. },

// svc is the call-specific Service instance. // arg is the output of createRequest. mockCall: function(svc:Service, arg:Object) { // This method takes the place of the 'execute' phase when mocking is enabled. // Note initServiceClient, createRequest, and parseResponse still invoked. },

// svc is the call-specific Service instance. // params are the arguments passed to the call method (if any). mockFull: function(svc:Service, params) { // This method takes the place of the entire service call when mocking is enabled. // No other callbacks are invoked. The output of this method becomes the output of call. }



config - Callback object.




getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig

Returns the Service Configuration stored in the database.


Service Configuration.


getServiceName() : String

Returns the name of this service.


Service name.


isMock() : boolean

Returns the status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.


true for mock mode, false otherwise.


isThrowOnError() : boolean

Returns the status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.


throwOnError flag.


setMock() : ServiceDefinition

Sets the mock mode for all Service instances that use this definition.


this Service Definition.


setThrowOnError() : ServiceDefinition

Sets the throwOnError flag to true for all Service instances that use this definition.


this Service Definition.